




1. 底 [dǐ]2. 底 [de]底 [dǐ]最下面的部分:~层。~座。~下(a.下面;b.以后)。海~。~肥。末了:年~。月~。到~。根基,基础,留作根据:刨根问~。~蕴。~稿。~版。图案的基层:白~蓝花的瓶子。何,什么:~事伤感。古同……



汉语拼音:wò dǐ







  1. 方言。埋伏下来做内应。

    周立波 《暴风骤雨》第二部四:“写完他又上炕来,好像提醒 郭全海 似地说道:‘你说这屯子里有没有卧底的坏根?’”



  1. He's so far off being the player of the last two seasons that he may just be an imposter planted by United, part of the "conspiracy" .


  2. Bobby inadvertently put out an undercover months of the Women's International Criminal Police, and a section of her situation.


  3. The man had been arrested while trying to sell marijuana to undercover officers, one of the officials familiar with the investigation said.


  4. Mendez said he has worked hard in his life but never as hard as he did while researching this story.


  5. I mean I put two years of work - nine months of it undercover - to gather enough evidence to indict Dante Arete. The case was almost made.


  6. Did not last long, Mark was the undercover identity of the final 5-year girlfriend exposed contacts.


  7. John soon realizes that the Cambodians discover an undercover officer is among their group and is about to be killed .


  8. On another, her gang members beat an undercover officer unconscious, dumping him in the countryside.


  9. Gadgets or not, Torres' bosses in Washington, D. C. , agree undercover agents have to be ready for anything.


  1. 卧底警务人员

    undercover police officer

  2. 女性,卧底警察。

    Female, undercover officer.

  3. 巷道卧底机

    bottom ripping machine.

  4. 我是个卧底记者

    I am an undercover journalist.

  5. 兄弟们,我是卧底的!

    Guys, come on. I'm undercover here.

  6. 我曾经在监狱卧底

    I have been undercover in the prisons.

  7. 你以为卧底是儿戏?

    Think going undercover is a child's game?

  8. 建立卧底证人制度初探

    Study on the System of Clandestine Witness

  9. 卧底侦查及其法律规制

    Investigation of Disguise and its Legal Rule

  10. 我是一个卧底警察。

    I am an undercover police officer.

  11. 给卧底警员而被逮捕

    to an undercover police officer.

  12. 是再次卧底的时候了

    It was time to go undercover again.

  13. 听着,现场有个卧底。

    Listen. there's an undercover officer on the scene.

  14. 要逮他们的卧底警探。

    The undercover agent that's gonna bust their ass.

  15. 她是警察,做卧底工作

    She's a police officer,involved in undercover work.

  16. 我觉得如果有卧底的话。

    I think that if there is a mole.

  17. 她是警察,做卧底工作。

    She's a police officer, involved in undercover work.

  18. 我在黑手党的卧底生活

    Donnie Brasco, My Undercover Life In The Mafia

  19. 你有和卧底约会过吗?

    You ever date someone undercover?

  20. 井下巷道卧底设备的研制

    The Development of Roadway Bottom Ripping Equipment

  21. 我真讨厌你去做卧底。

    I hate it when you do undercover work.

  22. 卧底的摩斯密码是甚么?

    What's the Morse code for undercover?

  23. 卧底侦查的法律规制研究

    The Research on Regulation of Undercover Investigation by the Law

  24. 他的卧底工作涉及很广。

    His undercover work is extensive.

  25. 露易斯。卧底做得怎么样

    Perry Lois. Hows the undercover work coming.

  26. 丹尼,我需要3个卧底的密探

    Danny, I need three undercover agents

  27. 那你们应该知道我是卧底!

    Then you know I'm undercover!

  28. 我要你那个卧底的身份。

    I'm gonna need the identity of your of your undercovers.

  29. 他是警方在黑帮的卧底。

    He was working undercover for the police inside the gang.

  30. 他是警方在黑帮的卧底。

    He was working undercover for the police inside the gang.


  1. 问:卧底拼音怎么拼?卧底的读音是什么?卧底翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卧底的读音是wòdǐ,卧底翻译成英文是 go undercover

  2. 问:卧底老板拼音怎么拼?卧底老板的读音是什么?卧底老板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卧底老板的读音是,卧底老板翻译成英文是 Undercover Boss



“卧底”是个多义词,它可以指卧底(左绍忠所著小说), 卧底(九把刀所著小说), 卧底(1992年沈耀庭导演电影), 卧底(词语释义), 卧底(2002年张进战导演电视剧)。

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