




1. 更 [gēng]2. 更 [gèng]更 [gēng]改变,改换:~正。~生(重新获得生命,喻复兴)。~衣(a.换衣服;b.婉辞,上厕所)。~定(改订)。~迭(轮流更换)。~递。~番。~新(旧的除去,新的建起)。~张(调节琴弦,喻变更……



汉语拼音:lún gēng






  1. 轮流打更。

    清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·莅任·头门告示》:“其鼓楼更夫,每晚派定五人,轮更交替。每更鼓点俱要按定时刻分明,直至黎明攒点。”



  1. My promise to leave the Jones case behind would be tested once more, and severely.


  2. Castor Bearing Dual special precision ball bearing, the criteria of precision bearing makes the castors more smoothly and low resistance.


  3. A high tension wheel is definitely stiffer but may fail easier from an impact since the parts are closer to their breaking points.


  4. The shooting raised fears of a new wider ethnic conflict in the area.


  5. Will the new, stiffer laws imposed on sellers of pirated products help solve the problem?


  6. Italy, with reduced the water areas wind, Body carve, more add a circle round tree Bi heart.


  7. It is more powerful and fast than ordinary oil hemp wheel!


  8. Which is more fun, the roller coaster or the frries wheel?


  9. Or is this the stock market just setting up investors for another correction or even another bear market low?


  1. 实行新一轮更大规模的城镇调整。

    To take a new round of urban township rectification.

  2. 实现长三角港口新一轮更好发展

    Open a New Phase of Development of Ports on the Yangtze Delta

  3. 对盗版贩子新一轮更严厉的打击会解决问题么

    Will the new, stiffer laws imposed on sellers of pirated products help solve the problem

  4. 这能够帮助涡轮更快地加速, 也就减小了涡轮延时。

    This helps the turbocharger accelerate more quickly, further reducing turbo lag.

  5. 更大更舒适得可锻铸铁手轮,操作更加轻松。

    Larger more comfortable malleable iron handwheel for easier operation.

  6. 更大更舒适的可锻铸铁手轮,操作更加轻松。

    Larger more comfortable malleable iron handwheel for easier operation.

  7. 这产生一个更高的旋转速度和一个高速齿轮

    which makes a faster rotational speed, and gives you an effective high gear.

  8. 旋转木马和摩天轮,你更喜欢哪一个?

    Which one do you like best, Carousel or Ferris wheel?

  9. 更糟的是,协定可能造成新一轮的金融危机。

    Worse, the treaty could precipitate a new financial crisis.

  10. 涡轮喷气发动机和涡轮螺桨发动机更适用于飞机。

    The turbojet and the turboprop are much more satisfactory for airplanes.

  11. 园丁沿著小径推著一辆单轮手推车。更详细。

    The gardener trundled a wheelbarrow along the path.

  12. 扶轮社财务如何帮助该扶轮社得功能更有效率?

    How does the club treasurer help the club function more effectively?

  13. 扶轮社财务如何帮助该扶轮社的功能更有效率?

    How does the club treasurer help the club function more effectively ?

  14. 一本书只是一台更复杂的外在机器的一颗小小的齿轮。

    A book is a small cog in a much more complex, external machinery.

  15. 从设计上来看履带车辆比轮式车辆要更紧凑。

    Tracked vehicles, by design, are inherently more compact than wheeled vehicles.

  16. 可以给床安上小脚轮,使它更便于推拉。

    Castors can be fitted to a bed to make it easier to pull or push.

  17. 尽管根据党章他们可以进行更深一轮的竞争。

    According to party rules, they could have fought a further round.

  18. 海的那边有一轮明月。在海的那边黑暗比灯火更清楚。

    The moon is at the other side of the sea. The darkness there is clearer than the lamps.

  19. 为了更快的开发,另一轮许可证颁发将于2010年开始。

    To make a discovery more likely soon, another round of licensing will take place in 2010.

  20. 下一轮将会很困难, 对手是一位更有经验的球员。

    The next round will be difficult against a more experienced player, he said.

  21. 回调方法比轮询方法更及时,能确保响应被及时处理。

    This method is timelier than the polling method and guarantees that the response is handled immediately.

  22. 萨尔和他的团队中发现更多的水和接近的球少的轮辋。

    Saal and his team found more water in the middle and less nearer the rims of the balls.

  23. 一轮明月淡然的在花丛中冉冉升起, 更显意境。

    An indifferent to the moon in the flowers were gradually rising, more moods.

  24. 小齿轮与半轴上的花键设计提供更高的驱动能力。

    The design of spline on the small gear and shaft axle offers mo red riving capacity.

  25. 拇指轮是一种刻度盘得变体,但其比刻度盘更容易使用。

    The thumbwheel is a variant of the dial, but one that is much easier to use.

  26. 拇指轮是一种刻度盘的变体,但其比刻度盘更容易使用。

    The thumbwheel is a variant of the dial, but one that is much easier to use.

  27. 希望英格兰在第二轮的比赛中能发挥得更好些。

    Hope England will have a better performance in the second round.

  28. 更于一个夜晚, 在一轮明月下, 无涯海面上网补鱿鱼。

    We also spent a late night squid fishing on the open ocean under a crescent moon.

  29. 起初,光将在更多金场或晕轮的形式中闪耀。

    At first the light may glow in the form of a more present auric field or halo.

  30. 我想要来点刺激的。过山车和摩天轮哪个更有趣?

    I want some exciting. Which is more fun, the roller coaster or the ferris wheel ?

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