


住人或放东西的建筑物:~屋。~产。~舍。~租。库~。楼~。书~。结构和作用类似房子的东西:蜂~。莲~。心~。量词:两~儿媳。家族的一支:大~。长(zhǎng )~。星名,二十八宿之一。姓。……





汉语拼音:fáng zū






  1. 租房屋的钱。

    清 李渔 《风筝误·鹞误》:“你若要寻诗句,赎风筝,先还了我房租帐。” 老舍 《茶馆》第一幕:“这儿的房租是不是得往上提那么一提呢?”



  1. It looks great to me. Can my wife and kids check it out tomorrow? Also, do you know if there is any discount for the rent?


  2. Hammerson reported signs of stabilising rents in London and said lower vacancy levels in Paris had helped underpin tenant demand.


  3. On the last move, the landlord showed up to ask for a 60 RMB back rent.


  4. The least wrinkle crept into his brow as he remembered that this was February 2d, the time the man always called.


  5. Indeed, the cost of room and board at your school might be less than the rent and food expenses that you would pay living on your own.


  6. She then enthusiastically invited me over to her house. Her house was very elegant. Any item in her house could cost me two years of rent.


  7. Suddenly, a week from the fatal day, Carrie realised that they were going to run short.


  8. Lonely and poor bedfellows, let me feel more helpless is going to pay the next month's rent.


  9. I said, "Real estate is a function of rents. " And then the guy said to me - same thing - he said, "You don't understand real estate. "


  1. 房租多少?

    B. How much is the rent.

  2. 他拖欠房租。

    He is delinquent in paying his rent.

  3. 拜托,逃房租

    Oh, please, they don't throw you in jail.

  4. 当然。房租怎么样?

    Sure. How much is the rent?

  5. 极低廉的房租

    nominal rent.

  6. 向房客收房租

    collect rent from tenants

  7. 我拖欠房租了。

    I'm late on my rent.

  8. 我们没付房租

    We're skipping out on the rent.

  9. 你交多少房租?

    How much do you pay for rent?

  10. 不要拖欠房租。

    Dont fall behind with your rent.

  11. 房租要预先付。

    The rent should be paid in advance.

  12. 什么时候付房租?

    When is the rent due ?

  13. 要么付房租,要么走

    You gotta pay rent or you gotta leave.

  14. 应提前交付房租。

    The rent should be paid in advance.

  15. 那可不是房租问题

    That was not a rent issue.

  16. 一个月的房租

    anything like a month's rent.

  17. 他不得不减低房租。

    He had to lower the rent of his house.

  18. 房东们强行提高房租。

    The landlords forced up the rents.

  19. 他没钱付房租。

    He has no money to pay the rent.

  20. 没关系,房租多少钱

    It's no problem. Look, how much is your rent?

  21. 你付房租没,没,你呢

    You pay rent?No.You?

  22. 你愿付多少房租?

    How much do you want to pay?

  23. 你付房租没,没,你呢?

    You pay rent? No. You?

  24. 房租是一种收入。

    Rent is one form of revenue.

  25. 我按月支付房租。

    I pay the rent by the month.

  26. 他需要钱付房租。

    He needs money for the rent.

  27. 我按日支付房租。

    I pay for my rooms by the day.

  28. 她按季度付房租。

    She pays her rent by the quarter.

  29. 我们迟付了房租。

    We are behind time in paying the rent.

  30. 她总爱拖欠房租。

    She always likes to hold off for rent.


  1. 问:房租拼音怎么拼?房租的读音是什么?房租翻译成英文是什么?

    答:房租的读音是fángzū,房租翻译成英文是 rent for a room or house; rental

  2. 问:房租保险拼音怎么拼?房租保险的读音是什么?房租保险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:房租保险的读音是fángzūbǎoxiǎn,房租保险翻译成英文是 house rent insurance

  3. 问:房租控制拼音怎么拼?房租控制的读音是什么?房租控制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:房租控制的读音是fáng zū kòng zhì,房租控制翻译成英文是 rent control

  4. 问:房租津贴拼音怎么拼?房租津贴的读音是什么?房租津贴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:房租津贴的读音是fáng zū jīn tiē,房租津贴翻译成英文是 Quarters Allowance

  5. 问:房租补贴拼音怎么拼?房租补贴的读音是什么?房租补贴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:房租补贴的读音是fáng zū bǔ tiē,房租补贴翻译成英文是 rent subsidies

  6. 问:房租津贴单拼音怎么拼?房租津贴单的读音是什么?房租津贴单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:房租津贴单的读音是fáng zū jīn tiē dān,房租津贴单翻译成英文是 "Q"Allowance List

  7. 问:房租过高党拼音怎么拼?房租过高党的读音是什么?房租过高党翻译成英文是什么?

    答:房租过高党的读音是,房租过高党翻译成英文是 Rent Is Too Damn High Party

  8. 问:房租基本津贴拼音怎么拼?房租基本津贴的读音是什么?房租基本津贴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:房租基本津贴的读音是fáng zū jī běn jīn tiē,房租基本津贴翻译成英文是 Basic Allowance for Quarters

  9. 问:房租和特许使用费拼音怎么拼?房租和特许使用费的读音是什么?房租和特许使用费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:房租和特许使用费的读音是fáng zū hé tè xǔ shǐ yòng fèi,房租和特许使用费翻译成英文是 rent and royalty




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