


1. 六 [liù]2. 六 [lù]六 [liù]数名,五加一(在钞票或单据上常用大写“陆”代):~书(古时分析汉字形、音、义而归纳出来的六种造字法)。~甲。~艺(a.古时指“礼”、“乐”、“射”、“御”、“书”、“数”六种技艺;b.六经……


1. 王 [wáng]2. 王 [wàng]王 [wáng]古代一国君主的称号,现代有些国家仍用这种称号:~国。~法。公子~孙。~朝(cháo )。中国古代皇帝以下的最高爵位:~公。~侯。一族或一类中的首领:山大~。蜂~。~牌(桥牌中最大的……



汉语拼音:liù wáng








  1. 指 夏启 、 商汤 、 周武王 、 周成王 、 周康王 、 周穆王 。

    《左传·昭公四年》:“夫六王二公之事,皆所以示诸侯礼也。” 杜预 注:“六王, 啟 、 汤 、 武 、 成 、 康 、 穆 也。”

  2. 指 周 之 文王 、 武王 、 成王 、 厉王 、 宣王 、 幽王 。

    《诗·小大雅谱》“《小雅》、《大雅》者, 周 室居西都 丰 镐 之时诗也” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“以此二雅,正有 文 、 武 、 成 ,变有 厉 、 宣 、 幽 ,六王皆居在 镐 丰 之地,故曰 丰镐 之时诗也。”

  3. 指战国 齐 、 楚 、 燕 、 韩 、 魏 、 赵 六国之王。

    《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“寡人以眇眇之身,兴兵诛暴乱,赖宗庙之灵,六王咸伏其辜,天下大定。” 唐 杜牧 《阿房宫赋》:“六王毕,四海一。”



  1. 网络
  2. Raja Kecil Tengah;Raja Kechil Tengah

  1. 王六一动漫是宣传一个国家文化形象很好的表现手法。

    Wang sixtyone Animation is the propaganda image of a national culture good performance practices.

  2. 王先生将如期于六月一日抵达上海。

    Mr. Wang arrived Shanghai June first on schedule.

  3. 英王乔治六世

    George VI king of England.

  4. 麦琪星期六舞会王回来了。

    Maggie My Saturday Night Sever is back.

  5. 王涛于六月六日出生,母子平安。

    Wang Tao born June sixth both well.

  6. 夏天将会是六月,七月和八月之王。

    Summer will be king in June, July and August.

  7. 六年来, 王上与萨拉丁订有和约。

    The king has made a peace with Saladin these past six years.

  8. 现在六点半,王家一家人在吃晚饭。

    It's six thirty. Wangs are having dinner.

  9. 英王乔治六世及王后伊丽莎白。

    King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.

  10. 木薯是世界六大粮食作物之一, 被誉为淀粉之王。

    Cassava is one of the top six food crops, which is known as the king of starch in the world.

  11. 这是在大流士王第二年六月二十四日。

    In the four and twentieth day of the sixth month, in the second year of Darius the king.

  12. 此前,法王噶玛巴给予了六字大明咒的口传。

    His Holiness gave the oral transmission in order to recite the six syllable mantra.

  13. 每天赛过六局之后,就去汉堡王快餐店了。

    Then, after six innings, back to Burger king.

  14. 犹大和他的军队一临阵, 王的军队便阵亡了六百人。

    Judas with his army advanced to fight, and six hundred men of the king's army fell.

  15. 王传授, 请您赏光来参加咱们星期六的英语晚会好?

    Prof, Wang, would you a favor by coming to our English evening this Saturday

  16. 王花了六年时间, 他幼儿生活在呼伦贝尔大草原。

    Wang spent six years of his early childhood living on the Hulun Buir Prairie.

  17. 王教授,请您赏光来参加我们星期六的英语晚会好吗?

    Professor Wang, may we have the honor to invite you to our English Evening this Saturday?

  18. 犹大和他得军队一临阵, 王得军队便阵亡了六百人。

    Judas with his army advanced to fight, and six hundred men of the king's army fell.

  19. 王教授,请您赏光参加我们星期六晚上的英语晚会好吗?

    Professor wang, would you hornor me a visit to our english evening on saturdary?

  20. 笔者注此前, 法王噶玛巴给予了六字大明咒的口传。

    His Holiness gave the oral transmission in order to recite the six syllable mantra.

  21. 汉代时, 这里是西域三十六国之一得蒲犁国得王城。

    Han, here is one of 36 Western Regions of the country's Wang Li Po City.

  22. 汉代时,这里是西域三十六国之一的蒲犁国的王城。

    Han, here is one of 36 Western Regions of the country's Wang Li Po City.

  23. 王吉安在呼伦贝尔大草原度过了六年的童年时光。

    Wang spent six years of his early childhood living on the Hulun Buir Prairie.

  24. 大利乌王第六年,亚达月初三日,这殿修成了。

    The temple was completed on the third day of the month Adar, in the sixth year of the reign of King Darius.

  25. 时王便以三十六杌置其背上,驱使担之,至于园中。

    Then the king put thirtysix chairs on his back and asked him to carry them to the garden.

  26. 大流士王第六年,亚达月初三日,这殿修成了。

    And this house was finished on the third day of the month Adar, which was in the sixth year of the reign of Darius the king.

  27. 王伟喜欢在星期六或星期日到大自然中去呼吸新鲜空气。

    Wang Wei likes to breath fresh air in the nature on Saturdays and Sundays.

  28. 威廉斯曾两度荣获三冠王,并于一九六六年入主名人堂。

    Williams won Triple Crown twice, and was inducted into Hall of Fame in 1966.

  29. 希西家第六年,以色列王何细亚第九年,撒玛利亚被攻取了。

    So Samaria was captured in Hezekiah's sixth year, which was the ninth year of Hoshea king of Israel.

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