


草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……




1. 纪 [jì]2. 纪 [jǐ]纪 [jì]记载:~年。~元。~行(xíng)。~实。~念。~传(zhuàn )体(中国传统史书的一种体裁,以人物传记为中心叙述史实,“纪”是帝王本纪,“传”是其他人物的列传)。~事本末体(中国传统史书的……



汉语拼音:běn shì jì






  1. that by the middle of the century, melting snow will cause streams to reach their annual peak flow up to a month earlier.


  2. and his elder children drawing substantial wages father is seldom the dominant figure that he still was at the beginning of the century.


  3. It's therefore easy to grow skeptical about the prospects for an interstellar mission that could be launched this century.


  4. It was thus that, at the beginning of the century, ancient society cleansed its double bottom, and performed the toilet of its sewer.


  5. Some economists say, by the middle of this century, China's economic output could match or possibly exceed that of the United States.


  6. Was not until the beginning of the century that man began to realize that it was the brain not the heart that was the center of mind.


  7. Ever since the beginning of this century, too much natural resources have been used.


  8. There can be no doubt that the growth in advertisement is one of the most striking features of the western world in this century.


  9. The film industry in America actually started up in New York at the beginning of this century, but it fairly quickly moved to Hollywood.


  1. 本世纪中叶

    the middle of this century.

  2. 在本世纪内

    within this century.

  3. 本世纪的大思想家

    The great minds of the century

  4. 本世纪的大思想家们

    The great minds of the century.

  5. 本世纪已进入90年代。

    The century has rounded into its ninth decade.

  6. 本世纪已进入了90年代。

    The century has rounded into its ninth decade.

  7. 他是本世纪的牛顿。

    He is the Newton of this century.

  8. 本世纪文明有所进步吗?

    Has civilization advanced during this century ?

  9. 本世纪最混乱的十年

    the most tumultuous decade of the century

  10. 到本世纪末我们会的!

    By the end of this century well will do!

  11. 到本世纪末我们会的!

    By the end of this century well will do!

  12. 本世纪海平面可能上涨1米。

    The sea level could rise by one metre this century.

  13. 在本世纪中改变即将来临。

    It may change this century.

  14. 本世纪已进入八十年代。

    The century has rounded into its eighth decade.

  15. 文明在本世纪有所进步吗?

    Has civilization advanced during this century?

  16. 本世纪初这些规定放宽了。

    At the beginning of the century the rules were relaxed.

  17. 本世纪有四次大的地震。

    There were four major quakes in this century.

  18. 再向前展望到本世纪末。

    Looking farther forward to the end of the century.

  19. 本世纪物理学的发展突飞猛进。

    Physics has made enormous progress in this century.

  20. 本世纪物理学得发展突飞猛进。

    Physics has made enormous progress in this century.

  21. 本世纪初爆发了一场战争。

    A war broke out at the beginning of the century.

  22. 本世纪初, 有许多新发明出现。

    The beginning of the century brought many new inventions.

  23. 这是本世纪最美妙的舞会了。

    This is the Party of the century.

  24. 北极熊很可能在本世纪末灭绝

    The North Pole Bear Will Probably Go to the Extinction within this Century

  25. 但是,这会在本世纪内实现的。

    But it is going to happen in this century.

  26. 论本世纪初流行的新词新语

    Newly Coined Words and Phrases Prevailing in the Beginning of New Century

  27. 本世纪教会变得不那么守旧了。

    The church has become more liberal in this century.

  28. 他是本世纪最伟大的作家之一。

    He counts among the greatest writers of the century.

  29. 这些歌曲不仅仅在本世纪里流行。

    These songs will live out this century.

  30. 在本世纪末, 我们要实现四个现代化。

    At the end of this century, we will realize the four modernizations.



běnshìjì [turn of the century] 特指耶稣基督纪元(公历纪元)之百年分期的现今百年期间。如本世纪(即20世纪)就是指1901―2000年 正好在进入本世纪的时候出生

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