




不争,尽(jǐn)着旁人:~步。~位。谦~。请:~茶。许,使:不~他来。任凭:~他闹去。被:~雨淋了。索取一定代价,把东西给人:出~。转(zhuǎn )~。闪避:~开。当仁不~。责备,谴责:“二世使人~章邯”。古同“攘”,侵夺。……



汉语拼音:kè ràng







  1. 亦作“ 克攘 ”。能谦让。

    《书·尧典》:“允恭克让。” 孔 传:“克,能。” 孔颖达 疏:“善能谦让。”《孔子家语·六本》:“昔 尧 治天下之位,犹允恭以持之,克让以接下。”《汉书·艺文志》:“合於 尧 之克攘,《易》之嗛嗛,一谦而四益,此其所长也。” 颜师古 注:“攘,古让字。” 明 李东阳 《新修平阳府城记》:“且 阳平 之民,旧称勤俭,服劳、温恭、克让,有 尧 之遗风。”



  1. Krishnamurti: Let's forget childhood memories and all that nonsense, and come to the present.


  2. " Chuck's wife said, " Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album.


  3. Xabi Alonso sat this match out as Vicente Del Bosque gave a chance to the rest of his squad.


  4. Krishnamurti: Let's be quite sure that we both understand the same thing when we use the word space.


  5. Krishnamurti: Let us go into the question very slowly, patiently, and find out.


  6. In fact, because of Bernanke making it so easy for college students to get student loans, the U. S. has a college tuition inflation crisis.


  7. Brain expert Semir Zeki asked 21 young men and women to rate the beauty of a selection of paintings and pieces of music.


  8. Your green skirt looked terrible, but that leather jacket makes you look just right.


  9. Krishnamurti: Let us take the first question first.


  1. 故范文甫开二十四克麻黄,让费父为子煎服。

    So Fan prescribed twenty four grams of ephedra, and told his father to boil it.

  2. 那天下午,久恩尼塔?海多克跑来串门,让卡萝尔解解闷。

    That afternoon, Juanita Haydock dropped in to brighten Carol.

  3. 蒂姆,让克里斯蒂不要玩火。

    Tin, let Christy not play with fire.

  4. 欧文不想让克里斯蒂娜独处

    Owen's concerned about leaving Cristina alone.

  5. 但你说你喜欢可以让克里斯高兴。

    But you can say you like it to make Chris feel good.

  6. 不用让克里斯蒂娜知道病人是亨利

    Cristina doesn't have to know that it's Henry.

  7. 为什么让克里斯蒂娜做血管成形术呢

    Why is Cristina doing an angioplasty?

  8. 人口的大批离去, 越来越让克林姆林宫担忧。

    This exodus is a source of increasing worry for the Kremlin.

  9. 她鲁莽的态度让克罗斯感到有点吃惊。

    Cross was a little taken aback by her abrupt manner.

  10. 这个大舞台让克劳切克无所畏惧地向外扩张。

    This large stage leaves Krawcheck outwardly undaunted.

  11. 塞尔维亚人声称应该先让克罗地亚人负责。

    The Serbs claimed the Croats charged them first.

  12. 雅典娜解释为什么她不会让克瑞托斯死去。

    Athena explains why she could not let him die.

  13. 我还想让克里斯蒂。特灵顿帮我口交呢。

    I need a blow job from Christy Turlington.

  14. 而他的注意力不集中让克鲁日找回了比赛。

    He did not focus the attention of Cluj to retrieve the game.

  15. 让克拉斯滚蛋请欧文来做工头更合情理一些。

    It would be more like it if Crass was to be sacked himself, so that Owen could be the foreman.

  16. 我们让克莱尔通过这项技术 同这个小男孩进行互动交流

    And this was a piece of technology with someone called Claire interacting with this boy.

  17. 她的愠怒可让克罗狄俄斯给猜中了,他决定从中渔利。

    Clodius guessed her pique and resolved to profit by it.

  18. 我举这只手向你发誓,我一定狠狠地让克劳狄奥吃点苦头。

    By this hand, Claudio shall render me a dear account!

  19. 杰克真让我着迷。

    Jack really turns me on.

  20. 让我介绍我的朋友, 尼克。

    Let me introduce my friend, Nick.

  21. 澳克莱, 让世界充满绿色。

    AOKELAI, the world is full of green.

  22. 让我亨利伯克现在!

    Get me Henry Burke now!

  23. 帮我让德瑞克回来

    I need you to bring derek back.

  24. 弗兰克他让你做什么

    Colonel Frank Fitts What did he make you do.

  25. 还是让德里克拍照吧

    Maybe Derek can take pictures.

  26. 杰克总是让人很扫兴。

    Jack is such a wet blanket.

  27. 杰克总是让人很扫兴。

    Jack is such a wet blanket.

  28. 马克说就让他去吧

    Mark wanted to be let go.

  29. 电影泰坦尼克让观众激动。

    The film Titanic thrilled the audience.

  30. 这个想法让马克兴奋不已。

    This idea excited Mark lot.

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