


出行的,在外作客的:~行(xíng )。~馆。~次。~居。~客。~伴。商~。差(chāi)~。~社。军队的编制单位,在师与团之间。泛指军队:军~。强兵劲~。共同:~进~退。同“稆”。古同“膂”,脊梁骨。……


规矩,法式:~式。~序。章~。规~。进展,限度:~度。进~。日~。过~。道路的段落:路~。行(xíng )~。里~。启~。前~。衡量,考核:计日~功。姓。……



汉语拼音:lǚ chéng







  1. 旅行的路程。

    唐 韩愈 《陪杜侍御游湘西两寺独宿有题》诗:“旅程愧淹流,徂岁嗟荏苒。” 宋 苏轼 《再过泗上》诗之一:“旅程已付夜帆风,客睡不妨背船雨。”《人民文学》1981年第4期:“在旅程中,我常常翻阅前人遗留下来的众多的资料。”

  2. 喻人生历程。




  1. Last night, while on a business trip, I got to the airport in Fuzhou 35 minutes before my flight and had no problem making the plane.


  2. To be sure, they did not take the journey primarily for self-discovery or self-transformation, even if all this could happen.


  3. With a younger brother and sister to care for, and little gold left to them, there could no longer be any question of Albus accompanying me.


  4. Enlightment came to her. The pilgrimage of humans was something like a star. There was no forever shining.


  5. This was a beautiful thing to witness as she really was mostly at peace with her journey "home" .


  6. The woman walking by was also on a journey, and our very different lives overlapped, for just a moment, in this transitional environment.


  7. The brief was 'a romantic discovery of the origins of man' and there was no budget.


  8. From there, though, with the end of a ride that began almost three months ago looming, I slowed down and started on an oblique route home.


  9. That is to ask others on the same journey, but maybe somewhat ahead up the road, how they deal with it.


  1. 成长的旅程

    Growing Parade.

  2. 旅程。旅行日程表

    An itinerary

  3. 旅程结束之际。

    Once the voyage comes to an end.

  4. 直到旅程结束。

    for the entire duration of the journey.

  5. 继续你的旅程。

    And you can go again.

  6. 而是关于旅程。

    Life is about the journey.

  7. 谈笑风生, 缩短旅程。

    Cheerful company shorten the mile.

  8. 谈笑风生,缩短旅程。

    Cheerful company shorten the mile.

  9. 我安排旅程表。

    I make out an itinerary for the trip.

  10. 开始艰难的旅程

    Under take an arduous journey

  11. 旅程又慢又艰难。

    Journeys were slow and often difficult.

  12. 创新是一番旅程。

    I have a confession to make.

  13. 那是我的旅程

    That was my journey.

  14. 旅程的最远端

    the farthest point of the journey.

  15. 使人疲乏的旅程

    a weary journey

  16. 旅程需多长时间?

    How long does the journey take ?

  17. 需要五年的旅程。

    Essentially a five year trip.

  18. 我们的旅程在继续

    We kept traveling.

  19. 我想改变我的旅程。

    I want to change my itinerary.

  20. 我想改变我得旅程。

    I want to change my itinerary .

  21. 他将继续他的旅程。

    He will go on and continue with his journey.

  22. 是暗中的旅程向导

    The guide of the voyage clandestine.

  23. 无尽祝福你的旅程。

    Many blessings upon your journey. Namaste.

  24. 去年2月,旅程开始了。

    And the expedition started in February last year.

  25. 这是一个短途旅程。

    It's a short trip.

  26. 西得乐的崭新旅程

    Sidel Embarks A New Journey

  27. 这趟旅程很有收获。

    It was a very productive trip.

  28. 最长的旅程是心的旅程。

    The longest journey of any person is the journey inward.

  29. 英国馆是一个旅程。

    The British Pavilion is a journey.

  30. 无论如何,你的旅程完了。

    One way or another, your travels are over.


  1. 问:旅程拼音怎么拼?旅程的读音是什么?旅程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旅程的读音是lǚchéng,旅程翻译成英文是 itinerary

  2. 问:旅程起讫点图拼音怎么拼?旅程起讫点图的读音是什么?旅程起讫点图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旅程起讫点图的读音是lǚ chéng qǐ qì diǎn tú,旅程起讫点图翻译成英文是 trip termini map



“旅程”是个多义词,它可以指旅程(汪国真诗歌), 旅程(张惠妹音乐专辑), 旅程(Bronwen Hughes执导美国电影), 旅程(陈百强歌曲), 旅程(鸡尾酒酒名), 旅程(词语解释), 旅程(羽泉歌曲), 旅程(首届上海大学生电影文化节闭幕片), 旅程(朱轩小说), 旅程(梁静茹歌曲), 旅程(1997年美国电影), 旅程(托尼·布莱尔回忆录), 旅程(Miles Swain执导美国电影), 旅程(译林出版社出版的同名书籍)。

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