


1. 秘 [mì]2. 秘 [bì]秘 [mì]不公开的,不让大家知道的:~密。~藏(cáng )。~方。~诀。~计。~史。神~。奥~。保守秘密:~而不宣。珍贵罕见:~本。~籍。~宝。~府。姓。秘 [bì]〔~鲁〕国名,在南美洲。……





汉语拼音:mì jí







  1. 珍贵罕见的书籍。

    晋 潘岳 《故太常任府君画赞》:“遂管祕籍,辩章旧史。”《新唐书·段成式传》:“博学彊记,多奇篇祕籍。” 清 龚自珍 《小游仙词》:“祕籍何人领九流,一编《鸿寳》枕中抽。”



  1. A while back, when I ran into an old family friend, he said, "Let me tell you one of my personal secrets for happiness: Control your exit. "


  2. If some of you are looking at this tip and thinking, DUH! , then you are ahead of the curve.


  3. Practice hard, the A Bao has been Shenlong Cheats, and be inspired by his father to defeat Tai Lung.


  4. Fwe short phrases sum up what get lifted maximum successful individuals up the crowd: a less bit abundance.


  5. He's coming for the Dragon Scroll and you're the only one who can stop him.


  6. Smokers are invited to experience methods to break their habit in the camps and receive help to quit smoking from experts.


  7. Due to the passage of time, the ancient bridge is in bad repair.


  8. The secret of life is not to do what one likes, but to try to like what one has to do.


  9. This prints the lots class (low, middle, or high) as well as the corresponding numerical lot class value.


  1. 死亡阴影之秘籍。

    Heroes of Might and Magic III The Shadow of Death.

  2. 有了这些武功秘籍。

    With these books on martial arts.

  3. 用他的独到的得分秘籍。

    Using his new ingenious scoring offense.

  4. 大师班系列4放样秘籍

    Ds Max Master Class Series DVD 4 Secrets of Lofting

  5. 你呀一定得去学学武功秘籍。

    You have to learn some Kung Fu secrets.

  6. 不幸的是,秘籍少了必备配料。

    Unfortunately for her, she was missing the secret ingredient.

  7. 不幸的是,秘籍少了必备配料。

    Unfortunately for her, she was missing the secret ingredient.

  8. 不幸的是,秘籍少了必备配料。

    Unfortunately for her, she was missing the secret ingredient.

  9. 你从哪儿找来这么多秘籍啊?

    Where did you get these books of secrets?

  10. 汤姆是幸运的,勒奈特有成功的秘籍。

    Luckily for Tom, Lynette had a recipe for success.

  11. 这像是许多人都在寻找的秘籍。

    This seems to be the'secret'that so many people are looking for.

  12. 电视上会有一孤岛余生秘籍些体育评论。

    There'll be some ort reviews on TV.

  13. 我受不了我那些孤岛余生秘籍吵闹的室友了。

    I ca ot put up with my noisy roommates.

  14. 谦卑而不卑微,这就是化蛹成蝶的秘籍。

    Humility rather than humble, that is pupate into a butterfly Cheats.

  15. 这是他珍藏的秘籍,从不轻易给别人看的。

    This is his secret collection, and he rarely shows it to others.

  16. 这是他珍藏的秘籍,从不轻易给别人看的。

    This is his secret collection, and he rarely shows it to others.

  17. 如果你想得到减肥秘籍,最好一直呆在黑暗里。

    If you're wondering how to lose weight, you're better off being kept in the dark.

  18. 求魔兽争霸冰封王座的无限金钱和木材秘籍。

    Ask the devil beast to compete for hegemony icebound king seat boundless money and secret book of wood.

  19. 上下左右键操作,过关后会出现秘籍和选关密码。

    Key operating above and below, customs shopping cart will happen after the election and related passwords.

  20. 牛肉汤的清与浊是检验牛肉面是否正宗的秘籍之一。

    The clarity of the beef broth is the way to check if the beef noodles are authentic.


  1. 问:秘籍拼音怎么拼?秘籍的读音是什么?秘籍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秘籍的读音是mìjí,秘籍翻译成英文是 A rarely seen and expensive book.

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