




1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……


1. 柜 [guì]2. 柜 [jǔ]柜 [guì]一种收藏东西用的家具,通常作长方形,有盖或有门:~子。~橱。电视~。掌~(称商店老板或掌管商店的人。亦称“掌柜的”)。柜 [jǔ]〔~柳〕落叶乔木,羽状复叶,小叶长椭圆形,枝韧,可以编筐。……



汉语拼音:chuáng tóu guì








  1. I have my own bedroom, bedroom with a large bed, two bedside cabinets, a large wardrobe and a pair of armchairs.


  2. He thrashes around as if fighting the bedclothes. He punches the wall or knocks things off the bedside table.


  3. The bed and bedside table used to be stained wood, and I know some people don't like it, but I really love painted wood.


  4. I woke up with a buzzer on my bedside table. Trying to shut it down didn't work - the so damn clever Pre knows how to get you out of bed!


  5. After a few days of adamant denials, I decided to place a tape recorder on the bedside table.


  6. Beside the bed there is a bedside cabinet, on which there is usually a reading lamp.


  7. Today, I woke up and reached for my glasses on the nightstand and found a note on them.


  8. He sat up, one hand still on his scar, the other reaching out in the darkness for his glasses, which were on the bedside table.


  9. I looked at my bedside table, I picked up my remote and threw it at the door.


  1. 带锁床头柜

    lockable nightstands.

  2. 水槽,浴缸,床头柜

    The sink, the bathtub, the nightstand.

  3. 带抽屉柚木床头柜

    Teak bedside vanity with drawer

  4. 床头柜, 床边小桌

    night table

  5. 床头柜,床边小桌。

    Night table.

  6. 床旁洗脸台,床头柜

    bedside commode.

  7. 这些床头柜是很大的。

    The end tables are big.

  8. 床旁边有一张床头柜。

    Beside the bed a bedside cabinet.

  9. 床头柜上有个小电扇。

    The bedside table had a small electric fan.

  10. 我的遗嘱在我的床头柜里。

    My will is inside my nightstand.

  11. 我去床头柜拿点东西。

    And I have to get something out of my nightstand.

  12. 我去床头柜拿点东西。

    And I have to get something out of my nightstand.

  13. 两个床头柜在床的旁边。

    Two bedside cabinets beside the bed.

  14. 就放在床头柜的抽屉里。

    They are in the drawer of the night stand.

  15. 在床头柜应该有一张照片。

    There was a picture right there on the nightstand.

  16. 而是放在我的床头柜里

    It's in my bed table drawer.

  17. 而是放在我的床头柜里。

    It's in my bed table drawer.

  18. 那是就是我床头柜上的照片

    That's the picture from my nightstand

  19. 我看你床头柜上放着邀请信。

    I saw the invitation on the nightstand.

  20. 牧师把护照留在床头柜上了。

    The pastor had left his passport on the bedside table.

  21. 商标印于床头柜的金属板上。

    The trademark is embossed on a metal plate inside the headboard.

  22. 你床头柜的圣经里面有个手机。

    There's a cell phone in the Bible next to your bed.

  23. 她在床头柜上放了一杯茶。

    She put a cup of tea down on the bedside table.

  24. 钢制喷塑不锈钢面底裙床头柜

    Bedstand with stainless steel surface and bottom skirt

  25. 卧室有一张小床, 床头柜和衣柜。

    There is a small bed, a bed side table and a closet in the bed room.

  26. 将其他的玫瑰放在床头柜的花瓶中。

    Put the other roses in a vase on the nightstand.

  27. 我总是把我的书包放在床头柜旁边。

    I always put my school bag beside the bedside table.

  28. 这是床头柜,您可以放洗漱用具等。

    This is your bedside table for such things as toilet articles.

  29. 你床头柜里有四个栅偏压电池?

    You had four c batteries in your nightstand?

  30. 请在你的床头柜里放些好的读物!

    Please stock your nightstand with good reading materials!


  1. 问:床头柜拼音怎么拼?床头柜的读音是什么?床头柜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:床头柜的读音是chuángtóuguì,床头柜翻译成英文是 a cupboard by the bedside; a table by the beds...



床头柜bedside cupboard 近代家具中设置床头两边的小型立柜,可供存放杂品用。造型与现代常见的床边柜相仿。

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