







汉语拼音:mí huàn







  1. 迷糊虚幻。

    叶圣陶 《一个青年》:“一迭的书翰藏在口袋里,手按着时就觉得颇有把握,教他不能不兴起一种迷幻幽艳的遐想了。”《花城》1981年第5期:“不多久,一个难题,带着迷幻的阴影,突然送到我面前来了。”



  1. I'm really happy with it and I've listened to it a lot for the psychedelic experience it provides.


  2. and mega doses of drugs and LSD and all of that and I have no memory of any of that.


  3. Also lined green bamboo Cui Liu, rural farmhouse, as if like a psychedelic wonderland Taoyuan.


  4. "There is evidence that the psychedelic agents enhance glutamate, " he says. "I don't think the evidence is all that strong. "


  5. He thought that if everybody dropped acid, all the bad stuff in the world would stop. But he wasn't just a soppy guy with long hair.


  6. At a time when, you know, everyone was doing kind of trippy, psychedelic music.


  7. Was "Robert" out of his mind on hallucinogenic drugs, or was he having a schizophrenic breakdown?


  8. Where I grew up, the typical Ecstasy users were young teenage girls who hung out with creepy older men.


  9. Those who did not face cash problems spent their time flitting through galleries and buying ecstasy at pomegranate juice stands.


  1. 迷幻摇滚乐

    acid rock

  2. 迷幻爵士乐

    acid jazz

  3. 迷幻狂舞热

    acid house

  4. 迷幻痛苦历程

    acid bad trip

  5. 陷入爱,陷入迷幻

    To fall in love and fall in deist

  6. 酸的迷幻感觉

    An acid trip.

  7. 迷幻狂舞迷

    acid ted

  8. 迷幻宫音乐

    Acid House

  9. 吃蘑菇还是迷幻药?

    Mushrooms or acid?

  10. 朦胧迷幻的梦境美。

    The obscure beauty of dreamland.

  11. 大型迷幻狂舞会

    warehouse party

  12. 她高中时代服迷幻药。

    She dropped acid in high school.

  13. 变色蝴蝶的迷幻世界

    Welcome to the Psychedelic World of Proximity Butterfly

  14. 太空摇滚,新迷幻,另类。

    Space Rock, NeoPsychedelia, Alternative.

  15. 迷幻,太空摇滚,吸毒者摇滚。

    Psychedelic, Space Rock, Stoner Rock.

  16. 你产生过迷幻感觉吗?

    Have you tripped out?

  17. 被称为扩张知觉的迷幻药

    LSD has been called a consciousnessexpanding drug. LSD.

  18. 带着露水微弱,迷幻的雾气,

    An opiate vapor, dewy, dim,.

  19. 使用迷幻药者的亚文化群。

    the subculture of users of psychedelic drugs.

  20. 我为派对准备了一些迷幻药。

    I got a few dots for the party.

  21. 我为派对准备了一些迷幻药。

    I got a few dots for the party.

  22. 正是迷幻摇滚刚刚兴起的时候。

    It was the early days of glam rock fashion.

  23. 离开迷幻的沙漠,进入燃烧的山脉。

    Over the shifting desert plains, Across mountains all in flames.

  24. 迷幻世界与迷幻药有关的亚文化

    The subculture associated with psychedelic drugs.

  25. 妈,这就像你那次吃了迷幻药

    Oh, Mom, is this like when you took peyote.

  26. 迷幻药即是麦角酸二乙胺的俗称

    Acid is a street name for LSD.

  27. 迷幻药即是麦角酸二乙胺得俗称

    Acid is a street name for LSD.

  28. 龙舌兰花的积极元素的迷幻生物碱

    the hallucinatory alkaloid that is the active agent in mescal buttons

  29. 让人兴奋的迷幻药而非治病的药。

    A drug thats the high and not the pill.

  30. 乐队最初的意图是演奏即兴迷幻摇滚。

    Its original intention is playing improvised psychedelic rock.


  1. 问:迷幻拼音怎么拼?迷幻的读音是什么?迷幻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迷幻的读音是míhuàn,迷幻翻译成英文是 psychedelic

  2. 问:迷幻药拼音怎么拼?迷幻药的读音是什么?迷幻药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迷幻药的读音是míhuànyào,迷幻药翻译成英文是 acid; LSD; ecstasy

  3. 问:迷幻剂拼音怎么拼?迷幻剂的读音是什么?迷幻剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迷幻剂的读音是,迷幻剂翻译成英文是 hallucinogen

  4. 问:迷幻公园拼音怎么拼?迷幻公园的读音是什么?迷幻公园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迷幻公园的读音是Míhuàn Gōngyuán,迷幻公园翻译成英文是 Paranoid

  5. 问:迷幻摇滚拼音怎么拼?迷幻摇滚的读音是什么?迷幻摇滚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迷幻摇滚的读音是,迷幻摇滚翻译成英文是 Psychedelic rock

  6. 问:迷幻躄鱼拼音怎么拼?迷幻躄鱼的读音是什么?迷幻躄鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迷幻躄鱼的读音是,迷幻躄鱼翻译成英文是 Psychedelic frogfish

  7. 问:迷幻药常用者拼音怎么拼?迷幻药常用者的读音是什么?迷幻药常用者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迷幻药常用者的读音是,迷幻药常用者翻译成英文是 pothead

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