




规矩,法式:~式。~序。章~。规~。进展,限度:~度。进~。日~。过~。道路的段落:路~。行(xíng )~。里~。启~。前~。衡量,考核:计日~功。姓。……



汉语拼音:liáo chéng







  1. 对某些疾病所规定的一个连续治疗的阶段。




  1. These involve smaller doses of the vaccine injected at two or eight areas of the body on the first day, followed by later booster shots.


  2. "Our data suggests our treatment is at least as safe and effective as the international standard, " Yarnold said.


  3. He said he never performed the procedure, telling her he was worriedabout a pre-existing condition she had.


  4. First, they tried to understand what was wrong with the process (the treatment of heart patients after surgery).


  5. But as Gillespie points out this is often because these patients did not complete their course of conventional drugs.


  6. Before treatment, halfway through and a few weeks after, they brought the men into a locked lab and showed them a racy film.


  7. Limited rest combine with appropriate exercise and medication is often the primary method of therapy.


  8. I would like to give you a course of desensitization therapy. It should be regularly injected subcutaneously twice a week.


  9. Order a course first try, did not expect to face after taking the spot light at the end of a gradual mutation.


  1. 是术后疗程吗

    Oh, for after the surgery?

  2. 疗程短见效快。

    Quick short course of treatment.

  3. 继续用药, 继续某个疗程

    Continue taking medicine ofr following a course

  4. 刮痧1周2次,1周为1疗程。

    Scraping1 week2 times, one week for treatment.

  5. 各完成1疗程后评价。

    Tumor assessment was dane after each course.

  6. 整个疗程需时数周。

    A handful of treatment procedures were needed.

  7. 多数患者1个疗程即愈。

    Take 3 days to be a period of treatment repeatedly.

  8. 此疗程花了六个星期。

    The cure took six weeks.

  9. 抗菌药物使用疗程偏长。

    The using time was a little long.

  10. 心理医生希望你加入谈话疗程

    The therapist wants you to join our session.

  11. 开一个疗程抗生素的处方

    to prescribe a course of antibiotics

  12. 下一次疗程我期望听到

    Next session, I expect to hear.

  13. 药物或疗程之后引起的作用。

    a delayed effect of a drug or therapy.

  14. 病人对新的疗程反应良好。

    The patient is responding well to the new course of drugs.

  15. 若购买疗程,可享有折扣优惠。

    Discount will be offered on packages.

  16. 如果疼痛再出现, 则重复疗程。

    If the pain returns, repeat the treatment.

  17. 另外一组接受认知行为疗程。

    Another received cognitive behavioural therapy.

  18. 如果疼痛再出现,则重复疗程。

    If the pain returns, repeat the treatment.

  19. 心理障碍疗程进展顺利, 卓有成效。

    Our counseling sessions became smooth and productive.

  20. 如果我先付一些疗程的钱

    Um. do I get some kind of discount.

  21. 病人现在对新疗程反应良好。

    The patient is responding well to the new course of treatment.

  22. 口服汤药,连续30天为一疗程。

    Oral him for the medical expenses,30 days in a row for a course of treatment.

  23. 休息一周可进行第二疗程。

    One week of rest can be a second course of treatment.

  24. 这种药用于帮助病人 完成疗程

    And its purpose is to help patient to go to the end of the treatment.

  25. 大多数患者1个疗程,既可见成效。

    Daily 2, morning and evening is taken, take 5 grams every time.

  26. 面神经损伤程度越轻,疗程越短。

    The smaller the degree of facial nerve injury, the shorter the course of treatment.

  27. 化学治疗化学疗法或使用化学治疗的疗程。

    Chemo n. Informal Chemotherapy or a chemotherapeutic treatment.

  28. 我们还是要去参加下回的疗程。

    We are going to our next session.

  29. 护士正在检查病人的洗肾疗程。

    The nurse is explaining dialysis therapy to the patient.

  30. 疗程还没结束,我还不能回家。

    I can't come home until my treatment is complete.


  1. 问:疗程拼音怎么拼?疗程的读音是什么?疗程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疗程的读音是liáochéng,疗程翻译成英文是 course of treatment



疗程是针对病情经用药多长时间后所达到何种程度,然后再决定新的治疗方案。称为一个疗程。疗程的长短是根据临床经验来确定。 如一个疗程7天,服用2个疗程.就是连续服用14天.

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