


1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……





汉语拼音:guò zhī






  1. 超过应支取之数。

    清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·莅任·清查之法》:“如本年遇有赦免,则本年官俸役食亦照赦免月日分数扣除,不得过支。”



  1. until a few months ago, it had never been attempted.


  2. Among the patients who had COPD, 35. 3% were asymptomatic; only 35. 1% reported lifetime diagnosis of bronchitis, emphysema, or other COPD;


  1. 你是不是也扔过一支耳朵?

    Did you drop an ear along the way?

  2. 我从来就没有看到过交趾支那!

    I never had seen Cochin China!

  3. 小罗加盟后,萨基曾经说过这支米兰还缺少一名后卫。

    We got this news for breakfast, said Jose Maria Bello, SOC Director of Communications.

  4. 你能用梅西盘过一整支球队吗?不用假动作,光带球。

    If youre good enough, and with Precision Dribbling you can dribble through teams.

  5. 这场胜利使纽卡斯尔队越过三支球队上升到第二的位置。

    The win allowed Newcastle to leapfrog three teams to gain second place.

  6. 那是你听过的第一支催眠曲,我的孩子。

    It was the first lullaby you ever heard, my son.

  7. 你用一支飞镖杀死过一头熊?

    You've killed a bear with one ?

  8. 这支足球队受过专业教练员的训练。

    The football team was disciplined by a professional trainer.

  9. 她有三支幸运笔, 其中两支从未用过。

    She has got three luck pens, two of which she never uses.

  10. 这支部队要过一段时期才能恢复实力。

    It's going to be some time before the troop recovers its strength.

  11. 然而在一月底, 他们生出一种冲劲, 这种冲劲没几支球队有过。

    But by the end of January, they gained the kind of momentum that few teams ever find.

  12. 这支军队从未战败过。

    The army has never yet suffered a defeat.

  13. 热火是联盟中到目前为止唯一一支还没有输过的球队。

    Miami is the only undefeated team remaining in the league.

  14. 这支赫赫有名的部队曾立过很大的战功。

    This famous unit had rendered the highest service.

  15. 我要抽支雪茄过过瘾。

    I want to smoke a cigar to satisfy my urge.

  16. 我从没听说过那支乐队。

    I've never heard anything about that band.

  17. 我从没听说过那支乐队。

    I've never heard anything about that band.

  18. 那支脚最近刚刚剃过毛?

    That it was shaved recently?

  19. 石门过大煤的支护方法

    The shoring methods and application of Large Coal across laneway

  20. 这两支球队去年在决赛中交过手。

    The two teams met last year in the final.

  21. 一支箭从我耳边咻地飞过。

    An arrow whistled past my ear.

  22. 穿过溪水,支起帐篷,生起火来。

    Wading across the river, pulling up a tent and making a fire.

  23. 心动过缓依赖性束支传导阻滞

    bradycardia dependent bundle branch block

  24. 那支箭错过了那小鸟。小鸟得以脱离危险。

    The arrow missed the bird and she flew away out of danger.

  25. 一支群射的箭飞过花园的墙头?

    A volley of arrows flew over the garden wall

  26. 有多达五万支得鸟在此过冬。

    As many as fifty thousand birds spend the winter here.

  27. 有多达五万支的鸟在此过冬。

    As many as fifty thousand birds spend the winter here.

  28. 一支箭在他头旁飕地飞过。

    An arrow whizzed past his head.

  29. 在我们之前,四支德国探险队尝试过。

    Before us, four German expeditions attempted it.

  30. 但没有那支箭能漏过我的双刀。

    But no arrows will ever mach my twin blades.

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