


1. 囤 [dùn]2. 囤 [tún]囤 [dùn]用竹篾、荆条等编织成的或用席箔等围成的存放粮食等农产品的器物:粮~。大~满,小~流。囤 [tún]储存,积存粮食货物:~积(积聚贮存)。~集。~聚。~积居奇(指投机商人大量购存货物)。……


聚集:~少成多。处心~虑。~储。~愤。~郁。~怨。~愿。~累(lěi )。~攒。数学上指乘法运算的得数:~数。乘~。体~。容~。中医指儿童消化不良的病:这孩子有~。捏~。……



汉语拼音:tún jī








  1. 聚集贮存。

    《广西壮族文学》第二编第四章:“ 班氏女 拿出她历年囤积起来的谷子送给 马援 作军粮。”



  1. In a slump there is no natural tendency for the rate of interest to fall, because people's desire to hoard money is increasing.


  2. As if Iraq were not complex enough, now Turkey's troops are massed along the rugged border between the two countries.


  3. That demand spike -- China was stocking up in case it needed backup fuel -- played a role in oil's climb to its record of $145 a barrel.


  4. For Shell, Exxon et al to hoard oil underground would be to leave billions of dollars of investment languishing unused.


  5. Excess caloric energy in the diet is stored in white fat calls that pile up in the body, particularly in the thighs and abdomen.


  6. Poor people in one of the world's poorest countries, they had been trying to hoard as much as they could for the coming winter.


  7. No matter how much money is thrown into the system, people are so nervous that they just hoard it.


  8. Mr Hudson said: "They're not stockpiling stock . . . they're trying to get rid of it. "


  9. Tom had a reputation as a miser who hoarded every penny he could get his hands on.


  1. 囤积稀缺商品

    speculative hoarding of scarce supplies.

  2. 抛售所囤积的货物

    to dishoard goods

  3. 上海土地囤积之谜

    The riddle of hoarding land in Shanghai

  4. 我现在是否应该囤积金条?

    Should I be hoarding gold bars right now?

  5. 程序设计语言资料囤积版面

    Some Java Programming Study Documents Posted Here Java

  6. 战后他们因囤积而被枪决。

    After the war, they were shot for hoarding.

  7. 他们囤积了大量砂洗牛仔裤。

    They have plenty of stonewashed jeans in stock.

  8. 他们囤积了大量砂洗牛仔裤。

    They have plenty of stonewashed jeans in stock.

  9. 因为囤积? ? 能赚到很多钱。

    Because people make a lot of money from bunkering, he said.

  10. 富有者囤积了更甜美的梦想。

    The wealthy hoard the sweeter dreams.

  11. 你有囤积的财富在过去的日子。

    You have hoarded wealth in the last days.

  12. 也不是出来找非法囤积的酒。

    Nor or we out to find liquor illegally stashed away.

  13. 预期战争将至,许多人囤积食品。

    In expectation of war, many people like to store up food.

  14. 他照计划行事,囤积了一些粮食。

    In prosecution of his plan, he stored away a supply of food.

  15. 有几个投机者曾试图囤积小麦。

    Some speculators have tried to corner wheat.

  16. 缺货的谣言驱使人们囤积生活用品。

    A rumor of a shortage stampeded people into laying in supplies.

  17. 他在内战时期囤积了大量的黄金。

    He stocked up on a lot of gold during the civil war.

  18. 对人们为什么囤积的原因还有争议。

    The reason or reasons why people hoard are in dispute.

  19. 随后他据称开始囤积中信资源股票。

    He then allegedly began to accumulate shares in the company.

  20. 他在饥荒期间囤积大米发了不义之财。

    He got rich by hoarding up rice in time of famine

  21. 部分商人囤积惜售造成物价飞涨。

    Some of the businessmen's over stocking of goods, and reluctance to sell caused an increase in prices.

  22. 哥德里克我们可以巩固城墙,囤积粮食。

    Godric We can fortify the walls and lay in foodstocks.

  23. 农民囤积农产品显然是希望价格能够上涨。

    Farmers apparently hold back produce in the hope that prices will rise.

  24. 民众在囤积粮食为迫近的台风作准备。

    People are stocking up on supplies to prepare for the impending typhoon.

  25. 考虑到现金囤积问题,我们能够这样做吗?

    Can it be done, given the problem of cash Hoarding?

  26. 囤积与流通领域里的倒买倒卖对经济的影响

    Effects of Hoarding and Reselling at Profit on Economy

  27. 我们的文化把时间看做可囤积, 护之物。

    Our culture views time as a thing to hoard and protect.

  28. 我们的文化把时间看做可囤积, 保护之物。

    Our culture views time as a thing to hoard and protect.

  29. 人们认为物价为迅速上涨,所以开始囤积物品。

    Because people expected prices to rise rapidly, they started to hoard goods.

  30. 她预期果脯会有短缺, 所以囤积了一大批。

    She expected a shortage of dried fruit so she laid in a large supply.


  1. 问:囤积拼音怎么拼?囤积的读音是什么?囤积翻译成英文是什么?

    答:囤积的读音是túnjī,囤积翻译成英文是 hoard

  2. 问:囤积拼音怎么拼?囤积的读音是什么?囤积翻译成英文是什么?

    答:囤积的读音是túnjī,囤积翻译成英文是 accumulation of stocks

  3. 问:囤积居奇拼音怎么拼?囤积居奇的读音是什么?囤积居奇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:囤积居奇的读音是túnjījūqí,囤积居奇翻译成英文是 hoarding and speculation

  4. 问:囤积者拼音怎么拼?囤积者的读音是什么?囤积者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:囤积者的读音是,囤积者翻译成英文是 hoarder

  5. 问:囤积商品拼音怎么拼?囤积商品的读音是什么?囤积商品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:囤积商品的读音是tún jī shāng pǐn,囤积商品翻译成英文是 hoarding of stock

  6. 问:囤积抛售拼音怎么拼?囤积抛售的读音是什么?囤积抛售翻译成英文是什么?

    答:囤积抛售的读音是tún jī pāo shòu,囤积抛售翻译成英文是 dishoarding

  7. 问:囤积劳动力拼音怎么拼?囤积劳动力的读音是什么?囤积劳动力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:囤积劳动力的读音是tún jī láo dòng lì,囤积劳动力翻译成英文是 labor hoaring

  8. 问:囤积居奇者拼音怎么拼?囤积居奇者的读音是什么?囤积居奇者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:囤积居奇者的读音是dùn jī jū jī zhě,囤积居奇者翻译成英文是 corneror





【拼音】tún jī基本解释1. [regrate]∶在市场或集市购买 [生活必需品] ,目的是在同一地点或在附近地点售出而获利2. [corner;hoard for speculation]∶为投机倒卖而把货物存起来不卖详细解释聚集贮存。《广西壮族文学》第二编第四章:“ 班氏女 拿出她历年囤积起来的谷子送给 马援 作军粮。”英文翻译1. to hoard (especially necessities) for market speculation; to stock up

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