


1. 六 [liù]2. 六 [lù]六 [liù]数名,五加一(在钞票或单据上常用大写“陆”代):~书(古时分析汉字形、音、义而归纳出来的六种造字法)。~甲。~艺(a.古时指“礼”、“乐”、“射”、“御”、“书”、“数”六种技艺;b.六经……





汉语拼音:liù yī









  1. 见“ 六一泥 ”。

  2. 宋 欧阳修 晚年的自号。详“ 六一居士 ”。

  3. 指六一泉。

    宋 苏轼 《喜刘景文至》诗:“新堤旧井各无恙, 参寥 六一 岂念吾?” 清 孙枝蔚 《新岁寄怀王季鸿游浙中》诗:“泉水他时照鬢鬚, 参寥 六一 肯忘吾。”

  4. 六一国际儿童节的简称。详“ 六一儿童节 ”。



  1. With the Children's Day around the corner, I'd like to wish you a very happy Children's Day.


  2. "Some people may have an irrational hope that the higher the growth, the better, " he said at a Saturday news conference.


  3. Today is Children's Day. My kid's school has a day off, so I have to take her to the office.


  4. Less than one-sixth of the total Mekong catchment is in China, but that upstream flow is crucial to neighbours during the dry season.


  5. In africa, if the children can be full on Children Day, they can be very happy!


  6. The first one-year program are the children as "61" section of the clapping song rehearsal.


  7. Today, the Children's Day, we catch up here in a happy, bright rhythm.


  8. Steady to his purpose, he scarcely spoke ten words to her through the whole of Saturday.


  9. Finally I wish you healthy body, all the luck. The performance today to this end, let us meet next six repeatedly.


  1. 六一居士词

    Lyrics by Layman Liu Yi.

  2. 今天是六一国际儿童节。

    Today is International Children's Day.

  3. 谢谢。六一快乐,小猪!

    Thank you. Happy Children's Day, Piggy!

  4. 祝所有超龄儿童六一快乐!

    Having fun, wish you were here!

  5. 六一是我们最快乐的节日!

    61 we are most happy holiday.

  6. 人民日报六一儿童节报道研究

    A Study on the Reporting about Children's Day in Renmin Daily

  7. 又是一年一度的六一儿童节了。

    It's now Children's Day once again.

  8. 六一儿童节让全世界的孩子感到高兴。

    Children's Day the children in the world very.

  9. 祝全世界得小朋友, 六一儿童节快乐, 快乐, 非常快乐!

    Pig all world's children, six one Children's day happy happy very happy!

  10. 祝全世界的小朋友,六一儿童节快乐,快乐,非常快乐!

    Pig all world's children, six one Children's day happy happy very happy!

  11. 六一儿童节到了,让我们陪着小朋友们一起欢腾。

    Let's exult with the children at the drawing near of Children's Day.

  12. 今天是六一儿童节,一个充满欢乐和梦想的节日。

    Today is Children's Day, a festival full of happiness, dreams and fantasy.

  13. 今天是六一儿童节,爸爸给我买了一个大书包。

    Today is Chidren's Day when my father bought a schoolbag for me.

  14. 在六一儿童节时, 电影频道汇映了许多卡通影片。

    During Children's Day, the movie channel broadcast a show of many cartoon films.

  15. 在六一儿童节时,电影频道汇映了许多卡通影片。

    During Children's Day, the movie channel broadcast a show of many cartoon films.

  16. 树上还挂着一张红布,上面写着欢度六一儿童节。

    The tree also hung a red cloth,reading to celebrate the June 1 Children 's Day.

  17. 复方六一汤对血虚小鼠脾重和组织学结构的影响

    Effect of Fu Fang Liu Yi Tang on Mouse with Blood Deficiency

  18. 我们刚刚过完六一儿童节,你对弟弟妹妹说了什么呢?

    We have just had Children's Day, What did you say to your younger brothers or sisters on Children's Day?

  19. 她拿着那束鲜花并且对我女儿说了六一儿童节快乐。

    She carried that bouquet of flowers and said happy Children's Day to my daughter.

  20. 现在就让我们来感受一下这次特别得六一庆祝活动吧。

    Now, let's listen to the report of this special Children's Day activity.


  1. 问:六一国际儿童节拼音怎么拼?六一国际儿童节的读音是什么?六一国际儿童节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:六一国际儿童节的读音是liùyīguójìértóngjié,六一国际儿童节翻译成英文是 International Children's Day

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