







汉语拼音:liǎng yuàn






  1. 两相情愿。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十:“今有 台州府 天台县 儒生 韩子文 礼聘为妻,实出两愿。”



  1. 网络
  2. consensual;liofnggoan

  1. 我一找到两, 三家愿卖的厂家你就来。

    As soon as I have two or three offers you do come.

  2. 双方也愿加强两国间技术合作。

    The two sides also stand ready to enhance technological cooperation between the two countries.

  3. 愿这两枚戒指象征着永恒的爱情,象征着两心相属。

    And may these two rings symbolize the spirit of undying love in the hearts of both of them.

  4. 然而,也有两个人并不愿诋毁思斯奇林。

    Two chose not to vilify Skilling, however.

  5. 凯莉愿为朋友两肋插刀。

    Kelly Anything for my best pal.

  6. 没事, 愿为你两肋插刀。

    Don't mention it, anything for you.

  7. 愿我最后两个月工作一切顺利!


  8. 我愿强调这两种报告中的若干具体内容。

    The two reports have specific elements that we wish to underline.

  9. 我愿特别感谢两个国家,即冰岛和乌克兰。

    I should like to thank in particular two countries, Iceland and Ukraine.

  10. 我愿指出,有两个项目我感到很重要。

    I would like to pinpoint two items that I feel are important.

  11. 中方愿同智方保持两国高层和各级别经常交往。

    China is ready to maintain frequent exchanges with Chile at high and other levels.

  12. 没问题, 哥们!愿为亲密的同事两肋插刀!

    Sure buddy! Anything for a close colleague!

  13. 葡方愿同中方共同推进两国全面战略伙伴关系。

    Portugal is ready to advance the comprehensive strategic partnership with China.

  14. 我最不愿听到的字眼有两个, 一是漂亮, 二是美丽。

    Thats one of the two words in the English language I most detestpretty and the other is beautiful.

  15. 你愿不愿意用带两个人去安森达来抵消你的钱?

    How would you like to pay me off by taking two passengers to Encenada?

  16. 我能许两个或者再多几个愿吗?

    Can I make two wishes or more?

  17. 我可不愿为了一毛钱拼写这两个词。

    I aint goin to spell asafetida and Shermerhorn for a dime.

  18. 两党的辩手们得回去强人所愿以达成交易。

    The party whips'just have to back twist arms and cut deals, 'he said.

  19. 酒店方面不愿置评,只是说两天内客房全部订满。

    The hotel would not comment beyond saying it was booked up for two days.

  20. 愿在平等互利原则的基础上,加强两国间的经济合作。

    Desiring to intensify the economic cooperation of both States on the basis of equality and mutual benefits.

  21. 他们说,两年后许多教师不愿继续教书育人的事业。

    And they say most of the teachers do not continue teaching after two years.

  22. 我愿借此同西非经共体对话的机会建议采取两种途径。

    I wish to take the opportunity of this dialogue with ECOWAS to suggest two avenues.

  23. 两人对政府角色及如何实现经济复苏有着截然不同的愿景。

    At stake were two starkly different visions of the role of government and the recipe for economic revival.

  24. 我只以两镑购得这本旧书,史密斯先生愿出双倍的价钱。

    I paid only 2 pounds for this old book and Mr. Smith offered me double.

  25. 愿你们两口儿白头偕老。

    May you two live together till old and grey.

  26. 在这两者之间我愿选择前者。

    Of these alternatives, I prefer the former.

  27. 愿那两者能提醒他极品的价值。

    May they remind him of the value of excellence.

  28. 愿上帝赐我智慧, 让我能够分清这两者。

    I wish that God can bestow wisdom upon me, having me be able to distinguish one from the other.

  29. 嗡!愿我们两者都得到身、心、灵的平安!

    Om! Let us together get physical, mental and spiritual peace.

  30. 我们的邻居愿和我们妥协,分担两家之间筑篱笆的费用。

    Our neighbors are willing to go halfway go meet us and pay their share for a fence between our houses.


  1. 问:两愿离婚拼音怎么拼?两愿离婚的读音是什么?两愿离婚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两愿离婚的读音是liǎngyuànlíhūn,两愿离婚翻译成英文是 divorce by mutual agreement

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