







汉语拼音:guǐ cái






  1. 唐 李贺 才气怪谲,诗风奇诡,世称“鬼才”。

    宋 钱易 《南部新书》丙:“ 李白 为天才絶, 白居易 为人才絶, 李贺 为鬼才絶。”《清文献通考·经籍六十九》:“ 宋景文 ( 宋祁 )诸公在馆,尝评 唐 人诗云:‘ 太白 仙才, 长吉 鬼才。’”



  1. Sam Rockwell is usually perceived as a quirky character actor, whereas Gyllenhaal generally plays a mainstream leading man.


  2. "Do you know where my car keys are? " "Probably up in Annie's room behind the clock. "


  3. You think it was easy waiting for you to come back from who-knows-where?


  4. "Why the hell did you bother me with your nonsense? " the young man railed.


  5. Considered a renegade by his peers, Nobel Prize-winner Eric Kandel used a simple model to probe the neural circuitry of memory.


  6. Did you stay because you didn't want anybody to think you were a cheap tight-wad?


  7. The term vampire did not become an everyday superstition, and fear, until the 17th and 18th centuries in Europe.


  8. In the vestibule below was a letterbox into which no letter would go and an electric button from which no mortal finger could coax a ring.


  9. The winged mammals can thank vampires for that.


  1. 鬼才知道!

    Who knows ?

  2. 鬼才信呢。

    I bet she does.

  3. 鬼才信这些。

    I don't believe this.

  4. 鬼才知道你是谁?

    Ghost just knows you are who?

  5. 吹牛,鬼才相信你呢!

    Stop boasting, ghosts will believe you only!

  6. 鬼才知道,海豚叫它什么?

    Goodness only knows what the dolphins call'em.

  7. 鬼才在乎,你就不该放弃

    Who cares? You just don't give up.

  8. 鬼才知道发生了什么事呢。

    Who knows what's going on there?

  9. 我刚说了。鬼才在乎你刚说了啥

    What did I say about. No one gives a crap what you have to say.

  10. 哪有那样的事!鬼才相信你那一套!

    Tell that to the marines!

  11. 你说你是镇上的一号人物?鬼才相信!

    You say you are the best in town. My foot!

  12. 鬼才爱过你,你以为,我以前真的很爱你吗?

    Guicai loved you, you think, before I really love you?

  13. 他向我保证能借给我车。鬼才相信呢!他根本就没车。

    He assured me that I could borrow his car. Famous last words. He doesn't even own a car.

  14. 见他的鬼, 他才不是什么正人君子呢。

    The devil a gentleman that he is.

  15. 见他得鬼,他才不是什么正人君子呢。

    The devil a gentleman that he is.

  16. 丙这鬼近几年才兴起的,一头白发呀,吓死人了。

    The ghost emerges in recent years, it has white hair, so terror.

  17. 只有释放时天启坦克和鬼王处于静止才会被冰住。

    Apocalypse Tanks and King Onis can only be frozen if they remain still while the power is in effect.

  18. 见他得鬼吧,我才不在乎哩。

    He can go hang for all I care.

  19. 见他的鬼吧,我才不在乎哩。

    He can go hang for all I care.

  20. 她这才生是他的人,死是他的鬼。

    Alive, her body belonged to him; dead, she was his ghost.

  21. 她结婚之后才发现自己嫁了个吝啬鬼。

    She discovered she had married a miser.

  22. 只有在葬礼或是鬼月时才会这麽做。

    This is done at a funeral or during Ghost Month.

  23. 事实上像这样的鬼,你还真得尊重才对。

    Actually, you should respect such a ghost.

  24. 村民们觉得, 鬼是受了他的冤屈, 出于报复才跟踪他的。

    The villagers imagine that she follows him to avenge some wrong.

  25. 要成为一个神憎鬼厌的人物,要有非同小可的才干。

    It requites no small talents to be a decided bore.

  26. 苏伦我才不想穿你的破烂绿衣服呢!小气鬼!

    Suellen I didnt want to wear your tacky green dress anyhow, stingy!

  27. 闪烁的能量球狼吞虎咽削弱鬼暂时吃起来才改变回来了!

    Gobble blinking Power Pellets to weaken ghosts temporarily and eat them up before they change back!

  28. 多莉!只有鬼才知道你在说什么!

    Dory! Heaven knows what you're saying!

  29. 我是说只有黑鬼才会戴这种领带。

    I mean, you're somebody's nigger wearing this nigger tie.

  30. 他是音乐鬼才,总能创作出意境深远又深受喜爱的作品。

    He is a musical wizard, he can always create popular works with profound moods.


  1. 问:鬼才拼音怎么拼?鬼才的读音是什么?鬼才翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鬼才的读音是guǐcái,鬼才翻译成英文是 Someone who has a specific and special talent....

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