







汉语拼音:jiāo yóu




  1. 亦作“ 郊游 ”。到郊外游览。

    明 屠隆 《昙花记·郊游点化》:“胜日好郊游,一带山川错如绣。” 清 俞蛟 《梦厂杂著·春明丛说上·人骨筯记》:“余春日郊游,过庵小憇。”

  2. 见“ 郊游 ”。



  1. When going for an outing, our monitor always brings with him a portable organ.


  2. Norman had misbehaved and, as a punishment, his mother wouldn't let him go on the outing, but he took it on the jaw.


  3. Both campuses are close to London and many students go there regularly for shows, concerts, and sightseeing or to meet friends.


  4. Her sons' school once held a pre-field-trip assembly explaining exactly how close to a hospital the children would be at all times.


  5. It was such a fine day that we all went for an outing.


  6. They planned to go outing if it was fine the next day.


  7. Although it was none of the world's business, the outing of Bill's dirty linen played badly for his wife.


  8. Excellent. You know we're going out for an outing tomorrow. . .


  9. "To undress one of these women is like an outing that necessitates three weeks advance notice. "


  1. 爬山郊游会

    climbing party.

  2. 我们去郊游。

    We go on picnics.

  3. 愉快的郊游

    The Best Wishes for My Ne.

  4. 我喜欢郊游

    I like to spend the day in the countryside.

  5. 你喜欢郊游吗?

    Do you like traveling?

  6. 郊游,作公费旅游

    To go on a junket.

  7. 我们喜欢去郊游。

    We were keen about going to the picnic.

  8. 你常去郊游吗?

    Do you go on picnics?

  9. 春天去郊游正当时。

    Spring is the perfect season for outings.

  10. 是郊游的好天气。

    A good day for a picnic!

  11. 是郊游的好季节。

    It's a good season for hiking.

  12. 她搞了整个郊游。

    She engineered the whole excursion.

  13. 同他们搭伙去郊游

    join them in an outing

  14. 一群郊游的学生。

    A troop of students on a field trip.

  15. 我与朋友去郊游。

    I'll go on an outing with some friends.

  16. 我计划下周去郊游。

    I plan to go outing next week.

  17. 我们计划一次郊游。

    We are planning for an outing.

  18. 明天去郊游怎么样?

    How about going outing tomorrow?

  19. 昨天我们去郊游了。

    Yesterday, we went on a school trip.

  20. 这次郊游少不了你。

    We can't go without you for this outing.

  21. 嘿, 对郊游感觉怎么样

    Hey, what about the outing

  22. 老师带我们去郊游。

    Our teacher is taking us to go for an outing.

  23. 社交聚会, 宴会, 或郊游

    A party, a banquet, or an outing.

  24. 感谢你们组织的郊游。

    Thank you for the wonderful outing.

  25. 挑个好天去郊游

    choose a fine day to go for an outing

  26. 郊游当地有趣的地方

    Excursions are to places of interest in the local area

  27. 他们积极活动, 准备郊游。

    They also pushed for an outing.

  28. 这次郊游是成功的。

    The expedition was a success.

  29. 星期天他们经常去郊游。

    They often go for an outing on Sunday.

  30. 今天我不去郊游了。

    I am not going on the picnic today.


  1. 问:郊游拼音怎么拼?郊游的读音是什么?郊游翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郊游的读音是jiāoyóu,郊游翻译成英文是 outing; picnic; excursion

  2. 问:郊游的拼音怎么拼?郊游的的读音是什么?郊游的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郊游的的读音是,郊游的翻译成英文是 picnicky

  3. 问:郊游的人拼音怎么拼?郊游的人的读音是什么?郊游的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郊游的人的读音是,郊游的人翻译成英文是 picnicker

  4. 问:郊游小广场拼音怎么拼?郊游小广场的读音是什么?郊游小广场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郊游小广场的读音是jiāoyóu xiǎo guǎngchǎng,郊游小广场翻译成英文是 Picnic Plaza



“郊游”是个多义词,它可以指郊游(词语解释), 郊游(庾澄庆1998年演唱歌曲), 郊游(2013年蔡明亮执导电影)。

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