


各种颜色交织:~云。~虹。~霞。~绘。~陶。~绸。~笔。~车。~蛋(a.画在鸡、鸭蛋壳上的工艺品;b.方言,松花蛋)。~灯。五~缤纷。五色的绸子:剪~。指赌博或某种竞赛中赢得的东西:~金。~票。得~。称赞、夸奖的欢呼声:喝(hè )~。花样……





汉语拼音:cǎi yún






  1. 绚丽的云彩。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·序志》:“予生七龄,乃梦彩云若锦,则攀而採之。” 唐 李白 《早发白帝城》诗:“朝辞 白帝 彩云间,千里 江陵 一日还。” 清 龚自珍 《长相思》词:“仙参差,佩参差,数罢鸞期又凤期,彩云西北飞。” 朱德 《六连岭》诗:“ 六连岭 上彩云生,竪起红旗革命军。”

  2. 绚丽的云彩。

    南朝 梁 江淹 《丽色赋》:“其始见也,若红莲映池;其少进也,如綵云出崖。五光徘徊,十色陆离。” 唐 陈子昂 《感遇》诗之二七:“ 巫山 綵云没,高丘正微茫。” 元 无名氏 《翫江亭》第一折:“片片綵云风散尽,融融丽日照东华。”



  1. Blue Peacock in the south of the clouds, used in the design of a shawl, makes a woman charming throughout a dinner party.


  2. And all this beautiful silk, she said, would be used to weave colorful clouds in heaven.


  3. Hail to the Prophet, ascended to heaven! Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain.


  4. Eastern colored a little bit Fanzhaoyudu the sky, contracted slightly in Hong Yun, Piaozhe Purpurin Purpurin the Choi Wan.


  5. And all this beautiful silk would be used to used to weave colourful clouds in heacen.


  6. Clouds ripple a pond of water and then disappear. The Moon whispers in your heart like an old soul everywhere.


  7. Viewed from the distance, the island looked like a color cloud. When it was viewed from the distance, the island looked like a color cloud.


  8. When they came downstairs, The radio was still on. Dawn had come up, but the sun lay behind a thin cloud cover.


  9. From you, walking slowly, thousands of miles of lakeshore hindrance is but a shore fireworks.


  1. 彩云酥核桃

    fried crisp walnuts with chive.

  2. 迷失彩云之南


  3. 彩云万朵, 霞光四射。

    Rays of sunlight shine through multihued clouds.

  4. 彩云万朵,霞光四射。

    Rays of sunlight shine through multihued clouds.

  5. 像闪着金光的彩云

    Like a cloud of litten gold

  6. 青釉褐彩云纹壶

    celadon ewer with brown clours and cloud design

  7. 似一片蜂聚的彩云。

    Like a cloud of glory hiest.

  8. 身边彩云变的妩媚

    Becoming more charming is rosy clouds

  9. 夜有来吻额的彩云

    And the clouds that kiss their brows at night

  10. 晨兮彩云起, 吾忧且喜兮。

    Waiting to fade at the bright coming morn.

  11. 北京彩云之家贸易有限公司

    Beijing Rosy Clouds Trading Co. Ltd

  12. 傍晚,天边的彩云美极了。

    The rosy clouds in the sky at sunset are amazing.

  13. 傍晚,天边的彩云美极了。

    The rosy clouds in the sky at sunset are amazing.

  14. 彩云国物语的主题曲。

    Theme song from Saiunkoku Monogatari anime.

  15. 彩云满天,闪着东方金色的饰片。

    The clouds with orient gold spangle their blue.

  16. 彩云多糖对糖尿病小鼠血糖的影响

    Effect of Coriolus Versicolor Polysaccharide on Blood Sugar of Diabetic Mice.

  17. 这落日的景象衬托着后面的彩云真美啊。

    The sunset with the colourful cloud behind it is a beautiful sight.

  18. 天上有许多的星星和彩云用英语怎么说啊?

    There are many stars and clouds in the sky.

  19. 所有这些美丽的蚕丝都将用来织天上的彩云。

    And all this beautiful silk would be used to used to weave colourful clouds in heacen.

  20. 朝辞白帝彩云间, 千里江陵一日还。

    Towards refined language white emperor pink clouds between, great distance Jiangling on first also.

  21. 她说,所有这些美丽的丝线将用来织天上的彩云。

    And all this beautiful silk, she said, would be used to weave colorful clouds in heaven.

  22. 琵琶弦上说相思,当时明月在,曾照彩云归。

    said Acacia string lute, the moon was in, according to Choi had been under.

  23. 她说,所有这些美丽的蚕丝都将用来织天上的彩云。

    And all this beautiful silk, she said, would be used to weave colorful clouds in heaven.

  24. 飞机载着你在彩云间飞翔,飞向你心中的圣地。

    The airplane carries you in the colorful clouds, to the holy land of your heart.

  25. 彩云一带前往西贡的车辆,须改经新清水湾道。

    Vehicles from Choi Hung Ping Shek Choi Wan areas heading for Sai Kung direction will be diverted via New Clear Water Bay Road.

  26. 霁月难逢,彩云易散。心比天高,身为下贱。风流灵巧。

    Seldom the moon shines in a cloudless sky.

  27. 欢呼谢先知步彩云,升高天!叛徒暴君王徒然与它抗。

    Hail to the Prophet, ascended to heaven! Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain.

  28. 恢复清水湾道东行彩云商场外停车湾的原有小巴中途站

    To reinstate the enroute GMB stopping point at Clear Water Bay Road eastbound outside Choi Wan Commercial Complex

  29. 首先,想用漂移就要学会了卡彩云,不会用不用怕,我这里教。

    Do not be so Lazy! Just add as much as you can at here!


  1. 问:彩云拼音怎么拼?彩云的读音是什么?彩云翻译成英文是什么?

    答:彩云的读音是cǎiyún,彩云翻译成英文是 Red clouds.

  2. 问:彩云邨拼音怎么拼?彩云邨的读音是什么?彩云邨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:彩云邨的读音是,彩云邨翻译成英文是 Choi Wan Estate

  3. 问:彩云兜兰拼音怎么拼?彩云兜兰的读音是什么?彩云兜兰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:彩云兜兰的读音是,彩云兜兰翻译成英文是 Paphiopedilum wardii

  4. 问:彩云国物语拼音怎么拼?彩云国物语的读音是什么?彩云国物语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:彩云国物语的读音是,彩云国物语翻译成英文是 The Story of Saiunkoku



“彩云”是个多义词,它可以指彩云(中国移动业务名称), 彩云(台风名称), 彩云(上网辅助软件网盘), 彩云(网页游戏辅助工具), 彩云(汉语词语)。

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