


别的,以外:~外。~行(xíng )。~议。~眼看待。~起炉灶(a.喻重新做起;b.喻另立门户,另搞一套)。……





汉语拼音:lìng jiā






  1. Usage-based pricing, not a different regulatory regime, is all that is needed.


  2. He paid the company $155 for a girl to give him a lap dance and a further $120 for a sex act.


  3. Taliban commanders boast that they have 10, 000 fighters, plus a swarm of thousands of suicide-bombers, ready to go into action.


  4. Don't try to scrimp here - have the boat pulled out even if it costs you.


  5. the tube connecting the air blower should not be borne by the weight of the hairdryer with the installation of additional support should be.


  6. Payment: wire transfer or credit card, wire transfers should pay all the bank charges, and an additional $ 15.


  7. pump suction pipe and a liquid plus a stent must not be used for pump support.


  8. For dinner, enjoy as much sushi, sashimi and tempura as you want, plus a glass of Sparkling Sake at only RMB180 + 15%.


  9. I'm afraid you should compensate us by 7% of the total amount of the contract , as well as the inspection fee.


  1. 甜品另加9元

    Additional 9RMB for Dessert

  2. 每一乘客座位另加

    Additional fee for each seat for a passenger

  3. 工资之外另加驻外补贴。

    Overseas subsidy will be added to the regular salary.

  4. 国定假日另加特别费。

    Additional charge on special holiday departure.

  5. 所有饮料按实际消费另加。

    All the drinks are on consumption basis.

  6. 墩内要求另加集中压力。

    Additional concentric prestressing was required in the pier.

  7. 如空位不足, 请另加纸张。

    If space is not sufficient, please attach separate sheet.

  8. 您消费50元,另加2。50元的服务费。

    That will be 50, plus a service charge of 2.50.

  9. 但这一回的聚餐却是另加的。

    But this was an odd gathering.

  10. 在已经拥有的基础上另加的东西。

    Something added to what you have already.

  11. 如要较好的座位必须另加钱。

    You must pay extra for a better seat.

  12. 如此栏不够填写, 请另加纸张。

    If space provided is inadequate, please use separate sheet of paper for item list.

  13. 也就是说你给我另加了一个月?

    That means you added a month.

  14. 定制特殊规格产品需另加模具费。

    Custom special product specifications are subject to die for.

  15. 因为这另加了一个失败的因素。

    because there's an extra point of failure.

  16. 工资面议, 另加表现挂钩的年度奖金。

    Good salary with annual bonus geared to performance.

  17. 新换的零件费要30美金,人工另加。

    The parts cost 30 dollars, plus labour.

  18. 新换得零件费要30美金,人工另加。

    The parts cost 28 dollars, plus labour.

  19. 这东西值一镑, 另加邮费十便士。

    It costs a pound, plus ten pence for postage.

  20. 并无需另加本港邮费及包装费。

    Postage for Hong Kong surface mail and package costfree.

  21. 要想做到表里如一,还需另加花费。

    To do think that would otherwise cost.

  22. 熟食一般不需另加烹调便可食用。

    Delicatessen usually require little preparation for serving.

  23. 先把茶叶放入茶壶,然后另加热水。

    You put the tea into the pot before adding the hot water.

  24. 若空位不敷应用, 请另加纸张填写。

    Should there be insufficient space, please continue a separate sheet.

  25. 我们的鲜榨果汁是新鲜榨的, 不另加糖。

    Our fresh fruit juice are freshly squeezed and without extra sugar in it.

  26. 我们得鲜榨果汁是新鲜榨得, 不另加糖。

    Our fresh fruit juice are freshly squeezed and without extra sugar in it.

  27. 你可以另加散页到那本册子里去。

    You can insert additional papers into that book

  28. 你就用心干吧!我会给你另加酬劳的。

    Be intent in your work. I'll add additional salary.

  29. 你就用心干吧!我会给你另加酬劳的。

    Be intent in your work. I'll add additional salary.

  30. 另加39美分您可以换成特大号的套餐。

    You can supersize your meal for only 39 cents extra.


  1. 问:另加拼音怎么拼?另加的读音是什么?另加翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加的读音是lìngjiā,另加翻译成英文是 To add to; to apply to.

  2. 问:另加主食拼音怎么拼?另加主食的读音是什么?另加主食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加主食的读音是lìng jiā zhǔshí,另加主食翻译成英文是 Additional Dishes

  3. 问:另加烤鱼拼音怎么拼?另加烤鱼的读音是什么?另加烤鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加烤鱼的读音是lìng jiā kǎo yú,另加烤鱼翻译成英文是 Extra Order of Grilled Fish

  4. 问:另加粉条拼音怎么拼?另加粉条的读音是什么?另加粉条翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加粉条的读音是lìng jiā fěntiáo,另加粉条翻译成英文是 Extra Order of Glass Noodles

  5. 问:另加菜单拼音怎么拼?另加菜单的读音是什么?另加菜单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加菜单的读音是lìng jiā càidān,另加菜单翻译成英文是 Extra Orders

  6. 问:另加蔬菜拼音怎么拼?另加蔬菜的读音是什么?另加蔬菜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加蔬菜的读音是lìng jiā shūcài,另加蔬菜翻译成英文是 Extra Order of Vegetables

  7. 问:另加蘑菇拼音怎么拼?另加蘑菇的读音是什么?另加蘑菇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加蘑菇的读音是lìng jiā mógū,另加蘑菇翻译成英文是 Extra Mushrooms

  8. 问:另加豆腐拼音怎么拼?另加豆腐的读音是什么?另加豆腐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加豆腐的读音是lìng jiā dòufu,另加豆腐翻译成英文是 Extra Order of Tofu

  9. 问:另加面条拼音怎么拼?另加面条的读音是什么?另加面条翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加面条的读音是lìng jiā miàntiáo,另加面条翻译成英文是 Extra Order of Noodles

  10. 问:另加骨头拼音怎么拼?另加骨头的读音是什么?另加骨头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加骨头的读音是lìng jiā gǔtou,另加骨头翻译成英文是 Extra Order of Bones

  11. 问:另加刀切面拼音怎么拼?另加刀切面的读音是什么?另加刀切面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加刀切面的读音是lìng jiā dāo qiēmiàn,另加刀切面翻译成英文是 Extra Order of Noodles

  12. 问:另加面片儿拼音怎么拼?另加面片儿的读音是什么?另加面片儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加面片儿的读音是lìng jiā miàn piān er,另加面片儿翻译成英文是 Extra Order of Handpulled Dough

  13. 问:另加鸡蛋羹拼音怎么拼?另加鸡蛋羹的读音是什么?另加鸡蛋羹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加鸡蛋羹的读音是lìng jiā jīdàn gēng,另加鸡蛋羹翻译成英文是 Extra Order of Steamed Egg

  14. 问:另加黄豆芽拼音怎么拼?另加黄豆芽的读音是什么?另加黄豆芽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加黄豆芽的读音是lìng jiā huáng dòuyá,另加黄豆芽翻译成英文是 Extra Bean Sprouts

  15. 问:另加冷面面条拼音怎么拼?另加冷面面条的读音是什么?另加冷面面条翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加冷面面条的读音是lìng jiā lěng miàn miàntiáo,另加冷面面条翻译成英文是 Extra Order of Buckwheat Noodles

  16. 问:另加各色海鲜拼音怎么拼?另加各色海鲜的读音是什么?另加各色海鲜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加各色海鲜的读音是lìng jiā gèsè hǎixiān,另加各色海鲜翻译成英文是 Extra Order of Seafood

  17. 问:另加铁板烤肉拼音怎么拼?另加铁板烤肉的读音是什么?另加铁板烤肉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加铁板烤肉的读音是lìng jiā tiě bǎn kǎoròu,另加铁板烤肉翻译成英文是 Extra Order of Beef

  18. 问:另加鲜活章鱼拼音怎么拼?另加鲜活章鱼的读音是什么?另加鲜活章鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加鲜活章鱼的读音是lìng jiā xiān huó zhāngyú,另加鲜活章鱼翻译成英文是 Extra Order of Raw Octopus

  19. 问:另加方便面面条拼音怎么拼?另加方便面面条的读音是什么?另加方便面面条翻译成英文是什么?

    答:另加方便面面条的读音是lìng jiā fāngbiànmiàn miàntiáo,另加方便面面条翻译成英文是 Extra Order of Ramen Noodles

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