


1. 兴 [xīng]2. 兴 [xìng]兴 [xīng]举办,发动:~办。~工。~学。~建。~叹(发出感叹声,如“望洋~~”)。百废待~。起来:夙~夜寐(早起晚睡)。旺盛:~盛。~旺。~隆。~衰。复~。~替(兴衰)。天下~亡,匹夫有责。……


送给,给予:~仕(退休)。~辞。~电。~力。~哀。~命。招引,使达到:~病。~使。以~。专心~志。样子,情趣:大~。别~。景~。兴(xìng )~。细密,精细:~密。精~。……



汉语拼音:xìng zhì








  1. 犹导致。


  2. 兴趣。

    唐 孙棨 《<北里志>序》:“予频随计吏,久寓京华,时亦偷游其中,固非兴致。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·海公子》:“妾自谓兴致不凡,不图先有同调。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九回:“我自从入了仕途,许久不作诗了;你有兴致,我们多早晚多约两个人,唱和唱和也好。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致李霁野》:“﹝期刊﹞索性暂时不出,待大家有兴致做的时候再说。”



  1. In the beginning, Zeus refused, but he was soon deeply attracted to Europa's beauty when he met her and fell in love with her immediately.


  2. "Hey, Mike, " I called, waving back, unable to be halfhearted on a morning like this.


  3. "Is Beth the rosy one, who stays at home good deal and sometimes goes out with a little basket? " asked Laurie with interest.


  4. in spite of his desire to say something cheering , he could get nothing out but a shame - faced smile.


  5. Bush's bigotry was not an isolated mistake, blurted out in the heat of the moment, and later retracted.


  6. Out for the evening on a rare warm night, I saw three or four people do a double take as I passed by and regard me with intrigue.


  7. The snow crackled and the wind whistled around him, it was just the kind of frosty weather a Snow Man might thoroughly enjoy.


  8. As a logo designer, it is always fascinating to see how corporate logos are revamped and redesigned over time.


  9. There was no point telling stories on the way home because there was no one to listen, except the wind and the waves.


  1. 她兴致极高。

    She was gay as a lark.

  2. 即兴致贺辞

    extemporized an acceptance speech.

  3. 没有争吵的兴致

    had no stomach for quarrels.

  4. 我现在没有兴致。

    I am not in vein just now.

  5. 乔兴致很高。

    Qiao was full of good cheer.

  6. 放纵于每个兴致

    indulgence of every whim.

  7. 他们都兴致已尽。

    Their spirits were in general exhausted.

  8. 一时的兴致, 突然的念头

    Whim a sudden or capricious idea a fancy

  9. 我发现她兴致极高。

    I found her triumphant.

  10. 我们的兴致高了起来

    Our spirits went up.

  11. 詹姆士得兴致很颓唐。

    James was in lugubrious mood.

  12. 詹姆士的兴致很颓唐。

    James was in lugubrious mood.

  13. 你有兴致听音乐吗?

    Are you in the mood to listen to music?

  14. 现在我实在没兴致了。

    Now is not really a good time for me.

  15. 现在我实在没兴致了。

    Now is not really a good time for me.

  16. 破坏我们吃午餐的兴致。

    You're ruining our lunch.

  17. 大家对选举兴致颇高。

    There has been a lively interest in the elections.

  18. 大家对选举兴致颇高。

    There has been a lively interest in the elections.

  19. 只要兴致好, 跋涉不疲劳。

    A willing mind make hard journey easy.

  20. 今日兴致好, 明日进棺材。

    Today at good cheer, tomorrow on the bier.

  21. 婚礼前夜,杰克兴致高昂。

    Jack was wired the night before his wedding.

  22. 他对绘画的兴致很高。

    Interest in his paintings is at a high pitch.

  23. 他们搞坏了我们的兴致。

    They've quite spoiled our pleasure.

  24. 他对打牌下棋兴致不高。

    He has no great interest in card games or chess.

  25. 他对打牌下棋兴致不高。

    He has no great interest in card games or chess.

  26. 我兴致高时喜欢看电影。

    I like to go to the movies when I feel in the mood for it.

  27. 我今天没什么兴致,我要走了。

    I'm not much fun today. i'm gonna go.

  28. 我今天没什么兴致,我要走了。

    I'm not much fun today. I'm gonna go.

  29. 我今天没什么兴致,我要走了。

    I'm not much fun today. i'm gonna go.

  30. 没有什么能够减弱我得兴致。

    Nothing could damp my spirits.


  1. 问:兴致拼音怎么拼?兴致的读音是什么?兴致翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兴致的读音是xìngzhì,兴致翻译成英文是 interest

  2. 问:兴致勃勃拼音怎么拼?兴致勃勃的读音是什么?兴致勃勃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兴致勃勃的读音是xìngzhìbóbó,兴致勃勃翻译成英文是 merry; enthusiastic; sprightly

  3. 问:兴致好的拼音怎么拼?兴致好的的读音是什么?兴致好的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兴致好的的读音是,兴致好的翻译成英文是 chirk

  4. 问:兴致勃勃地拼音怎么拼?兴致勃勃地的读音是什么?兴致勃勃地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兴致勃勃地的读音是,兴致勃勃地翻译成英文是 gamely

  5. 问:兴致蓬勃的拼音怎么拼?兴致蓬勃的的读音是什么?兴致蓬勃的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兴致蓬勃的的读音是,兴致蓬勃的翻译成英文是 candle




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