


1. 许 [xǔ]2. 许 [hǔ]许 [xǔ]应允,认可:~可。允~。特~。承认其优点:赞~。嘉~。预先答应给与:~诺。女方接受男方求亲:~配。~嫁。以身相~。或者,可能:也~。或~。处,地方:何~人。表示约略估计的词:几~。少~。这样:……





汉语拼音:xǔ jiǔ








  1. 好久,很久。

    宋 陈鹄 《耆旧续闻》卷七:“与君相从许久,苦留不住。” 清 黄景仁 《夜闻新安江声》诗:“头岑腹块杂呕泄,服习许久方平痊。” 巴金 《家》二六:“平静的水面被扰乱了,湖里起了大的响声,荡漾在静夜的空中许久不散。”



  1. Finally, a woman with a tray full of food sat down opposite him and informed him how a cafeteria worked.


  2. Heart boring for a long time, finally unable to bear the lonely days, take umbrella out of the door.


  3. Ou smiled and talked to me of nothing. And I felt that for this I had been waiting long.


  4. Will had ridden with the knight long enough to understand that it was best not to interrupt him when he looked like that.


  5. You think for a long time, then very reluctantly said to him, because I just want to become like this, so that the body is what I need body.


  6. That feeling, as if already looking for a long time, you, it makes all of a sudden vision of such a clear yearning for change.


  7. There is a will, she discovered in a clothing store feeling the look of a sweater for a long time, finally shook his head and left the shop.


  8. I received the last you sent on by the merest chance, and after considerable delay through being inland; or I might have come sooner.


  9. She bent to let these sensitive land covered with small biotechnology. However, much of the land, after all, she worked for a long time.


  1. 航行如许久

    We sailed for so long.

  2. 大家商量了许久。

    We talked things over for a long time.

  3. 时间仿佛定格了许久。

    Time has fixed a lattice as if a long time.

  4. 我知道你离家许久。

    I know you'd been gone a long time.

  5. 许久不见雪花飘落了。

    For a long time not seen in snowflakes flying.

  6. 他过了许久以后才来。

    It was long before he came.

  7. 我们自己的家,梦想许久的家。

    Our own home, a home we've been dreaming of.

  8. 沉浸在黑暗中许久的苍穹

    The sky that has long sunk in the darkness

  9. 考虑了许久,她决定罢诉。

    After much thought, she decided to withdraw her case.

  10. 考虑了许久, 她决定罢诉。

    After a lot of thought, she decided to withdraw her case.

  11. 她望了他许久, 不敢惊动他。

    She gazed at him for a long time without daring to interrupt him.

  12. 这个问题我们已商量许久了。

    We have talked the problem over for a long time.

  13. 葬礼结束后, 她一直痛哭许久。

    She was weeping away long after the funeral had ended.

  14. 我们等了许久,还是没有回音。

    We waited for a long time, but there was no response.

  15. 葬礼结束后,她一直痛哭许久。

    She was weeping away long after the funeral had ended.

  16. 我木然呆坐许久,无思无言。

    I think nothing and say nothing just sitting like wood.

  17. 我们的言语将在这里保留许久。

    Our Words Shall Remain Here For Ages.

  18. 我们谈了许久,仍然毫无端绪。

    We talked the matter over for quite a while but get nowhere.

  19. 你为何永远忘记我们。为何许久离弃我们。

    Wherefore dost thou forget us for ever, and forsake us so long time?

  20. 首先, 让我们等了许久才上菜。

    First, it took us too long to wait for our courses to be served.

  21. 你追踪我许久了, 可是你不认识我?

    How long have you hunted me, and you do not recognize me?

  22. 许久等待之后,我们踏上了飞机。

    After a long wait, we finally got on the plane.

  23. 对不起, 请问您是不是等候了许久?

    Excuse me, have you been waiting long?

  24. 也许那是他心存许久的邪念。

    That may have been what he had in mind all along.

  25. 我等了许久才收到他的回信。

    I had to wait for ages before he replied to my letter.

  26. 我等了许久才收到他得回信。

    I had to wait for ages before he replied to my letter.

  27. 我等了许久才收到他的回信。

    I had to wait for ages before he replied to my letter.

  28. 她回忆起许久以前和他的谈话

    She recalled her talk with him aeons ago.

  29. 爸爸看了我许久,眼里充满了泪水。

    My Dad looked at me for the longest time, and his eyes started to tear up.

  30. 这是一次期待了许久的试驾。

    This is a look forward to a long test drive.


  1. 问:许久拼音怎么拼?许久的读音是什么?许久翻译成英文是什么?

    答:许久的读音是xǔjiǔ,许久翻译成英文是 ages




【拼音】xǔ jiǔ


【英文翻译】for a long time; for ages; a good while; a long while

【基本解释】1、[for a long time]∶时间延续很久大家商量了许久。2、[for ages]∶相隔时间很长他许久没来了。

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