


1. 约 [yuē]2. 约 [yāo]约 [yuē]绳子。拘束,限制:~束。~法。制~。~定俗成。共同议定的要遵守的条款:立~。条~。契~。事先说定:~见。~会。邀请:~请。~集。节俭:节~。俭~。简要,简单:由博返~。简~。大略:~计。……





汉语拼音:yuē lüè









  1. 粗略,不详尽。

    唐 白居易 《答客问杭州》诗:“为我踟蹰停酒盏,与君约略説 杭州 。” 清 纳兰性德 《剪湘云·送友》词:“向西风约略数年华,旧心情灰矣。” 朱自清 《桨声灯影里的秦淮河》:“ 秦淮河 的船约略可分为两种:一是大船;一是小船,就是所谓‘七板子’。”

  2. 大致,大体上。

    唐 元稹 《授齐煦等县令制》:“今一邑之长,古一国之君也。刑罚纪纲,约略受制於朝廷。” 明 唐寅 《和沉石田落花诗》之二八:“桃花浄尽杏花空,开落年年约略同。” 清 刘大櫆 《知上犹县方君传》:“ 上犹 亦 江 右之边境,风土约略相似。”

  3. 略微,轻微;不经意。

    宋 梅尧臣 《元日》诗:“草率具盘餐,约略施粉黛。” 宋 张孝祥 《菩萨蛮》词:“东风约略吹罗幕,一帘细雨春阴薄。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·偷曲》:“飘然迴雪舞风轻,约略烟蛾态不胜。” 清 陈廷焯 《白雨斋词话》卷一:“只就眼前景物,约略点缀。”

  4. 仿佛,依稀。

    唐 李端 《长安书事寄薛戴》诗:“笑语且无聊,逢迎多约略。” 宋 晏几道 《清平乐》词:“去时约略黄昏,月华却到朱门。” 明 张煌言 《梦内》诗:“约略刀环窥月影,分明砧杵唤霜华。” 叶圣陶 《火灾·啼声》:“约略听得窗外有细细屑屑的雨点声,但也不一定是雨点,细听去却又没有了。”

  5. 大概,有很大可能性。

    清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录二》:“疑为 隋 刘炫 墓。 炫 , 景城 人,《一统志》载其墓在 献县 东八十里。 景城 距城八十七里,约略当是也。” 清 叶廷琯 《鸥陂渔话·陆叔平三峰春色》:“三峰不知所指,约略以 支硎 为主,其旁则 狮山 、 何山 、 寒山 、 天平山 皆可居其二也。” 闻一多 《文学的历史动向》:“ 希腊 的《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》--都约略同时产生。”

  6. 粗计,概算。

    清 唐孙华 《早秋杂兴次江位初韵》之一:“较量身世宜中隐,约略生涯倍上农。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·邵女》:“女乃约略经络,刺之如数。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·防边》:“甸内甸外诸水,以 大盈江 、 龙江 两大水括之,可约略而尽。”



  1. The lacunae of these years I've been able to fill sketchily from the entries in my baby book, which notes such incidents as my first smile.


  2. On each side of the entrance was a sitting room, about sixteen feet square; and beyond them were the offices and the stairs.


  3. Even putting such quibbles aside, a number of fundamental difficulties exist in what might loosely be called Asian-style capitalism.


  4. Dr Lindzen agrees that for parts of the atmosphere without clouds this is probably about right.


  5. Note the roughly circular area of scrotal skin; this will be harvested for use as a vaginal graft.


  6. Understanding in this larger sense corresponds to what we call the goodness of God, so far as that means that finite things are and subsist.


  7. Let's examine the way the book cites a few idols of Western culture.


  8. The visible spectrum is approximately an octave, and thus the SC realizes the dream of white laser light.


  9. Perpendicular style: Phase of late Gothic architecture in England roughly parallel in time to the French Flamboyant style.


  1. 约略一看便一目了然。

    That can be seen with half an eye.

  2. 该数约略估计为500。

    The number was estimated roundly at 500.

  3. 我们约略了解到正义为何。

    We find out presumably what justice is.

  4. 这件事我约略知道一些。

    I know something about the matter.

  5. 他约略谈到了那件事。

    He adverted briefly to that.

  6. 这个数量是我们约略估计出来的。

    We estimated the quantity by guess.

  7. 他向警察约略地补充这事件。

    He sketched in the affair to the police.

  8. 约略显示部分地或有保留地揭露

    To disclose partially or guardedly.

  9. 请约略估计一下未来的单位业务额。

    Please give a ballpark estimate of future unit sales.

  10. 请约略估计一下未来得单位业务额。

    Please give a ballpark estimate of future unIt'sales.

  11. 参加示威的人数,约略有10万人。

    Approximately a hundred thousand people attended the demonstration.

  12. 参加示威的人数,约略有10万人。

    Approximately a hundred thousand people attended the demonstration.

  13. 你腹案中有个约略的发票价格吗?

    Have you an approximate invoicing price in mind?

  14. 这里我们必须约略地讨论一个侧面题目。

    I must here introduce a short digression.

  15. 我们已经约略描绘过这个沉郁的小人儿的形象。

    We have already given a sketch of that sombre little figure.

  16. 男女参与议会和地方选举的人数约略相同。

    The numbers of women and men taking part in the parliamentary and local elections were about the same.

  17. 她约略讲述了为提供救济正采取些什么措施。

    She outlined what was being done to provide relief.

  18. 您想不想我现在向您约略报告一下您的行程

    Would you like me to give you the rundown of your itinerary now

  19. 他写的大意,我约略懂得,文法通不通,我不知道。

    I understand the gist, but cannot tell whether or not it is fluent and grammatical.

  20. 我靠近看那个小孩子的面貌, 尚可约略分清。

    I drew nearer and peered at the child's face. I could barely recognize him.

  21. 我靠近看那个小孩子得面貌,尚可约略分清。

    I drew nearer and peered at the child's face. I could barely recognize him.

  22. 我才刚给你一个你是谁,现代的人类的约略了解。

    I've just given you a snapshot of who you are, modern Human.

  23. 这些信件使我们对他在海外的生活约略有所了解。

    The letter give us a snapshot of his life abroad.

  24. 且书中引用的几位西方文化偶像来约略比一比异同。

    Let's examine the way the book cites a few idols of Western culture.

  25. 有三波改革,约略可以这么说,那会协助创建正义之城。

    There are three waves, three waves of reform, so to speak, that will contribute to the creation of the city.


  1. 问:约略拼音怎么拼?约略的读音是什么?约略翻译成英文是什么?

    答:约略的读音是yuēlüè,约略翻译成英文是 approximately




【拼音】yuē lüè


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