







汉语拼音:lú huǒ








  1. On a dull winter afternoon, Harry would sit by the fire and lose himself in a book.


  2. Bigger knew that soon he would have to clean the ashes out, for the fire was not burning as hotly as it should.


  3. The man sat down in the chair by the fire and put his gun away .


  4. I forgot to turn down the stove setting, and the bubbly mixture changed to a hissing monster, spitting liquid all over the floor.


  5. The final reason was that when he found himself at a fire among those who were the enemies of Christ, their company proved too much for him.


  6. In the center of the hut a fire burned night and day from the beginning to the end of the year.


  7. The fire was banked up as high as if it were midwinter.


  8. He looked at Joe Scott a good deal out of the corners of his eyes, frequently came to poke the counting-house fire for him.


  9. In the corner stands the coal box, just as I left it. The fire is out. A silence so intense that it sounds like Niagara Falls in my ears.


  1. 炉火炽烈。

    The stove is burning fiercely.

  2. 炉火融融。

    The fire was burning away cheerfully in the grate.

  3. 炉火正旺。

    The stove is burning brightly.

  4. 他拨旺炉火。

    He poked up the fire.

  5. 炉火旁打盹,

    And nodding by the fire.

  6. 炉火颤动欲灭。

    The fire flickers low.

  7. 客厅里有炉火。

    There is a fire in the sitting room.

  8. 未封上的炉火

    an open fire

  9. 未封上的炉火

    an open fire.

  10. 院中炉火烤面包

    Our bread she baked in the open fireplace.

  11. 炉火壁炉中的火焰

    An open fire in a fireplace.

  12. 炉火烧得很旺。

    Fire is burning briskly.

  13. 炉火着得很旺。

    The stove is burning briskly.

  14. 把炉火煽旺点儿

    fan the fire to make it burn brighter

  15. 水在炉火上加热。

    The water is warming on the stove.

  16. 老人蹲在炉火旁。

    The old man squatted down by the fire.

  17. 靠着炉火暖和一下。

    Warm up by the fire.

  18. 壁炉里炉火很旺。

    A fire was burning merrily in the grate.

  19. 老人蹲在炉火前。

    The old man squatted in front of the fire.

  20. 冒烟的烟囱、炉火等

    Smoky chimneys, fires, etc

  21. 炉火突然旺了起来。

    The fire burnt up suddenly.

  22. 他们在炉火旁取暖。

    They warmed themselves by the fire.

  23. 炉火摇曳,钟声滴答。

    The fire flickers and the watch ticks.

  24. 睡觉之前记得灭炉火。

    Put out the fire before you go to bed.

  25. 给炉火再添些煤。

    Put some more coal on the fire.

  26. 真金不怕红炉火。

    Pure gold does not fear furnace.

  27. 炉火熄灭后,寒气逼人。

    I grew chilly when the fire went out.

  28. 她在炉火上烘手。

    She warmed her hands over the fire.

  29. 把水壶放在炉火上

    Put the kettle over the fire

  30. 炉火呼呼地蹿动着。

    The flames in the stove are leaping up.


  1. 问:炉火拼音怎么拼?炉火的读音是什么?炉火翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炉火的读音是lúhuǒ,炉火翻译成英文是 The fire in a stove.; A stove with fire.

  2. 问:炉火纯青拼音怎么拼?炉火纯青的读音是什么?炉火纯青翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炉火纯青的读音是lúhuǒchúnqīng,炉火纯青翻译成英文是 reach perfection

  3. 问:炉火税拼音怎么拼?炉火税的读音是什么?炉火税翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炉火税的读音是lú huǒ shuì,炉火税翻译成英文是 fuage; fouage; feuage

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