











汉语拼音:fēi qín zǒu shòu







  • 【解释】:禽:鸟;兽:野兽。飞翔的禽鸟,奔跑的野兽。泛指鸟类和兽类。
  • 【出自】:汉·王延寿《鲁灵光殿赋》:“飞禽走兽,因木生姿。”
  • 【示例】:铃儿乃金丹之宝,又不是~,如何辨得雌雄?
  • 【语法】:联合式;作宾语、定语;指动物


  1. A local lady wondered whether the CIA would be permitted to shoot wild-life which strayed too close to the US president.


  2. Quasi-known long after, the birds and the animals see no town of the ground pipe, began to perpetrate them.


  3. I also see that there are so many birds and beats entirely at your feet, right under your beautiful velvet skirt.


  4. Biri here boulevards, across the river waterfall, Feiqinzoushou many reservations about the primeval forest landscape.


  5. Quanzhou colorful wood, mainly birds and animals as the theme, the pursuit of vivid, true to life likeness artistic effect.


  6. In the margins of the books they copied, the Irish scribes drew little pictures, thickets of plants, flowers, birds and animals.


  7. Carol: Oh, no. Darn it! You know how I love to see Gods creatures in cages , but I have to study.


  8. Attention means paying tender regard to the beasts and birds, neighbors, coffee cups and pencil sharpeners.


  9. Light and dark hole hole have innumerable the shape is like people and other animals and birds, engrave the stalactites, breathtaking.


  1. 我也知道有很多飞禽走兽拜倒在你的天鹅绒裙下。

    I also see that there are so many birds and beats entirely at your feet, right under your beautiful velvet skirt.

  2. 这里林荫蔽日, 溪瀑遍布, 飞禽走兽众多, 保留着原始森林景观。

    Biri here boulevards, across the river waterfall, Feiqinzoushou many reservations about the primeval forest landscape.

  3. 我们十分感激食虫的飞禽和走兽。

    We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects.

  4. 我们十分感激食虫得飞禽和走兽。

    We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects.

  5. 地球上的一切走兽

    All the beasts of the earth

  6. 走兽有穴可归, 飞鸟有巢可

    The beast retires to its shelter, and the bird flies to its nest.

  7. 神要亚当给一切被造的牲畜飞鸟走兽起名。

    And God gave Adam the privilege to name all the livestock, the beasts and birds created.

  8. 那人便给一切牲畜和空中飞鸟,野地走兽都起了名。

    So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field.

  9. 有头驴发明一张兽王皮, 他披着兽王皮走进村庄。

    Bn ass once found a lion's skin. He put it on, and walked towards the village.

  10. 兽见之皆走,虎不知兽畏己而走也,以为畏狐也。

    The beast sees all walks, the tiger did not know also beastly fear oneself walks, thinks the fear fox.

  11. 后来,当走兽战胜鸟类时,走兽们高声地唱着胜利的歌。

    Later, when the wild beasts and birds are over when shouted loudly sing song of victory.

  12. 飞禽走兽壁画

    frescoes on birds and beasts

  13. 试想飞禽走兽如何降生。

    Imagining how the beasts began.

  14. 树林里飞禽走兽都静悄悄的。

    The birds and the beasts of the forest were silent.

  15. 许多走兽和飞禽住在森林里。

    Lots of animals and birds live in the forest.

  16. 整幢屋子飞禽鸣,走兽吼,生机一片。

    The entire building chirped, whistled, screeched, squeaked and rustled with life.

  17. 其招式就模仿了五种飞禽走兽的动作。

    Its movements imitated the motion of five kinds of birds and beasts.

  18. 所有的走兽, 飞禽和各种各样的鱼类都接到了邀请。

    All the beasts, birds, and fishes of all sizes and shapes were invited.

  19. 所有的动物, 无论是飞禽还是走兽, 都立刻蜂拥到他的身边。

    Immediately al the different kinds of animals, both birds and beasts, flocked around him.

  20. 狮子烦躁地在兽笼里走来走去。

    The lion paced the floor of his cage restlessly.

  21. 再过一周, 就可以第一次走出兽穴。

    At first, they live only on milk from their mother.

  22. 化身巨大的身影向兽人军队的中心走去。

    The massive figure marched toward the center of the orc army.

  23. 原来老人是神仙下凡,他带走了年兽。

    The Nian saw the wisdom in this, and the old man, who was actually a god in disguise, took the beast away.

  24. 那是人还是兽?他赶紧出了洞穴, 走到阳光底下。

    Was it a man, or a wild animal ?He hurried out into the daylight.

  25. 我死了你才能从我魔兽世界英雄榜手中把枪拿走!

    You'll take me blunderbu we ye pry it from my cold, dead hands!

  26. 哪个神的圣兽过去了,就表示这一位神带走了死者的灵魂。

    Whichever god's animal does this is the god who has taken the spirit of the deceased.

  27. 当驯兽师走进狮笼时, 他带着一把手枪, 一支皮鞭和一把椅子。

    When the lion tamer goes into the lion cage, he brings a pistol, a whip and a chair. the chair is said to be the most efficient at controlling the beast.




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