




1. 葛 [gé]2. 葛 [ɡě]葛 [gé]多年生草本植物,茎可编篮做绳,纤维可织布,块根肥大,称“葛根”,可制淀粉,亦可入药(通称“葛麻”):~布。~巾(葛布做的头巾,古人不分贵贱常服)。~履。表面有花纹的纺织品,用丝做经,棉线或麻线……



汉语拼音:guā gé







  1. 瓜与葛。皆蔓生植物。比喻辗转相连的亲戚关系或社会关系。

    汉 蔡邕 《独断》卷下:“四姓小侯,诸侯家妇,凡与先帝先后有瓜葛者……皆会。” 唐 权德舆 《奉和韦曲庄言怀贻东曲外族诸弟》:“小生忝瓜葛,慕义斯无穷。” 清 李渔 《怜香伴·婚始》:“我如今送你到舅舅宦邸暂居,虽是嫡亲瓜葛,也比家内不同。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·小谢》:“部院勘 三郎 ,素非瓜葛,无端代控,将杖之,扑地遂灭。”

  2. 喻夫妻。

    三国 魏 曹叡 《种瓜篇》:“与君新为婚,瓜葛相结连。” 元 白朴 《墙头马上》第三折:“果若有天缘,终当做瓜葛。”

  3. 泛指牵连,相关。

    清 李渔 《玉搔头·得像》:“只是这枝簪子既在奴家头上顶戴多时,也就有些瓜葛了。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致陶亢德》:“《论语》虽先生所编,但究属 盛 家赘婿商品,故殊不愿与之太有瓜葛也。”



  1. Believe me, that whatever unhappy circumstances may have connected you with George Staunton, the sooner you break them through the better.


  2. I thought it disgusting that a man of his age should concern himself with affairs of the heart.


  3. "But you didn't have much to do with him, did you? " went on Drouet, anxious for his own peace of mind to get some direct denial from her.


  4. And yet Mr Sarkozy has bolstered the momentum of his reforms thanks to three largely unrelated factors.


  5. McCain and Barack Obama have sparred over ties to lobbying firms and financial institutions caught up in the Wall Street turmoil.


  6. Although the term is often used to refer to new technology, many innovations are neither new nor involve new technology.


  7. It sounds as though your husband is prepared to abandon his affair and work at the marriage.


  8. Ms. Norma has since left the company for another job. Her departure wasn't related to any lunch-time spills, of course.


  9. I have no intention of going out with you, having sex with you, doing anything with you, except work.


  1. 她和你有什么瓜葛?

    What is it you got between you?

  2. 没瓜葛,下次交好运。

    Never mind. Better luck next time.

  3. 与巴塞罗那的瓜葛


  4. 你我之间毫无瓜葛。

    You and I had nothing.

  5. 你跟往昔毫无瓜葛。

    You have nothing to do with all that time that has gone.

  6. 他与我无瓜葛,只是嫌疑犯。

    He's nothing but a suspect to me.

  7. 我和犯人没任何瓜葛。

    I do not fractionize with inmates.

  8. 我和那家人没什么瓜葛了。

    I have no more business with that family.

  9. 你和我家从此再无瓜葛

    Your association with my family is over.

  10. 他跟投机倒把分子有瓜葛。

    He's got mixed up with speculators.

  11. 我与她不再有什么瓜葛了。

    I no longer had to meddle with her.

  12. 我跟他不再有什么瓜葛了。

    I have nothing to do with him anymore.

  13. 我不能和你任何瓜葛。

    I can't start up something with you.

  14. 她和不法的群众有瓜葛。

    She got in with the wrong crowd.

  15. 大多数时候,这种瓜葛并没有害处。

    Most of the time, this intermingling is not pernicious.

  16. 他和法国司法部门有瓜葛。

    He's got ties to French justice.

  17. 事实上, 我和她有些瓜葛。

    Actually, I happen to be acquainted with that woman.

  18. 他说他的教民和游击队毫无瓜葛

    He says his people have nothing to do with guerrillas

  19. 你真的和此事了无瓜葛吗?

    Do you really have nothing to do with the affair?

  20. 我和他没瓜葛, 我是这么想的。

    I'm not involved with him, I don't think.

  21. 你不该跟他有任何瓜葛。

    You shouldnt involve yourself with him.

  22. 这场争吵与正义几无瓜葛。

    The row has little to do with justice.

  23. 你也许同绑架案有点瓜葛。

    You may have had something to do with the kidnapping.

  24. 他极力淡化与该事的瓜葛。

    He has tried to play down his involvement in the affair.

  25. 你的漂亮和你的脸是没有一点瓜葛的。

    Your beautiful and your face is not a little connection to.

  26. 我向你保证我与此事毫无瓜葛。

    This had nothing to do with me, I assure you.

  27. 我不想和那种人有瓜葛。

    I'm not getting into business with those people.

  28. 我不想再与你有任何瓜葛。

    I can't have any connection to you.

  29. 政府极力淡化与该事的瓜葛。

    The government are trying to play down their involvement in the affair.

  30. 我们知道,真爱与占有毫无瓜葛。

    Arguably, true love is not about possessing at all.


  1. 问:瓜葛拼音怎么拼?瓜葛的读音是什么?瓜葛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瓜葛的读音是guāgé,瓜葛翻译成英文是 association




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