







汉语拼音:chuān cài






川菜 [chuān cài]
  1. 川菜是中国八大菜系之一,起源于四川、重庆,以麻、辣、鲜、香为特色。川菜原料多选山珍、江鲜、野蔬和畜禽。善用小炒、干煸、干烧和泡、烩等烹调法。以“味”闻名,味型较多,富于变化,以鱼香、红油、怪味、麻辣较为突出。官家川菜复杂多变,做工精美,用料考究;民间川菜的风格朴实而又清新,具有浓厚的乡土气息。川菜兴起于清末和抗战两个时间段,以家常菜为主,取材多为日常百味,其特点在于红味讲究麻、辣、香,白味咸鲜中仍带点微辣。著名代表菜品有:东坡肘子、东坡肉、红烧排骨、鱼香肉丝、回锅肉、麻婆豆腐、水煮鱼、夫妻肺片等等。



  1. Wang Kai, a native of Xuzhou, Jiangsu province, said he has no time to cook, but he likes Sichuan food.


  2. The trend in Beijing seems to be Sichuan food and everyone there was raving about a chain of restaurants called South Beauty.


  3. Fu said the opening of a new near Sichuan Restaurant : reportedly very authentic , it is Sichuanese open .


  4. The veritable Mapo Doufu not only should it be very hot but must have the Sichuan cuisine's characteristics of 'hot' and 'spicy' as well.


  5. szechuan food is usually rich in colour , fragrance and taste , and rarely requires any additional sauces.


  6. You've heard Shangainese is a taste all its own, but maybe a fine Szechuan is in order.


  7. Sichuan, and many of the rich folk flavor characteristics of different styles, can be accessed through the home- burn method to be felt .


  8. My parents ate Sichuanese food as children in Mumbai. I grew up on it in Ohio. My children will probably grow up on it as well.


  9. After two hundred years of cooking in Zigong, Sichuan and eventually became a school - the river to help.


  1. 川菜, 湘菜。

    The Sichuan cuisine, and the Hunan cuisine.

  2. 川菜非常辣。

    Sechuan food is really icy.

  3. 粤菜和川菜。

    Guang dong cuisine, and Sichuan cuisine.

  4. 您喜欢川菜吧?

    Do you prefer Sichuan style dishes ?

  5. 川菜中的豆腐宴

    Bean Curd Dinner in Sichuan Cuisine

  6. 川菜特色调味品

    special condiments of Sichuan Cuisine

  7. 川菜以麻辣著称。

    Sichuan Food is famous for being hot and spicy.

  8. 川菜白灵菇皇

    Braised Mushrooms in Chili Sauce

  9. 川菜很辣,是 吧

    You have spicy food, don't you.

  10. 川菜以辣味闻名。

    Sichuan cooking is noted for its hot flavors.

  11. 我建议你们尝尝川菜。

    I would suggest you try some Sichuan dishes.

  12. 据说四川菜很好吃。

    It is said that Sichuan dishes are very delicious.

  13. 川菜比其他菜都辣。

    It's hotter than other food.

  14. 我建议您尝尝四川菜。

    I suggest you have a taste of Sichuan dishes.

  15. 这个餐馆因川菜而闻名。

    This restaurant is famous for Sichuan food.

  16. 是的,是不错。川菜非常辣。

    Yes, its good. Sichuan cuisine is really nice.

  17. 这是什么?这是川菜的特点。

    What is this? This is a Sichuanese characteristics.

  18. 我非常喜欢川菜的粤菜。

    I very much like Sichuan cuisine and Guangdong Cuisine.

  19. 我非常喜欢川菜和粤菜。

    I very much like Sichuan Cuisine and Guangdong Cuisine.

  20. 大部分四川菜都很辣。

    Most Sichuan food is very spicy.

  21. 您喜欢吃辣味川菜吗

    Do you care for hot foods of Sichuan style

  22. 成都餐厅供应地道的川菜。

    Chengdu Restaurant serves good Sichuan style food.

  23. 论川菜的标准化与规范化

    Discuss the standardization and canonization of Sichuan cuisine

  24. 中午的时候,我们吃了川菜。

    We have had Sichuan dishes at noon.

  25. 川菜的味道好,也比较便宜。

    Sichuan dishes are delicious and cheaper.

  26. 麻婆豆腐极具有川菜特色。

    Ma Po bean curd characteristic of Sichuan food.

  27. 川菜对我有特别的吸引力。

    Sichuan cuisine has a special attraction to me.

  28. 这么看来川菜全是麻辣味。

    So it seems all Sichuan dishes are hot and spicy.

  29. 我很喜欢川菜,尤其是火锅。

    I enjoy Sichuan food very much, especially the hot pot.

  30. 艾伦,您习惯吃四川菜吗

    Ellen, are you used to Sichuan food


  1. 问:川菜拼音怎么拼?川菜的读音是什么?川菜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:川菜的读音是chuāncài,川菜翻译成英文是 Sichuan food, characterized by the use of chilie...



“川菜”是个多义词,它可以指川菜(四大菜系之一), 川菜(成都时代出版社出版图书)。

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