


1. 尼 [ní]尼 [ní]梵语“比丘尼”的简称,佛教中出家修行的女子:~姑。~庵。削发为~。古同“昵”,相近,亲近。……







汉语拼音:ní rì ěr






  1. "Step in my steps, " he cautions, noting that the Niger army had mined the area, where there had been a school for Tuareg.


  2. Niger's Consultative Council has suggested that only those with a university degree should be allowed to run in presidential elections.


  3. Niger's military rulers have suggested that only those with a university degree should be allowed to run in presidential elections.


  4. Malaria causes more deaths each year in Niger among children under five years of age than any other single infection.


  5. Representatives of each of these countries attended the meeting in Geneva, together with Egypt, Nigeria and Niger.


  6. Reports from Niger Tuesday said the military vehicles were heading towards the capital, Niamey, after moving into Niger late Monday.


  7. At least 13 died in a shoot-out with government forces in Niger on November 9th.


  8. Certainly it has not proven to be a workable solution in the Niger Delta, where it has only served to toughen the militants.


  9. This comes at a time of growing radicalism in Mali and Niger, with illiterate and disillusioned citizens finding solace in mosques.


  1. 尼日尔历史

    history of Niger.

  2. 尼日尔电影

    Niger, cinema in.

  3. 尼日尔三角洲

    Niger delta.

  4. 尼日尔广播电台

    Radio Niger

  5. 尼日尔粗粉

    night corral

  6. 尼日尔妇女协会

    Association de Femmes du Niger

  7. 在尼日尔军队里吗?

    In the Niger army

  8. 尼日尔国家警察总指挥。

    High Commander of the Niger national police.

  9. 在尼日尔的西非民族,

    In the West African nation of Niger

  10. 一个尼日尔土著或居民。

    a native or inhabitant of Niger.

  11. 该组织正在尼日尔进行研究。

    The group is doing research in Niger.

  12. 尼日尔所使用的基本货币单位。

    the basic unit of money in Niger.

  13. 埃及和尼日尔的代表了发言。

    Statements were made by the representatives of Egypt and the Niger.

  14. 一些非洲人讲尼日尔 刚果语。

    Some Africans speak Wolof.

  15. 一些非洲人讲尼日尔-刚果语。

    Some Africans speak Wolof.

  16. 他们分别来自尼日尔和卢旺达。

    They were from Niger and Rwanda.

  17. 尼日尔人比联合国所说的有钱。

    People have more money than the UN says.

  18. 外国在尼日尔的投资大幅度增长

    Foreign Investments in Niger on Rapid Rise

  19. 爱沙尼亚、约旦、尼日尔和阿曼。

    Estonia, Jordan, Niger and Oman.

  20. 尼日尔是世界上最大的铀输出国。

    Niger is the worlds largest exporter of uranium.

  21. 尼日尔和亚美尼亚的代表也发了言。

    The representatives of the Niger and Armenia also made statements.

  22. 于是, 他开始钻研早期的尼日尔植被记录。

    Then he began to dig into earlier records of the countrys vegetation.

  23. 但在尼日尔,许多农民种植树木来保护庄稼。

    But in Niger many farmers plant trees to protect their crops.

  24. 妇女和儿童是尼日尔政府卫生政策的基础。

    Women and children were the cornerstone of her Government's health policies.

  25. 国际界限和水资源委员会和尼日尔盆地管理局

    International Boundary Water Commission and the Niger Basin Authority

  26. 已经为尼日利亚和尼日尔采购了个人防护装备。

    Personal protective equipment has been procured for Nigeria and Niger.

  27. 在尼日尔下一个收获的季节还要几个星期。

    The next harvest in most of Niger is several weeks away.

  28. 类似的研究在马利和尼日尔的田间试验发生过。

    Similar studies took place in field trials in Mali and Niger.

  29. 类似得研究在马利和尼日尔得田间试验发生过。

    Similar studies took place in field trials in Mali and Niger.

  30. 马里和尼日尔受到同样的影响,只是程度较小。

    Mali and the Niger are experiencing similar effects, but to a lesser degree.


  1. 问:尼日尔拼音怎么拼?尼日尔的读音是什么?尼日尔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尼日尔的读音是,尼日尔翻译成英文是 Niger

  2. 问:尼日尔河拼音怎么拼?尼日尔河的读音是什么?尼日尔河翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尼日尔河的读音是,尼日尔河翻译成英文是 Niger River

  3. 问:尼日尔魮拼音怎么拼?尼日尔魮的读音是什么?尼日尔魮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尼日尔魮的读音是,尼日尔魮翻译成英文是 Barbus nigeriensis

  4. 问:尼日尔龙拼音怎么拼?尼日尔龙的读音是什么?尼日尔龙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尼日尔龙的读音是Nírìěrlóng,尼日尔龙翻译成英文是 Nigersaurus

  5. 问:尼日尔国徽拼音怎么拼?尼日尔国徽的读音是什么?尼日尔国徽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尼日尔国徽的读音是,尼日尔国徽翻译成英文是 Coat of arms of Niger

  6. 问:尼日尔国旗拼音怎么拼?尼日尔国旗的读音是什么?尼日尔国旗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尼日尔国旗的读音是,尼日尔国旗翻译成英文是 Flag of Niger

  7. 问:尼日尔龙属拼音怎么拼?尼日尔龙属的读音是什么?尼日尔龙属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尼日尔龙属的读音是,尼日尔龙属翻译成英文是 Nigersaurus

  8. 问:尼日尔毛鞘藻拼音怎么拼?尼日尔毛鞘藻的读音是什么?尼日尔毛鞘藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尼日尔毛鞘藻的读音是Nírì'ěr máoqiàozǎo,尼日尔毛鞘藻翻译成英文是 Bulbochaete nigerica

  9. 问:尼日尔长嘴鱲拼音怎么拼?尼日尔长嘴鱲的读音是什么?尼日尔长嘴鱲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尼日尔长嘴鱲的读音是,尼日尔长嘴鱲翻译成英文是 Raiamas nigeriensis

  10. 问:尼日尔航空公司拼音怎么拼?尼日尔航空公司的读音是什么?尼日尔航空公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尼日尔航空公司的读音是ní rì ěr háng kōng gōng sī,尼日尔航空公司翻译成英文是 Air Niger

  11. 问:尼日尔行政区划拼音怎么拼?尼日尔行政区划的读音是什么?尼日尔行政区划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尼日尔行政区划的读音是,尼日尔行政区划翻译成英文是 Regions of Niger

  12. 问:尼日尔 刚果语系拼音怎么拼?尼日尔 刚果语系的读音是什么?尼日尔 刚果语系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尼日尔 刚果语系的读音是,尼日尔 刚果语系翻译成英文是 Niger–Congo languages

  13. 问:尼日尔国家足球队拼音怎么拼?尼日尔国家足球队的读音是什么?尼日尔国家足球队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尼日尔国家足球队的读音是,尼日尔国家足球队翻译成英文是 Niger national football team

  14. 问:尼日尔河流域组织拼音怎么拼?尼日尔河流域组织的读音是什么?尼日尔河流域组织翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尼日尔河流域组织的读音是Nírì'ěrhéliúyùzǔzhī,尼日尔河流域组织翻译成英文是 Niger Basin Authority

  15. 问:尼日尔—科多芬尼亚语拼音怎么拼?尼日尔—科多芬尼亚语的读音是什么?尼日尔—科多芬尼亚语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尼日尔—科多芬尼亚语的读音是Nírì'ěr kēduōfēnníyà yǔ,尼日尔—科多芬尼亚语翻译成英文是 Niger-Kordofanian

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