







汉语拼音:mèi yǎn






  1. 娇美动人的眼睛。

    南朝 梁 何思澄 《南苑逢美人》诗:“媚眼随羞合,丹唇逐笑分。” 唐 张祜 《赠内人》诗:“禁门宫树月痕过,媚眼唯看宿燕窠。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三四:“只见他一双媚眼,不住的把 闻人生 上下只顾看。”

  2. 犹飞眼。谓以眼神示意。

    唐 苏鹗 《杜阳杂编》卷下:“ 可及 善转喉舌,对至尊弄媚眼,作头脑,连声作词,唱新声曲,须臾即百数方休。” 邹韬奋 《萍踪寄语》二七:“每隔几家店门便有女子直立着等候什么似的,因怕警察干涉,仅敢对你做媚眼,或轻声低语。”



  1. Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you're doing, but no one else does.


  2. My mom always told me that when I grow up girls would be winking at me, fluttering their eyelids as a flirtation and I would never notice.


  3. So the appeal for amnesty is not a call for a law-ruling society, but only a hope that the authority will FLATTER the public.


  4. Obama, in other words, was trying to win Virginia and North Carolina while winking to more liberal states.


  5. While the Americans wooed their mega rich peers , a less glitzy dinner was due to take place in a Beijing restaurant last night .


  6. In other words, she might try to make eyes at him or give him the eye .


  7. You just winked at a very plain-looking woman, " I said. "


  8. This seductive eyes throws of-overwhelm by delight bird actually also, absolutely than just of thunder in the sky still has a ruinous power.


  9. To look with a sidelong glance, indicative especially of sexual desire OR sly and malicious intent.


  1. 媚眼激情夜

    Hour of Darkness Night Eyes.

  2. 向某人做媚眼。

    Make eyes at sb.

  3. 他向我抛媚眼。

    He gave me glad eye.

  4. 她向我抛媚眼。

    She gave me the glad eye.

  5. 南希向我抛媚眼。

    Nancy gave me glad eye!

  6. 他对她投以媚眼。

    He cast sheep's eyes at her.

  7. 它表示向某人献媚眼。

    Give sb the glad eye.

  8. 她们都会朝你抛媚眼。

    They make eyes at you.

  9. 冲我拋媚眼没有用,小姐!

    There's no use batting your eyelashes at me, young lady!

  10. 汤姆给一个靓仔抛媚眼。

    Tom ogles on a pretty boy.

  11. 怎样抛媚眼,你学会了没有?

    Do you know how to glad eye?

  12. 冲我抛媚眼没有用,小姐!

    There's no use batting your eyelashes at me, young lady!

  13. 那女孩在给我抛媚眼。

    The girl is totally winking at me.

  14. 他们全都看着我,给我抛媚眼。

    They were looking at me, and leering.

  15. 我向基斯抛媚眼, 他笑了。

    I winked at Keith who laughed.

  16. 我想那个女孩在朝我抛媚眼。

    I think that girl winked at me.

  17. 他在酒吧?向一位女士抛媚眼。

    He ogled a lady in the pub.

  18. 任何姑娘都会给你抛来一个媚眼。

    Any girl will giveyou a wink wink wink.

  19. 知道么?安娜冲我抛媚眼了。我受宠若惊。

    Scot! You know what? Anna gave me the eye. It really surprised me.

  20. 当心那些勾魂的媚眼, 它们会招来麻烦的。

    Be aware of those bedroom eyes. They mean trouble.

  21. 秋波,媚眼,斜睨表示挑逗,狡猾或会意的一瞥

    A desirous, sly, or knowing look.

  22. 不要理会那故事,只念记那些媚眼好了。

    Forget the story. Just ogle!

  23. 看那个小妞。她正朝我们抛媚眼呢。

    Look at that chick. she's batting her eyes at us.

  24. 甚至于他还抛出了几个佩林式的媚眼

    He even essays a few Palinesque winks.

  25. 甚至于他还抛出了几个佩林式得媚眼

    He even essays a few Palinesque winks.

  26. 他不但喜欢送秋波, 抛媚眼, 也是一位色鬼。

    He is not only a flirt, but also a pervert.

  27. 一位高端时尚嫩模刚对我抛媚眼呢。

    A high fashion model was giving me the eye.

  28. 坐在旁边桌子那儿的男子向她抛媚眼。

    The man at the next table was giving her the glad eye.

  29. 坐在旁边桌子那儿的女子向他抛媚眼。

    The woman at the next table was giving him the glad eye.

  30. 那位漂亮的女孩向他抛媚眼时,他脸红了。

    He blushed when the pretty girl gave him the eye.


  1. 问:媚眼拼音怎么拼?媚眼的读音是什么?媚眼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:媚眼的读音是mèiyǎn,媚眼翻译成英文是 charming eyes; seductive eyes; coquettish gla...

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