







汉语拼音:liǎng xué







  1. 国学和太学的合称。

    晋 潘岳 《闲居赋》:“两学齐列,双宇如一。右延国胄,左纳良逸。”《北史·邢邵传》:“二黌两学,盛自 虞 、 殷 。”

  2. 指国学及太学的学子。

    《宋史·吴时传》:“ 时 敏於为文,未尝属稿,落笔已就,两学目之曰‘立地书厨’。” 宋 蔡絛 《铁围山丛谈》卷二:“ 政和 初,有 江汉 朝宗 者,亦有声,献《鲁公词》……时两学盛謳,播诸海内。”



  1. The Construction and Exploration of "Tutoring and Learning of Two-way Model" in Henan RTVU


  1. 史密斯已经学两年汉语了。

    Smith has studied Chinese for two years.

  2. 反证法对热力学两命题的论证

    Argumentation with Apagoge on Two Propositions of the Energetics

  3. 另一个逆运动学两个链接机器人,机器人。

    Another inverse kinematic of two link manipulator, robots.

  4. 我不是从一开始就学两门语言的。

    I didn't begin bilingually.

  5. 历史上,大气研究分为气象学和气候学两个学科。

    Historically, the study of the atmosphere has been divided into the disciplines of meteorology and climatology.

  6. 杰克只上了两年学。

    Jack was in school for only two years.

  7. 本课程主要包括食品营养学与食品卫生学两方面的内容。

    The main contents of this course can be categorized into two aspects food Nutritionand food sanitation.

  8. 声制冷技术是一种涉及声学和热力学两大学科的边缘技术。

    Acoustic refrigeration technology is a boundary science which is between acoustics and thermodynamics.

  9. 这两种学说得意涵截然不同。

    The two scenarios have distinct implications.

  10. 他出生农民家庭, 只上过两年学。

    Born into a peasant family, he had only two years of schooling.

  11. 他出生于农民家庭, 他只上了两年学。

    Born into a peasant family , he had only two years of schooling.

  12. 安娜是位老师,她在师范学院上过两年学。

    Anna is a teacher with 2 years of education from the Teacher Training College.

  13. 安娜是位老师,她在师范学院上过两年学。

    Anna is a teacher with 2 years of education from the Teacher Training College.

  14. 两汉经学到魏晋玄学及其转变之原因

    On the Change from Confucian Classics Craze in the West and Eastern Han Periods to the Metaphysical Speculations in Wei and Jin Periods and the Cause of the Change

  15. 他每天花两个小时学英语。

    He puts in two hours on his English studies every day.

  16. 他们中有两人从未学过驾驶。

    Two of them have never learned to drive.

  17. 我们两人都学过这种新教材。

    Either of us has learned the new textbook.

  18. 这是门两个学期学完的必修课。

    This is a prescribed course which spreads over two semesters.

  19. 汤姆刻苦 地学了两年德语。

    Tom fagged at German for two years.

  20. 他在学校学过两年英语。

    He has studied English in school for tow years.

  21. 我只是想让你们这两个孩子学到辛苦工作的价值。

    I just wanted you boys to learn the value of hard work.

  22. 符号学。两个人的车站。分析。

    Semiology, A Railway Station for Two, Analysis.

  23. 我已学了两年少林武术了。

    I have studied Shaolin Wushu for two years.

  24. 当我那四个孩子还小,我常常希望有两个也学能上哈佛。

    When my four were little, I used to hope a couple might go to Harvard.

  25. 大学毕业后,她在布尔诺的一所学院研读了两年管理学。

    After graduating school she studied management for two years at an institute in Brno.

  26. 到这个学期末为止, 我们将学完两本书。

    Until the end of this term, we will finish learning two text books.

  27. 所以他晚上去夜校学了两个月的汉语。

    So he went to evening classes and studied Chinese for two months.

  28. 关于拓扑学中两个基本定理的一种新的证明方法

    The New Proof Ways about Two Basic Theories in Topology

  29. 高中学了两年得西班牙文你现在只记得得得喀喀湖?

    Two years of high school spanish and all you remember is something about lake titicaca ?

  30. 高中学了两年的西班牙文你现在只记得的的喀喀湖?

    Two years of high school spanish and all you remember is something about lake titicaca ?

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