


1. 六 [liù]2. 六 [lù]六 [liù]数名,五加一(在钞票或单据上常用大写“陆”代):~书(古时分析汉字形、音、义而归纳出来的六种造字法)。~甲。~艺(a.古时指“礼”、“乐”、“射”、“御”、“书”、“数”六种技艺;b.六经……


相似:好~。相(xiāng )~。~生(a.仿天然产物制成的工艺品;b.中国宋、元两代以说唱为业的女艺人)。比照人物做成的图形:画~。塑~。雕~。绣~。肖~。比如,比方:~这样的事是值得注意的。……



汉语拼音:liù xiàng







  1. 亦作“ 六象 ”。指凤的形象。

    《初学记》卷三十引《论语摘衰圣》:“凤有六像、九苞。六像者,一曰头像天,二曰目像日,三曰背像月,四曰翼像风,五曰足像地,六曰尾像纬。” 明 李东阳 《王世赏所藏林良双凤图》诗:“九苞六象杳莫覩,谁遣图画留人间。”



  1. It is Saturday today. As usual, we gather at school early in the morning and prepare for the lesson that we are going to teach next.


  1. 我们得人生就像一个六轴心得齿轮。

    Our life is like a wheel with six spokes.

  2. 我们的人生就像一个六轴心的齿轮。

    Our life is like a wheel with six spokes.

  3. 三小时的车程感觉像是六小时的煎熬

    becomes a sixhour drive with a oneyearold.

  4. 我的心情就像是六月的天空, 永远捉摸不定。

    My mood is just like the weather in summer, remaining changeable without any hint.

  5. 下午五点钟,这里就像一个六车道停车场。

    At five in the afternoon it is more like a six lane parking lot.

  6. 那就像是六个弹仓都装满了子弹得俄国轮盘游戏。

    That is Russian roulette. That is loading six bullets into a gun with only six chambers.

  7. 那就像是六个弹仓都装满了子弹的俄国轮盘游戏。

    That is Russian roulette. That is loading six bullets into a gun with only six chambers.

  8. 警方的档案里有六个小偷的像。

    The police have photos of six thieves in their files.

  9. 那六月得天气真像秋天似得。

    The weather in June was positively autumnal.

  10. 那六月的天气真像秋天似的。

    The weather in June was positively autumnal.

  11. 他盘起膝盖,然后像六岁小孩一样倾斜着自己的腿。

    He draws his knees beneath him, then splays his legs like a gangly sixyearold.

  12. 他像疯子一样生活了六年多才死去。

    He lived like a madman for six more years before he finally died.

  13. 像系列中的其他六本书一样,这本书肯定也会登上畅销榜。

    The book is tipped to be a big seller, like the rest in the series.

  14. 像一座六角亭。

    It looks like a hexagonal pavilion.

  15. 六个月内, 她会看起来像个老祖母。

    In six months she'll look like Grandma moses.

  16. 像往常一样那天早上我六点起床。

    I got up at six that morning as usual.

  17. 警察很野蛮,我像返回六十年代。

    Here these Austronesian people lived a life that the Han , the Japanese and the Christian missionaries considered barbaric.

  18. 然后六个人就合了起来,就像手风琴一样

    And then the six figures came together again, like a concertina.

  19. 像十六世纪时的宗教改革 那样的重组。

    a reformation like the religious Reformation of the 14th century.

  20. 土卫六一点都不像地球的卫星月亮。

    Titan is nothing like the Earths moon.

  21. 我以为是六只小羊, 可怎么感觉像是石头?

    I thought't was six kids, but it feels like big stones.

  22. 六周后 我就能制造出皮肤了 像上帝一样

    six weeks later, I have grown skin, like god.

  23. 哪里是像五六岁时候的可爱的小顺呀!

    What had happened to the darling little Shun of five or six!

  24. 那是六个盲人为大象长得像什么在争吵呢。

    It was the sound of the six blind men fighting about the elephant.

  25. 五六十个工人就同石像似的没有表情,也没有声息。

    The workers were as silent and expressionless as statues.

  26. 五六个小孩跟在我们身后,像疯子一样狂喊。

    Then five or six little boys began chasing after us, shouting like maniacs.

  27. 尽管是星期六下午,纽约城的大街像坟墓一样寂静。

    Though it is Saturday afternoon, the streets of New York City are silent as the grave.

  28. 他们六个人都变了脸色,互相抓着,像受惊的孩子一样。

    The color went from their six faces, and they caught hold of each other like frightened children.

  29. 每六个美国人当中有一个, 像吉娜和约翰一样, 贫穷的生活着。

    One out of six Americans, like Gina and John, lives in poverty.

  30. 如果你在土卫六上, 会感觉到同样的气压就像在地球。

    So if you were on Titan, you would feel the same pressure that you feel in here.

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