




1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……



汉语拼音:liǎng háng








  1. 庄子 谓不执着于是非的争论而保持事理的自然均衡为“两行”。

    《庄子·齐物论》:“是以圣人和之以是非而休乎天钧,是之谓两行。” 郭象 注:“任天下之是非。”

  2. 两者一起通行、流行。

    《毛诗·周南关雎诂训传》 唐 陆德明 题注:“故训旧本多作故,今或作詁……案:詁、故皆是古义,所以两行。”

  3. 两者一起施行、实行。

    《新唐书·吕諲传》:“始在 河西 ,悉知诸将能否,及为尹,奏取材者数十人总牙兵,故威惠两行。”



  1. But in a shift of position for the Tories, Cameron said the merger had been a mistake, even though he voted for it only four months ago.


  2. Specifies that cells are part of two or more rows by the addition of a colspan attribute to the cell.


  3. Using just a couple of lines of code, with this module, you will extract the title tag and print it out for each page you visit.


  4. crimsoned , and tears suddenly started from her eyes , though her sobbing had stopped .


  5. Specifies that cells are part of two or more rows by the addition of a.


  6. Finally, the two lines at the bottom allow you to run the tests within this test class by simply running this module.


  7. That of a baby, weeping, whimpering, frosty dews align down on his cheeks.


  8. The chairs are set up in two rows back to back (one chair less than the number of players).


  9. The date is usually placed two lines below the last line of the letterhead at left margin for full block style.


  1. 隔两行扫描

    triple scanning

  2. 请坐成两行。

    Now please sit in two rows.

  3. 这里落了两行。

    Two lines are missing here.

  4. 每两行树苗间隔3米。

    There is a space of three meters between two rows of saplings.

  5. 这些卡片需要排成两行。

    The cards need to be laid out in two rows.

  6. 打字时在行间空出两行。

    Type with two empty spaces between lines.

  7. 审查员划掉了下面两行。

    The censor struck out the next two lines.

  8. 提供一个两行的统计汇总。

    Provides a twoline summary of statistics.

  9. 写出加拿大国歌的首两行?

    Write the first two lines of Canada's national anthem ?

  10. 写出加拿大国歌的前两行。

    Give the first two lines of Canadas national anthem.

  11. 每两行输入必须产生一行输出。

    One line of output must be produced for each pair of lines in the input.

  12. 印刷工把这一段漏了两行。

    A man who operates a printing press.

  13. 看那些玩偶多么嫉恨我们。最后两行

    See how the dolls resent us

  14. 印刷工人把这一段漏了两行。

    The printer has left out two lines from this paragraph.

  15. 这首歌的主歌有四行歌词, 副歌有两行。

    The verse has four lines and the chorus has two.

  16. 传教士在唱圣歌,他唱两行,大家跟着唱。

    The preacher was lining out a hymn. He lined out two lines, everyone sung it.

  17. 你在书写时, 应该每两行留些空白。

    You should space between the lines of your writing.

  18. 她想念卡巴顿想得要死, 纵情泪落两行。

    She missed Cal so much that she felt torn in two.

  19. 请把这两行数字加起来看看它们是不是平衡。

    Please run up the two columns of figures and see if they balance.

  20. 在黄本子上抄写下面的句子, 每行写一遍, 写两行。

    Write the following sentence for TWO lines in yellow book.

  21. 请要认领的人在顾客服务柜台前排成两行。

    Will aboard combinationing claim to it please rebate a double mill at trap customer servbuffalo counter?

  22. 请要认领得人在顾客服务柜台前排成两行。

    Will aboard combinationing claim to it please rebate a double mill at trap customer servbuffalo counter ?

  23. 每两行之间可加些空行以利于阅读及检验方便。

    For the ease of reading and proofreading, one may add empty lines between two paragraphs.

  24. 回旋滑水项目中,计算运动员滑绕两行浮标成功的次数。

    In a slalom event, the skier is timed on a run round two lines of buoys.

  25. 用于史诗或叙事诗,每行十个音节,五个音步,每两行押韵

    Heroic couplet is a verse form used in epic poetry, with lines of ten syllables and five stresses, in rhyming pairs

  26. 这时, 将由您使用所创建的业务逻辑来协调这两行。

    It is up to you at that point to reconcile the two rows, using business logic that you create.

  27. 其中一个弱小又邪恶, 而另一个连台词都没有超过两行。

    One is weak and wicked, and the other barely gets two lines of dialogue.

  28. 那邮车夫裹着一条卷好得纸,上面只有两行字

    The postilion contained a roll of paper on which only these two lines were written

  29. 那邮车夫裹着一条卷好的纸,上面只有两行字

    The postilion contained a roll of paper on which only these two lines were written

  30. 总之, 有一阵子, 小孩完全套陷在这两行之间的互动。

    For a time the child is in sum entirely caught up in the interplay between these two lines.


  1. 问:两行程循环拼音怎么拼?两行程循环的读音是什么?两行程循环翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两行程循环的读音是liǎng xíng chéng xún huán,两行程循环翻译成英文是 two stroke cycle

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