




1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……





汉语拼音:guǐ dǎ qiáng






  1. 见“ 鬼打墙 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 鬼打墻 ”。指黑夜迷路,老在一个地方打转。

    孙锦标 《通俗常言疏证·鬼神》引 明 无名氏《虎囊弹》:“丑云,鬼打墙哉。” 老舍 《正红旗下》一:“有时候,他们会在一个地方转来转去,一直转一夜。按照那时代的科学说法,这叫作‘鬼打墙’。”



  1. v.
  2. get lost in the dark night

  1. 这真是鬼打墙了,怎么就走不出这片林子了呢?

    I got lost at night, and went to the wrong place. Why can't I get out of the bamboo forest?

  2. 在这种状况下 思考逻辑如鬼打墙般走不出来

    What happens is that circular logic takes over.

  3. 她不让我跟那些吸毒鬼打比赛。

    She made me quit fighting the smokers.

  4. 芝加哥打鬼

    Return of the Living Dead, The.

  5. 鬼屋打鬼小游戏

    Haunted house exorcise demons Games

  6. 鬼屋打鬼游戏攻略

    Haunted house exorcise demons Introduction

  7. 我正在考虑如何给墙打孔。

    And I was thinking of punching the wall.

  8. 拳王把墙打了一个洞。

    The boxing king punched a hole in the wall.

  9. 你还相信打鬼这样的迷信啊?

    You don't believe in the exorcism of demons, do you ?

  10. 你还相信打鬼这样的迷信啊?

    You don't believe in the exorcism of demons, do you?

  11. 他们将打穿墙。

    They're going to hole through the wall.

  12. 他们将打穿墙。

    They're going to hole through the wall.

  13. 我能打烂墙吗

    Can I punch through walls

  14. 我看他脸上的表情就知道他在打鬼主意。

    I knew he was up to something by the look on his face.

  15. 用于打钻墙壁锚栓孔的电钻。

    Drill for drilling wall anchor holes.

  16. 他用一把锤子把钉子打进墙里去。

    He hit the nail into the wall with a hammer.

  17. 威利无意中发射了他父亲的猎枪,把墙打了一个洞。

    Willie accidentally let off his father's shotgun and made a hole in the wall.

  18. 她在打软式墙网球时扭伤了脚踝。

    She sprained her ankle playing squash.

  19. 你不能在任何一个拐角处击球,因为这样球棒会打到墙

    You couldn't hit square anywhere, because the bat hit the wall.

  20. 没土打不成墙。

    He would fain fly, but he wants feathers.

  21. 这面墙被打出了孔。

    The wall was punched out with holes.

  22. 这面墙被打出了孔。

    The wall was punched out with holes.

  23. 搜救队用机械把这栋垮掉得房子厚厚得墙给打穿了。

    The rescue team used machines break through the thick walls fo the shattered house.

  24. 搜救队用机械把这栋垮掉的房子厚厚的墙给打穿了。

    The rescue team used machines break through the thick walls fo the shattered house.

  25. 等我用打字机把那个鬼东西清楚地打出来再寄走。

    I'll retype the damned thing and mail it.

  26. 他的爸爸还经常地对他的男孩子们踢打,甚至推打撞墙。

    Joseph would also trip up, or push his male children into walls.

  27. 墙体打磨机

    grinding machine.

  28. 工人正在墙上打孔。

    The workman is drilling in the wall.

  29. 老鼠在墙上打了个洞。

    The mice have bored a hole in the wall.

  30. 她用红漆在墙上打点。

    She was dotting the wall with red paint.


  1. 问:鬼打墙拼音怎么拼?鬼打墙的读音是什么?鬼打墙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鬼打墙的读音是guǐdǎqiáng,鬼打墙翻译成英文是 Used in superstition to mean getting lost in the...

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