


各种颜色交织:~云。~虹。~霞。~绘。~陶。~绸。~笔。~车。~蛋(a.画在鸡、鸭蛋壳上的工艺品;b.方言,松花蛋)。~灯。五~缤纷。五色的绸子:剪~。指赌博或某种竞赛中赢得的东西:~金。~票。得~。称赞、夸奖的欢呼声:喝(hè )~。花样……





汉语拼音:cǎi bǐ







  1. 五彩之笔。

    晋 潘岳 《萤火赋》:“羡微虫之琦瑋,援彩笔以为铭。”

  2. 江淹 少时,曾梦人授以五色笔,从此文思大进,晚年又梦一个自称 郭璞 的人索还其笔,自后作诗,再无佳句。后人因以“彩笔”指词藻富丽的文笔。

    宋 贺铸 《青玉案》词:“碧云冉冉蘅皋暮,彩笔新题断肠句。” 清 杜岕 《游白燕庵》诗:“雕鏤饰文杏,彩笔夹歌謳。”《说唐》第一回:“怪是史书收不尽,故将彩笔补奇女。”

  3. 《南史·江淹传》:“﹝ 江淹 ﹞又尝宿於 冶亭 ,梦一丈夫自称 郭璞 ,谓淹曰:‘吾有笔在卿处多年,可以见还。’ 淹 乃探怀中得五色笔一以授之。尔后为诗絶无美句,时人谓之才尽。”后遂以“綵笔”称五色笔,比喻美妙文才。

    唐 杜甫 《秋兴》诗之八:“綵笔昔曾干气象,白头吟望苦低垂。” 宋 辛弃疾 《江神子·和人韵》词:“当年綵笔赋《芜城》。忆平生,若为情?” 清 厉鹗 《东城杂记·东皋隐者》:“诗句兴来题綵笔,道心悟后付朱絃。”



  1. "You've got a bit of an artist's temperament, haven't you? " says Michelle, softly, as Kieron continues wielding his pastels.


  2. If in a hotel wedding, usually not ready pencil or crayon, lest the children everywhere graffiti.


  3. They write your race number on your arm with a marker, and I had them add the words Thank you, donor family.


  4. A few sheets of paper and a box of crayons can keep a well rounded child busy for far longer than an episode of Dora.


  5. Draw a pencil, a ruler, a pencil box and a crayon. Colour them in and write what colour it is underneath.


  6. Because pigment applied with pastel does not change in colour value, the final effect can be seen immediately.


  7. The next day in art class, the students were divided into four groups and every group shared a box of forty-eight markers.


  8. For me, the five things I'd pack are a laptop, a pack of colored ink pens, a blank sketchbook, a digital camera, and my library card.


  9. The utility model relates to a color drawing pen for students, especially to a composite color pen which is convenient to carry and use.


  1. 它们是他的彩笔。

    They are his markers.

  2. 这些彩笔是谁得?

    Whose markers are these ?

  3. 这些彩笔是谁的?

    Whose markers are these ?

  4. 这个彩笔是紫色的。

    This crayon is purple.

  5. 课桌上有一些彩笔。

    There are some colour pens on the desk.

  6. 你想要些彩笔吗?

    Would you like some markers?

  7. 用彩笔标记出运转方向。

    Mark the running direction with a coloured pen.

  8. 我可以借你的彩笔吗?

    May I borrow your markers, please?

  9. 请给我绿色得彩笔好吗?

    Would you please pass me the green marker?

  10. 请给我绿色的彩笔好吗?

    Would you please pass me the green marker?

  11. 那么,拿出你的彩笔,完成你的画。

    Then, take out your marker, complete the picture.

  12. 请你把彩笔归还给我好吗?

    Could you give me back the colour pencils back?

  13. 用彩笔标记传动带的运转方向。

    Mark running direction of drive belt with a coloured pen.

  14. 用彩笔从第八行开始做标记。

    Mark the content from Line 8 with color pencil.

  15. 你4岁时,她给你几支彩笔。

    When you were 4 years old, she gave you some crayons.

  16. 一株柳树,是一支描绘春天的彩笔。

    A willow is a brush painting spring scenery.

  17. 艾琳猛地一把夺回了彩笔。

    With a wrench, Eileen gained possession of the crayon again.

  18. 我喜欢用彩笔画些自然景色。

    I like to draw scenes from nature with colored pencils.

  19. 等待着你用五颜六色的彩笔点缀它。

    Waiting for you decorated it with colorful crayons.

  20. 这小孩用彩笔把墙全涂污了。

    The child smeared the wall with crayon.

  21. 彩笔听了白纸的话,也再不去碰它了。

    And the multicoloured pencils heard her also, and they too never came near her.

  22. 第一组鸟的羽毛被用彩笔加强了色彩。

    The first group had their plumage colour enhanced with a marker pen.

  23. 第一组鸟得羽毛被用彩笔加强了色彩。

    The first group had their plumage colour enhanced with a marker pen.

  24. 不过妈妈说我最好带一些彩笔和纸画画。

    But mommy said that we'd better prepare some markers and paper.

  25. 有人看到他拿走了那盒彩笔。

    He was noticed taking the box of colour pens away.

  26. 我想起你,每当月亮在泉水中抖动彩笔。

    I think of you, when the moon's glimmer Is reflected in the springs.

  27. 纪念馆的员工发放了彩笔,铅笔以及备用工具。

    Staff members of the memorial distributed crayons, pencils and spare programs.

  28. 用彩笔画画,用彩笔画画。再使用画笔工具给娃娃画上手臂。

    Draw with markers, draw with markers. Create arm and hand using pen tool.

  29. 里面有一支钢笔, 一把尺, 一块橡皮和一盒彩笔。

    There is a pen, a ruler, an eraser and a box of markers in it.

  30. 透过中、外孩子们的彩笔,体会多元丰富的美丽世界。

    Through children's colourful brush strokes we can experience their rich and beautiful world.


  1. 问:彩笔拼音怎么拼?彩笔的读音是什么?彩笔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:彩笔的读音是cǎibǐ,彩笔翻译成英文是 color pencil; crayon



cǎibǐ[colored pencil]1、画彩色图画用的笔或彩色的图画笔,五彩之笔。2、江淹少时﹐曾梦人授以五色笔﹐从此文思大进﹐晩年又梦一个自称郭璞的人索还其笔﹐自后作诗﹐再无佳句。后人因以"彩笔"指词藻富丽的文笔。现在的彩笔一般指有色彩的可写或者可涂的笔状类,如彩色水笔,彩色铅笔,彩色圆珠笔,彩色粉笔,油画棒,油画笔,水粉笔,蜡笔等等。彩笔的颜色主要是由赤橙黄绿青蓝紫的这七色组成,而每种颜色又有深浅之分。彩笔对于生活中有很重要的用途,如教学用粉笔,儿童绘画,或者简易插画等等。

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