


注意可能发生的危险,戒备,告诫:~卫。~世。~告。~戒。~备。~惕。~省(xǐng )(警惕醒悟)。需要戒备的事件或消息:~号。~报。~钟。感觉敏锐,见解独到:~句。~觉(jué)。机~。国家维持社会秩序和治安的武装力量:~察。~士。……







汉语拼音:jǐng chá shǔ






  1. 旧时维治地方治安的警察办事机关。

    巴金 《人》:“他并没有说出要我到警察署去的话。”亦省称“ 警署 ”。 宋教仁 《宋渔父日记·一九零五年八月》:“余不解其由来,与之辩。彼等不听,只云须押收警署去,并邀余去质问。” 萧乾 《坐船犯罪记》:“表刚好差一分八点,我走进了警署。”



  1. Mr Murray said the two uniformed officers from Lancashire Constabulary arrived at lunchtime on Monday, the cafe's busiest time of day.


  2. He was a detective sergeant with the city police, and people do not usually keep a cop waiting.


  3. The last moment before he leaves, he suddenly comes into a big temper.


  4. I'm dory if my facile effort upset you. Come to the police facility someday and I'll show you around.


  5. Information provided courtesy of the Irvine Police Department, American Red Cross and Irvine Valley College.


  6. A request for the TSE service can be initiated by either a local public works or police department.


  7. On Monday, HPD officials declined to comment on the fatal shooting, citing the ongoing investigation.


  8. But Republicans have spoon-fed their allies in the firefighters and the police.


  9. Police departments maintain it is a necessary tool that turns up illegal weapons and drugs and prevents more serious crime.


  1. 这一机构称为少年警察署。

    This body is known as the Juvenile Police.

  2. 我是汉城警察署的检察官。

    I'm the criminal prosecutor of Seoul dpo.

  3. 我说了, 到附近的警察署报警。

    I told you to report to the nearest police station.

  4. 改天到警察署来,我带你参观。

    Im dory if my facile effort upset you. Come to the police facility someday and Ill show you around.

  5. 但伦敦警察署直接与内政大臣管辖。

    London's metropolitan police force is directly under the control of home secretary.

  6. 由南非警察署和情报部门进行这些调查。

    The South African Police Service and the intelligence community carry out these checks.

  7. 警察署已草拟了保护证人的国家指导方针。

    The Directorate of Police has drawn up national guidelines for the protection of witnesses.

  8. 他到警察署后,遭到两名警察的审讯和威胁。

    Upon his appearance at the police station he was interrogated and threatened by two policemen.

  9. 博茨瓦纳警察署将人权培训纳入其人员培训的主流。

    The Botswana Police Service has mainstreamed human rights training for its personnel.

  10. 资料提供感谢尔湾警察署, 美国红十字会和尔湾谷学院。

    Information provided courtesy of the Irvine Police Department, American Red Cross and Irvine Valley College.

  11. 国家警察署不断向边界控制人员提供最新的名单。

    The border controls are continuously provided with updated lists from the National Police Authority.

  12. 匈牙利国家警察署设立了打击恐怖行为的特别部门。

    Special Units have been set up to fight against terrorist acts within the Hungarian National Police.

  13. 许多警察署都有个规定,要求预备警员无犯罪前科。

    Many police services have a policy that requires a completely clean criminal record for prospective employees.

  14. 许多警察署都有个规定,要求预备警员无犯罪前科。

    Many police services have a policy that requires a completely clean criminal record for prospective employees.

  15. 此外,警察署通过国际警察组织接收并同意提供信息的要求。

    Additionally the Police receive and accede to requests for information through INTERPOL.

  16. 博茨瓦纳警察署还与邻国合作, 联合监测贩卖人口问题。

    The Botswana Police Service is also collaborating with neighbouring countries to monitor human trafficking.

  17. 培训是在与南非警察署的多边和双边合作基础上开展的。

    Training takes place on a multilateral and bilateral basis with the South African Police Service.

  18. 还应弄清在警察署内是否设立了打击暴力行为的专门单位。

    It should also clarify whether a specialized unit had been established in the police force to combat violence.


  1. 问:警察署拼音怎么拼?警察署的读音是什么?警察署翻译成英文是什么?

    答:警察署的读音是jǐngcháshǔ,警察署翻译成英文是 police commissioner

  2. 问:警察署长拼音怎么拼?警察署长的读音是什么?警察署长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:警察署长的读音是jǐngcháshǔzhǎng,警察署长翻译成英文是 police captain

  3. 问:警察署分管区拼音怎么拼?警察署分管区的读音是什么?警察署分管区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:警察署分管区的读音是jǐng chá shǔ fēn guǎn qū,警察署分管区翻译成英文是 police precinct

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