







汉语拼音:hào jiǎn







  1. 损耗减少。

    《汉书·高帝纪下》:“会天下诛 秦 , 南海 尉 它 居南方,长治之,甚有文理,中县人以故不耗减。”《三国志·魏志·杜畿传》:“是时天下郡县皆残破, 河 东最先定,少耗减。”《魏书·高闾传》:“自中原崩否,天下幅裂,海内未一,民户耗减,国用不充,俸禄遂废。”《明史·黄泽传》:“ 泽 奏 金华 、 台州 户口较 洪武 时耗减,而岁造弓如旧,乞减免。”

  2. 谓疲惫,不足。

    《资治通鉴·唐文宗太和八年》:“春,正月,上疾小瘳;丁巳,御 太和殿 ,见近臣,然神识耗减,不能復故。” 宋 朱熹 《答陆象山》:“ 熹 衰病日侵,去年灾患亦不少,比来病躯方似略可支吾,然精神耗减,日甚一日,恐终非能久於世者。” 清 严有禧 《漱华随笔·先太仆》:“神色耗减,精气消亡。”



  1. Accounting results show that the loss value caused by water depletion and pollution is 18. 93 billion yuan, it takes 1. 87 percent of GDP.


  2. Valuation of Natural Resources'Depletion-the Theoretical Framework and Case Study from the View of Company


  1. 石油矿藏耗减

    oil depletion.

  2. 淋巴细胞耗减

    lymphocyte depletion.

  3. 自然资源耗减

    natural resoturce depletion

  4. 对此类资源的任何开采都会导致耗减。

    Any exploitation of such resources leads to depletion.

  5. 石油矿藏耗减赋税优惠

    oil depletion allowance

  6. 否则, 拖延的补偿耗减可提供给未担保债权人的资产。

    Otherwise, compensation for delay depletes the assets available to unsecured creditors.

  7. 减耗量物品的储运损耗部分或损耗量

    A quantity or portion of something lacking after delivery or storage.

  8. 资源耗减成本

    the cost of resources consuming

  9. 气候变化和臭氧层耗减就是其中最明显的例子。

    Climate change and the depleted ozone layer are among the starkest examples.

  10. 气候变化和臭氧层耗减就是其中最明显得例子。

    Climate change and the depleted ozone layer are among the starkest examples.

  11. 槽车减耗量

    shell outage.

  12. 大屏幕彩电电源部分的减耗降温措施

    Some Measures of Cutting Down the Consumption and Lowering the Temperature of the Power Supply in Big Screen Color TV

  13. 以卤代盐减耗降本, 创建节约型盐碱企业

    Reduce cost with bittern replace salt and construct economical salt and alkali enterprise

  14. 减小磁滞损耗的偏转磁芯设计

    Deflection Yoke Ring Design for Hysteresis Loss Reduction

  15. 调整两根光纤末端以减小接合损耗。

    Aligning the ends of two optical fibers with the aim of minimizing splice loss.

  16. 减小避雷线中电能损耗方法的研究

    Research on Reducing the Power Loss in Lightning Shield Line

  17. 减小墙体厚度且无需采暖设施,降低了能耗。

    The invention reduces the wall thickness and does not need heating facilities, thereby reducing energy consumption.

  18. 此外,还可以增强生产成本和传输损耗的减小。

    Also, it is further possible to enhance the reduction in a production cost and in a transmission loss.

  19. 这是一项旨在使损耗减至最低的新生产技术。

    It was a new production technique aimed at minimizing wastage.

  20. 因为输出等于输入减去损耗, 工程师必须使损耗降低到最小。

    Since output equals input minus losses, the engineer must kept the losses to a minimum.

  21. 研究发现,光束角移随着折射率及损耗的减小而增大。

    It is found that the divergence angular shift increases with decrease of the refractive index and loss.


  1. 问:耗减准备拼音怎么拼?耗减准备的读音是什么?耗减准备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耗减准备的读音是hào jiǎn zhǔn bèi,耗减准备翻译成英文是 depletion reserve

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