


1. 红 [hóng]2. 红 [gōng]红 [hóng]像鲜血的颜色:~色。~叶。~灯。~尘。~包。~烧。~润。~艳艳。~口白牙。~绳系足(旧指男女前生注定的姻缘)。象征顺利或受人宠信:~人。~运。~角(jué)儿(受观众欢迎的演员)。……




1. 渠 [qú]2. 渠 [jù]渠 [qú]水道,特指人工开的河道或水沟:~道(亦指途径,门路)。沟~。大:~帅。~魁(首领)。方言,他:~侬(他,他们)。~辈。车辋,古代车轮的外圈。渠 [jù]岂:“掾部~有其人乎?”……



汉语拼音:hóng qí qú






  1. Han Jia, how much land can the canal irrigate?


  2. Only such a monument can match the spirit of the Red Flag Canal displayed by Linzhou people.


  3. the second part visits the red flag canal and a collective farm in henan , as well as the old city of suzhou.


  4. Taking the Hongqi Canal as a leading tourist sight, Linzhou has developed into an important tourist zone except Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Luoyang.


  5. The Hongqi canal spirit is an important component of our national spirit and also fully embodies our partys doctrine of serving people.


  6. The "Red Flag Canal Spirit" has ever since been held up as a shining example of self-reliance, socialist solidarity and selfless devotion.


  7. No wonder the Red Flag Canal is called the Great Water Wall of China.


  8. He concedes the Red Flag Canal is a "genuine miracle" and that there is a role for other grand projects.


  9. Critics of today's grand south- north water diversion scheme see parallels with the earlier endeavour.


  1. 红旗渠精神

    Hongqi canal spirit.

  2. 红旗渠纪念馆。

    The Red Flag Canal Memorial Hall.

  3. 这就是红旗渠精神吧?

    That is the Red Flag Canal spirit?

  4. 这就是红旗渠的分水闸。

    This is the sluice gate of the canal.

  5. 靠钎和锤, 还有红旗渠精神。

    Steel rods, hammers and the Red Flag Canal spirit.

  6. 你看咱们眼前就是红旗渠了。

    See, that's the Red Flag Canal in front of us.

  7. 红旗渠精神是民族精神的时代体现。

    Hongqi canal spirit is the era reflection of the national spirit.

  8. 这渠是靠红旗渠精神开凿出来的?

    The Red Flag Canal was dug by a spirit?

  9. 你不是说要带我来看红旗渠?

    Didn't you say you'd show me the Red Flag Canal?

  10. 红旗渠就修建在这太行山上。

    The canal was built right in the Taihang Mountains.

  11. 发扬红旗渠精神拓展河南小水电事业

    Carry Forward Spirit Practiced in the Construction of Red Flag Canal for Hydropower Development in Henan Province

  12. 韩佳,这红旗渠现在能灌溉多少田地啊?

    Han Jia, how much land can the canal irrigate?

  13. 韩佳,林州人为什么要修建红旗渠啊?

    Han Jia, why did the local people in Linzhou want to build the canal?

  14. 等看完了红旗渠, 你自然而然就会明白了。

    After you have seen the canal, you'll know what it is exactly.

  15. 你把红旗渠精神的另外两点都说出来了。

    You've also told us the other two aspects of the Red Flag Canal spirit.

  16. 大力弘扬红旗渠精神永葆共产党人的先进性

    Carrying Forward the Hongqi Canal Strongly Preserving the Advanced Nature of the Communists Forever

  17. 韩佳,你还没有告诉我这红旗渠精神是什么。

    Han Jia, you still haven't told me what the Red Flag Canal spirit is exactly.

  18. 林州人是怎样把漳河的水引到红旗渠里的呀?

    How did the Linzhou people manage to divert the Zhanghe water up to the Red Flag Canal?

  19. 红旗渠就像一条绿色的飘带缠绕在太行山间。

    The Red Flag Canal is like a green ribbon which winds through the Taihang mountains.

  20. 只有这样的碑才配得上林州人创造的红旗渠精神。

    Only such a monument can match the spirit of the Red Flag Canal displayed by Linzhou people.

  21. 自从有了红旗渠啊, 林州人就过上了丰衣足食的生活。

    Since the completion of the canal, the life of Linzhou people have turned much better.

  22. 第二部分参观了红旗渠,还有河南的集体农庄,以及古城苏州。

    The second part visits the Red Flag canal and a collective farm in Henan, as well as the old city of Suzhou.


  1. 问:红旗渠拼音怎么拼?红旗渠的读音是什么?红旗渠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红旗渠的读音是,红旗渠翻译成英文是 Red Flag Canal

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