




1. 苏 [sū]2. 苏 [sù]苏 [sū]植物名(“紫苏”或“白苏”的种子,称“苏子”)。指须头下垂物:流~。昏迷中醒过来:~生。~醒。死而复~。缓解,解除:以~其困。特指“江苏省”、“苏州市”:~剧。~绣(苏州的刺绣)。前“苏联”的……


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……



汉语拼音:xiǎo sū dá






  1. 无机化合物,成份是碳酸氢钠,白色晶体。遇热能放出二氧化碳,用来灭火或制焙粉。医药上用来中和过多的胃酸。



  1. Alkali and soda can try to acne, acne and India do not know if there is no use, it is almost real!


  2. sift flours, bicarbonate of soda and cream of tartar into a bowl, stir in combined oil and water, and mix to a soft dough.


  3. Sometimes it seems as if baking soda is good for just about anything, and it's certainly good for relieving heat rash.


  4. Use natural cleaners whenever possible like lemons and baking soda. It is healthier for the environment as well as for your family.


  5. Baking soda is just as good as lemon juice for getting rid of foul smells on your hands.


  6. Fill a pair of old socks with baking soda and place it in odorous shoes or your kid's closet.


  7. The rich applied toothpowder with a brush. The poor cleaned their teeth with bicarbonate of soda, using their fingers.


  8. Baking soda and vinegar mixture will produce gas, and with the phenomenon of light and heat.


  9. In her home, Terry uses baking soda, vinegar, plain soap and other cleaning and personal care products that are petroleum-free.


  1. 一杯小苏打水。

    Ill have a small soda.

  2. 你已经拿了小苏打了。

    You already,uh,got the baking soda.

  3. 你已经拿了小苏打了。

    You already, uh, got the baking soda.

  4. 一杯小苏打,不加冰。

    A small soda without ice.

  5. 面粉和小苏打混合过筛。

    Sift together the flour and baking soda.

  6. 需要些小苏打,我去拿

    We need baking soda.I'll get it.

  7. 需要些小苏打,我去拿。

    We need baking soda. I'll get it.

  8. 你有多了解小苏打粉?

    What do you know about bicarbonate of soda?

  9. 逐渐筛入面粉和小苏打。

    Sift in flour and baking soda gradually and mix well.

  10. 在小苏打上面撒点亮片

    Sprinkle some glitter on top of the baking soda.

  11. 药用针剂小苏打的开发生产

    The development and production of dicarbonate used as medical injection

  12. 妈,我们会自己买小苏打的。

    Ma, listen, we can buy our own baking soda.

  13. 可用小苏打清洗你的垃圾罐。

    Wash your garbage cans with soda.

  14. 用小苏打窒息灭小规模得火灾。

    Put out small fires out by smothering it with baking soda.

  15. 用小苏打窒息灭小规模的火灾。

    Put out small fires out by smothering it with baking soda.

  16. 小苏打粉是酸性还是碱性呢

    Is bicarbonate of soda an acid or an alkali

  17. 用小苏打水来漱口可以预防溃疡。

    Gargle baking soda water to help with ulcers.

  18. 可用小苏打水擦亮你的银器。

    Use it with water to polish your silver.

  19. 混合融化牛油和蜂蜜,加入小苏打。

    Combine melted butter with honey and baking soda.

  20. 在服小苏打后,疼痛可暂时缓解。

    After I take some sodium bicarbonate, the pain goes away temporarily.

  21. 小苏打水可以清洗腐蚀电池的两端。

    Clean corroded battery terminals with baking soda and water.

  22. 加入面粉、玉米粥、发酵粉和小苏打粉。

    Add the flour, polenta, baking powder and baking soda.

  23. 一杯小苏打水可制成解酸药。

    Mix baking soda and a glass of water for an antacid.

  24. 将小苏打和足量水混合, 形成稠膏。

    Mix baking soda with just enough water to form a thick paste.

  25. 将面粉, 小苏打和盐混合放到盆里。

    In large bowl, combine flours, baking soda and salt and mix well.

  26. 小苏打在烘焙的过程中也有其他的作用。

    Baking soda also has other uses in cooking.

  27. 这甜面包是由面粉,糖,小苏打和香料。

    This sweet bread is made from flour, sugar, baking soda and spices.

  28. 所以说小苏打去黑头的说法其实不现实。

    So saying sodium bicarbonate julep is in fact not true.

  29. 使用像柠檬和小苏打这样的天然清洁剂。

    Use natural cleaners whenever possible like lemons and baking soda.

  30. 天然碱法生产的小苏打粒度问题的探讨

    Discussion of Granularity of Sodium Bicarbonate Manufactured Vial Natural Soda Process


  1. 问:小苏打拼音怎么拼?小苏打的读音是什么?小苏打翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小苏打的读音是xiǎosūdá,小苏打翻译成英文是 baking soda



碳酸氢钠(NaHCO₃)(Sodium Bicarbonate),白色细小晶体,在水中的溶解度小于碳酸钠。固体50℃以上开始逐渐分解生成碳酸钠、二氧化碳和水,270℃时完全分解。碳酸氢钠是强碱与弱酸中和后生成的酸式盐,溶于水时呈现弱碱性。此特性可使其作为食品制作过程中的膨松剂。碳酸氢钠在作用后会残留碳酸钠,使用过多会使成品有碱味。

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