







汉语拼音:liǎng wàng







  1. 两者一起忘记。

    《庄子·大宗师》:“与其誉 尧 而非 桀 也,不如两忘而化其道。” 唐 白居易 《分司洛中多暇数与诸客宴游醉后狂吟偶成十韵》:“性与时相远,身将世两忘。” 元 倪瓒 《听袁员外弹琴》诗:“两忘絃与手,流泉松吹声。”

  2. 特指物我、身世两者一起忘记。

    《艺文类聚》卷五七引 南朝 梁武帝 《连珠》:“是以弘道归於兼济,至德由乎两忘。” 唐 骆宾王 《在江南赠宋五之问》诗:“揆拙迷三雀,劳生昧两忘。”



  1. All things are endowed with natural and mysterious colors in the chaste artistic space, which constructs a pure ambit.


  1. 天地之间,物我两忘。

    Between sky and earth, forgot myself and any else.

  2. 身处其中,悠然自在,神游万里而至物我两忘之境界。

    That is the all forgotten ambit of your leisureliness in it.

  3. 先生在步妈经营的生活用品店工作, 两人谱出忘年恋。

    Mr. N works at her mother's grocery store and they fell in love.

  4. 你的金色飞贼别忘了加上两个银色的翅膀。

    Stick two small white or silver feathers into the Styrofoam ball to serve as the wings of the snitch.

  5. 现在能记住,但两天后就会忘了。

    I can remember it now, but not in two days.

  6. 有一天她忘了锁门,两个男人溜了进来。

    She forgot to lock her door one day and two men got in.

  7. 但我们也不要忘了探戈是两个人的舞蹈。

    And let us not forget it takes two to tango.

  8. 她是不会明白的。别忘了, 她只有两岁。

    She can't understand. After all, she's only two.

  9. 歌曲两两相忘。

    A song Still cant come over the memories of you.

  10. 相爱的情人从此两两相忘?

    The lovers in love forget each other since now?

  11. 他两次对她提醒这事,怕她忘了。

    He reminded her twice of it for fearing her forgetting it.

  12. 你们两个我都是我下属,少校,不要忘了!

    I outrank you both. Major. and don't you forget it!

  13. 她忘了把4235的最后两位用小数点分开。

    She has forgotten to point off the last two figures of 4235.

  14. 她本来应该在两天前来看我, 可是她忘了。

    She ought to have come to see me two days ago, but she forgot.

  15. 而转眼间两人就各自相忘, 另寻了新欢。

    But two person of each one forgets in a moment, addition has sought the new joy.

  16. 我把两星期前的你推荐给我的那本小说的书名给忘了。

    I have forgotten the title of the novel which you recommended to me two weeks ago.

  17. 他无法忘了在一场战争中,雅典人杀了他两个儿子。

    He can never forget that his two sons were killed by the Athenians in fair battle.

  18. 两个人新婚快乐,把这儿的老朋友全忘了,那不行!

    You mustn't forget all your old friends here once you're happily married!

  19. 两个动物对这个游戏都很感兴趣,甚至忘了它们是天敌。

    Both animals became so interested in the act that they forgot they were natural enemies.

  20. 就是为了她, 你今年才忘了来看你妹妹和我两个人吗?

    Was it on her account that you neglected to come down to see your sister and me this year

  21. 我忘了她的生日以后整两个星期她都让我给她买礼物和花。

    She made me buy her gifts and flowers for two weeks after I forgot.

  22. 对不起, 忘了举重的两种姿势了。

    Excuse me, I have forgotten the two kinds of weightlifting.

  23. 对不起, 我忘了举重的两种姿势了。

    Excuse me, I have forgotten the two kinds of weightlifting.

  24. 差点忘了,这个标志还有四种颜色,蓝色和红色用了两次。

    Plus, we have four colors present in the logo. Blue and red appear twice.

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