


事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……


用具的总称:~皿。~物。~械。木~。武~。~小易盈。生物体结构中具有某种独立生理机能的部分:~官。消化~。人的度量、才干:~度。~量(liàng )。~宇。~质。大~晚成。重视:~重。~敬。……





汉语拼音:jī qì shǒu







  1. 旧称司机。

    郁达夫 《春风沉醉的晚上》三:“我的面前正冲来了一乘无轨电车,车头上站着的那肥胖的机器手,伏出了半身。”

  2. 即机械手。参见“ 机械手 ”。



  1. Linked through a computer, the humanoid BARTHOC and a pair of robotic hands team up to learn from humans at Germany's Bielefeld University.


  2. It is proved to have the characters of simple connection, good reliability and maintainability.


  3. Robot-arms are widely used in experiments.


  4. Welding robot is more uniform neat, and without manual polishing.


  5. A robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs.


  6. A robot - arm from the Endeavour will garbthetelescope and hold it while the astronauts makethenecessary repairs.


  7. We want to buy Adhesives, Cleaning Products, Sealers , Flooring Equipments and Machinery, Hand Tools, Grinding Hand and allied Tools.


  8. Give two simple examples, for example, the weld equipment, automatic welding machines and manual hand-welding the gap is very obvious.


  9. Measure your strength with robot arm; see who is stronger.


  1. 焊接机器手

    welding robot system.

  2. 反馈机器手

    Force feedback manipulator.

  3. 加药机器手

    dosing machine.

  4. 纺纱机器手研究

    A study of spining robot hand

  5. 遥控海下机器手

    subsea telemanipulation device

  6. 气动机器手的设计和实现

    Pneumatic Robot Design and Realization

  7. 一种新型焊接机器手系统的设计

    Design of a New Welding Robot System

  8. 不是用机器而是用手洗。

    Wash or launder by hand instead of with a machine.

  9. 使用机器时,手、膊和后背不会感到太累。

    Machines are much less fatiguing to your hands, arms, and back.

  10. 这种机器能够识别手写字体,并将其转化为打印文本。

    The machine can recognise handwritten characters and turn them into printed text.

  11. 你可以用手或机器缝东西。

    You can sew by hand or with a machine.

  12. 他没上班,因为他的手给机器严重压伤了。

    He was off work because he'd mangled his hand in a machine.

  13. 少年被送到这儿来多是因为手被机器轧了。

    Boys came in with hands mangled by some machine.

  14. 他修理机器弄脏了手。

    He soiled his hands repairing the machine.

  15. 操纵这台机器要转动这个手把。

    You operate the machine by winding this handle.

  16. 你可以用这台机器把你的手烘干。

    You can dry up your hands with the machine.

  17. 我们需要的一位有操作这些老式机器经验的老手。

    What we need is an old sweat with experience of working these ancient machines.

  18. 你可以用手或用机器缝。

    You can sew by hand or with a machine.

  19. 优秀的机械师, 任何机器问题经过他的手都迎刃而解。

    Xiao Wang is an excellent mechanic, able to solve any mechanical problem.

  20. 小王是一位非常优秀的机械师,任何机器问题经过他的手都迎刃而解。

    Xiao Wang is an excellent mechanic, able to solve any mechanical problem.

  21. 再制造印刷或手写材料的机器,如誊写版印刷机

    A machine, such as a mimeograph, that reproduces printed or written material.

  22. 用手而不是用机器缝制的。

    sewn by hand rather than machine.

  23. 手工制的。由手而不是由机器准备或制作的

    made or prepared by hand rather than by machine

  24. 这种机器叫手拉葫芦。

    This machine is called Chain hoist.

  25. 我们可用手缝或机器缝。

    We can sew by hand or with a machine.

  26. 她喜欢用手洗衣服,而不愿用机器洗。

    She prefers to wash her clothes by hands rather than by machine.

  27. 他们过去用手进行脱粒, 现在改用机器了。

    they used to do the threshing by hand but now there are machines to do it.

  28. 欠驱动多指节机器人手的仿真实现

    The Simulation Realization of Underactuated MultiPhalanx Fingers for Robots

  29. 长短用手动操作,机器内有长度刻度盘。

    The length is operated by hand and the length dial is set inside the machine.

  30. 这可以用手或用这个特殊的机器给车胎打气。

    You can pump up the tyres by hand or with this special machine.


  1. 问:机器手拼音怎么拼?机器手的读音是什么?机器手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:机器手的读音是jī qì shǒu,机器手翻译成英文是 robot hand

  2. 问:机器手腕拼音怎么拼?机器手腕的读音是什么?机器手腕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:机器手腕的读音是jī qì shǒu wàn,机器手腕翻译成英文是 robot wrist

  3. 问:机器手臂支承点拼音怎么拼?机器手臂支承点的读音是什么?机器手臂支承点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:机器手臂支承点的读音是jī qì shǒu bì zhī chéng diǎn,机器手臂支承点翻译成英文是 bearing of robot lever

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