


1. 假 [jiǎ]2. 假 [jià]假 [jiǎ]不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。……





汉语拼音:jiǎ liǎng






  1. 南朝 齐 末年的一种服饰。




  1. 网络
  2. loyer-look

  1. 答女职工产假九十天,分为产前假,产后假两部分。

    Answer Female worker maternity leave 88 days, cent is antenatal holiday, postpartum holiday two parts.

  2. 下周我放两天假。

    I'll have two days off next week.

  3. 她要求下星期请两天假。

    She asked to take two days off the following week.

  4. 除非你们这两个假正经的人也反对这事。

    Unless you two prudes have a problem with that, too.

  5. 约翰得了重感冒,因此他不得不请两天假。

    John had a bad cold, so he had to ask two days off.

  6. 度了两星期假后,我的确感到身体非常舒适。

    I really feel in the pink after a fortnight's holiday.

  7. 他说他在锁上的制拴上附加了两个假的接触点。

    He says he added two false contact points on the tumbler.

  8. 你肯定能请两天假的,因为这次旅行我也去!

    Of course you can take a couple days off work because this trip includes me!

  9. 新烟草碱与假木贼碱在两个群体中均显著正相关。

    Anatabine was significantly and positively correlated with anabasine in both populations.

  10. 我想休两周的假。

    I would like to take my two weeks vacation time.

  11. 我能请两天的假吗

    May I ask for leave of two days

  12. 我能请两天得假吗

    May I ask for leave of two days.

  13. 我努力请两天的假以便配合你的时间安排。

    Im trying to ask for 0 days off to meet your schedule.

  14. 父亲亲子假不太可能超过两周。

    Paternity leave is unlikely to be for longer than two weeks.

  15. 我想请两个半天假去原公司作工作交接。

    May I have two days and a half off for the work handover with my previous employer?

  16. 度了两星期的假后,我的确感到身体非常舒适。

    I really feel in the pink after a fortnights holiday.

  17. 假使我得等两个小时, 我会发疯的。

    I'll go nuts if I have to wait for two hours.

  18. 我放你两周的假,你好好儿休息,然后再回来工作。

    I'll give you two weeks off, so you can have a rest and then come back to work.

  19. 不过,我倒想起了一件事,我还得向你请两星期的假。

    But that reminds me that I must ask your leave of absence for some days.

  20. 八月份我会度两个星期的假。

    I'm taking a two-week vacation in August.

  21. 公司已经同意给我两个星期的假。

    The firm has agreed to give me a two weeks' holiday.

  22. 是否携程对给我得两份保单是假保单依然存在异议?

    Whether is carrying Cheng to giving two my guarantee slip false guarantee slip still exists demur?

  23. 是否携程对给我的两份保单是假保单依然存在异议?

    Whether is carrying Cheng to giving two my guarantee slip false guarantee slip still exists demur ?

  24. 做两本帐, 就是做假账。

    Keep two sets of books.

  25. 两情况的部份是假的为第一九叠代。

    Both parts of the condition are false for the first nine iterations.

  26. 最近,在四川有这样一个案例,两个歌手被指控假唱。

    Recently, there is a case in Sichuan which two singers are accused of lipsynching.

  27. 小孩出世后, 政府鼓励父亲休两个月的育婴假。

    Fathers are encouraged to take up to two months paternity leave when their child is born.

  28. 在鲜血和口水中, 他的嘴里掉出来打成两半的一排假牙。

    Amid a stream of blood and saliva, the two halves of a dental plate fell out of his mouth.

  29. 两名女子及一内地人因假结婚被囚

    Two women and a man jailed over bogus marriage

  30. 我戴着假睫毛,穿着小了两号的毛衣。

    I was wearing false eyelashes and a sweater two sizes too small.


  1. 问:假两性的拼音怎么拼?假两性的的读音是什么?假两性的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假两性的的读音是jiǎ liǎng xìng de,假两性的翻译成英文是 pseudohermaphrodite

  2. 问:假两性花拼音怎么拼?假两性花的读音是什么?假两性花翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假两性花的读音是jiǎ liǎng xìng huā,假两性花翻译成英文是 pseudohermaphrodite flower

  3. 问:假两性同体拼音怎么拼?假两性同体的读音是什么?假两性同体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假两性同体的读音是jiǎ liǎng xìng tóng tǐ,假两性同体翻译成英文是 pseudohermaphroditism, false hermaphroditis...

  4. 问:假两性畸形拼音怎么拼?假两性畸形的读音是什么?假两性畸形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假两性畸形的读音是jiǎ liǎng xìng jī xíng,假两性畸形翻译成英文是 pseudo hermaphroditism

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