







汉语拼音:kuà qí








  1. They'll do what's called a pre-mount where they'll take their trunk coming from the back of the other bull lying on the top of their back.


  2. While straddling the fence, my dog nipping at my foot.


  3. Straddle milling Straddle is a special form of gang milling where only side and face milling cutters are used.


  4. You should be able to straddle the bike with both feet on the ground; a bike that is too big or too small is a safety hazard.


  5. Study on Dynamic Characteristics of a 125 Style Bestriding Motorcycle Structure


  6. why , man , he doth bestride the narrow world like a colossus


  7. The study on dynamic characteristics of stridden motorcycle with FEM


  1. 跨骑在骆驼上

    to stride a camel.

  2. 跨骑在椅子上

    to stride on a chair.

  3. 公牛正跨骑在母牛上。

    The bull was riding the cow.

  4. 为什么他要像巨人一样跨骑在狭窄的世界上?

    Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a colossus

  5. 如果摩托车是巨型的, 对跨骑在上面的人来说也不算什么了。

    If the motorcycle was huge, it was nothing to the man astride it.

  6. 房室瓣骑跨的形态分析

    Morphological analysis of overriding and straddling atrioventricular valves

  7. 腹主动脉骑跨栓塞的诊断与治疗

    Diagnosis and treatment of aortic saddle embolism

  8. 她跨着骑。

    She rode astride.

  9. 骑跨横窦硬膜外血肿16例治疗体会

    Treatment of16 cases of epidural hematoma straddling the transverse sinus

  10. 输尿管镜引导放置导尿管治疗尿道骑跨伤

    Ureteroscopy for Surgical Treatment of Straddle Injury of Urethra

  11. 目的探讨腹主动脉骑跨栓塞的诊断及治疗。

    Objective To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of aortic saddle embolism.

  12. 骑跨地铁隧道的建筑基坑下土体加固技术

    Consolidation Technique for Soil Underneath Foundation Pit Crossing Subway Tunnel

  13. 急性肾下腹主动脉骑跨栓塞的临床治疗体会

    The treatment of acute infrarenal abdominal overriding aorta occlusion

  14. 骑跨中后颅窝底肿瘤的显微外科治疗

    Microsurgical treatment of communicating tumor of the middle and posterior cranial fossa

  15. 他跨上马骑走了。

    He mounted his horse and rode off.

  16. 跨窦骨瓣开颅术治疗骑跨式硬膜外血肿

    Treatment of epidural hematoma straddling sinus with bone flap craniotomy straddling sinus

  17. 目的总结和分析腹主动脉骑跨栓塞的治疗经验和教训。

    Objective To summarize and analyze the treatment experience of aortic saddle embolism.

  18. 结论骑跨伤致尿道球部损伤多为尿道不完全断裂。

    Conclusions Most of the anterior urethra disruptions by straddle injury were partial rupture.

  19. 颅骨平片多有骨折,有时骨折线可骑跨横窦,矢状窦和枕大孔。

    The plain Xray film of skull showed that the fractures were usually significant and in some cases can straddle the transverse sinus, sagital sinus or foramen magnum.

  20. 他跨上自行车就骑走了。

    He got on his bike, and cycled off.

  21. 我看到一个男人跨上一匹马骑走了。

    I saw a man a horse and off.

  22. 某125型跨骑式摩托车结构的动态特性研究

    Study on Dynamic Characteristics of a125 Style Bestriding Motorcycle Structure

  23. 某125型跨骑式摩托车结构得动态特性研究

    Study on Dynamic Characteristics of a123 Style Bestriding Motorcycle Structure.

  24. 过去认为淑女跨骑马是件有失体统的事。

    In the past it was considered indecent for a lady to ride a horse astride.

  25. 诗他人骑大马,我独跨驴子。回顾担柴汉,心下较些子。

    A Quatrain Others ride tall horse, Alone I on a donkey sit. Looking back at a woodcutter, On foot, I feel happier a bit.

  26. 跨着两腿各在一边分开骑着

    On or over and with a leg on each side of.

  27. 小伙子在她身后跨上车子,边说边飞快地骑跑了。

    With these instructions, he straddled his bike once again and pedaled off.

  28. 横窦骑跨性硬膜外血肿的早期诊断及术式改进

    Early diagnosis and operative method improvement of epidural hematoma straddling transverse sinus

  29. 结果颅内三叉神经鞘瘤分三型颅后窝型,颅中窝型及骑跨型。

    Results The trigeminal neurinoma could be classified into three types posterior cranial fossa type , middle cranial fossa type , and straddle type.

  30. 他还给每个骑师钱让其按不同顺序跨过终点线。

    He also paid the jockeys to cross the finishing line in a particular order.


  1. 问:跨骑拼音怎么拼?跨骑的读音是什么?跨骑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跨骑的读音是,跨骑翻译成英文是 bestride

  2. 问:跨骑着拼音怎么拼?跨骑着的读音是什么?跨骑着翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跨骑着的读音是,跨骑着翻译成英文是 a cheval



跨骑 kuàqí [bestride] 两脚分开跨在马上

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