


1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……


唱:~唱。~咏。~颂。~坛。~台舞榭。~舞。能~善舞。能唱的文词:唱~。~谱。~词。~诀。民~。诗~。~行(xíng )(旧诗的一种体裁,音节、格律比较自由)。诗言志,~咏言。……



汉语拼音:hé gē






  1. 亦作“ 和哥 ”。 日本 的一种诗歌体。原有长歌和短歌之分,短歌附在长歌后面。后短歌单独发展,并取代长歌。长歌句数不限,五音句和七音句交替使用,再以七音句结尾。短歌每首五句,共三十一音,音节排列为五七五七七。现 日本 诗人所写和歌多为短歌。

    郭沫若 《太戈尔来华的我见》:“在 日本 那种盆栽式的自然中,发生了 日本 的俳句与和歌。”

  2. 亦作“ 和哥 ”。应和他人之歌声而歌唱。

    《魏书·文成文明皇后冯氏传》:“ 高祖 帅羣臣上寿,太后忻然作歌,帝亦和歌。” 清 顾炎武 《赠钱行人邦寅》诗:“ 南徐 游歷地,儻有和歌辰。”

  3. 指多人应和而重复吟唱的一节歌曲。

    许地山 《暾将出兮东方》:“‘君不见--暾将出兮东方……’往后又跟着一节和歌:‘暾将出兮东方。’”

  4. 指酬和的诗歌。

    明 王世贞 《黄中贵园亭小燕》诗:“莫轻钱积破,带马赠和哥。”



  1. Dec: I had lessons for a while and just got up to grade 1 but quit after that and just played my own pieces or songs that I wanted to cover.


  2. My parents were wonderful support. They brought me to many theatres to see dancers and singers in theatres.


  3. When someone talks about a David and Goliath, he means that a smaller, or weaker, person is trying to fight a very large and strong enemy.


  4. After it was done, I synched the song up to all these home videos of her, and my family.


  5. We had joy we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song like the seasons Have all gone.


  6. "The sun and its light, the ocean and the wave, the singer and his song -- not one. Not two" .


  7. It's a case of 'David vs Goliath', where JR inflates his Davids to a size that enables a fairer fight.


  8. Wound first-class enterprise, provide perfection service to consumer is strive destination of our wakayama group all.


  9. The most famous form of songs collected by the Music Conservatory was called Xianghe GE.


  1. 我喜欢日本古典和歌。

    I like the Japanese classical waka.

  2. 保加和歌逐渐疏远反对运动。

    Bogart and Bacall distanced themseives from the protest.

  3. 谁不爱酒, 女人和歌, 谁毕生准是傻瓜。

    One who loves not wine, woman and song, remains a fool his whole life long.

  4. 乐府搜集的最有名的歌曲形式叫相和歌。

    The most famous form of songs collected by the Music Conservatory was called Xianghe ge.

  5. 相和歌得5个基本平调清调瑟调楚调侧调。

    The names of the five basic tones of the Xianghe ge were ping, qing, se, chu and ce.

  6. 但是酒和歌, 像喜欢的季节一样都离开了。

    But the wine and the song, like the seasons, all have gone.

  7. 之后,我把那些相关的家庭录像和歌搭配起来。

    After it was done, I synched the song up to all these home videos of her, and my family.

  8. 谁不爱酒,女人和歌,谁毕生准是傻瓜。德国宗教改革家

    One who loves not wine, woman and song, remains a fool his whole life long. Martin Luther, German religious reformer

  9. 个性,情节,措辞,歌和想法。

    Character, Plot, Diction, Song, and Thought.

  10. 很喜欢他的歌和他的表演。

    He is a composer, author and acter.

  11. 一种活泼的歌和街舞。

    A lively song and street dance.

  12. 大赛的主题歌和吉祥物是什麽?

    What are the themes and the mascot?

  13. 大赛的主题歌和吉祥物是什么?

    What are the themes and the mascot?

  14. 多莉帕顿写歌和唱歌一样有名

    Dolly Parton is as famous for writing songs as she is for singing them.

  15. 歌和歌词的知识产权宇多田光。

    Song and lyrics are the intellectual property of Utada Hikaru.

  16. 它创造宴会和饥荒、欢乐之歌和哀歌。

    It created feasts and famines, songs of joy, lamentations.

  17. 我喜欢内容是关于歌和游戏的书。

    I like the books of songs and games.

  18. 除了那些,我还会写歌和短故事。

    And aside from that, I wrote music and short stories.

  19. 我们一知道了新歌和特辑的发布时间, 就会告诉你。

    We will let you know when the songs and the specials will be released when we know.

  20. 我喜欢这些歌和音乐。这歌手真的给我们增添了乐趣。

    I like the songs and the music. The singer really gives us great pleasure.

  21. 春节贴春联,圣诞有卡片和圣诞歌。

    Paste New Year Spring Festival, Christmas carols and a card.

  22. 根据德国民间诗史尼白龙根之歌和北欧沃尔松格传说改编。

    Based on the Germanic myth Das Nibelungenlied and the Nordic Volsunga Saga which also inspired the fouropera cycle by Richard Wagner and J.

  23. 我喜欢唱歌和听歌, 喜欢参加集体活动, 喜欢热闹的生活。

    I like singing and songs, like the part in group activities, like the busy life.

  24. 卡罗琳唱了她歌曲中的两段和副歌部分。

    Caroline sang two verses and the chorus of her song.

  25. 希尔倍受鼓舞,开始花更多的时间试唱,录样带和写歌。

    Encouraged, Hill began devoting more of her time to auditioning, cutting demos, and writing.

  26. 唱着歌颂国家和上帝的歌

    Singing songs of war filled with God and country

  27. 我喜欢收礼物和唱圣诞歌。

    I like getting presents and singing carols.

  28. 为时代和劳苦民众歌与哭

    To Extol and Cry for the Times and the Laboring People

  29. 我喜欢关于爱情和友情的歌。

    I like songs about love and friendship.

  30. 布朗太太你哥和她对歌吗?

    Mrs. Brown Did your brother sing to her


  1. 问:和歌拼音怎么拼?和歌的读音是什么?和歌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:和歌的读音是hé gē,和歌翻译成英文是 Waka

  2. 问:和歌山拼音怎么拼?和歌山的读音是什么?和歌山翻译成英文是什么?

    答:和歌山的读音是hégēshān,和歌山翻译成英文是 Wakayama

  3. 问:和歌山城拼音怎么拼?和歌山城的读音是什么?和歌山城翻译成英文是什么?

    答:和歌山城的读音是,和歌山城翻译成英文是 Wakayama Castle

  4. 问:和歌山线拼音怎么拼?和歌山线的读音是什么?和歌山线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:和歌山线的读音是,和歌山线翻译成英文是 Wakayama Line

  5. 问:和歌山大学拼音怎么拼?和歌山大学的读音是什么?和歌山大学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:和歌山大学的读音是,和歌山大学翻译成英文是 Wakayama University

  6. 问:和歌山芋螺拼音怎么拼?和歌山芋螺的读音是什么?和歌山芋螺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:和歌山芋螺的读音是,和歌山芋螺翻译成英文是 Conus wakayamaensis

  7. 问:和歌山车站拼音怎么拼?和歌山车站的读音是什么?和歌山车站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:和歌山车站的读音是,和歌山车站翻译成英文是 Wakayama Station

  8. 问:和歌山县立医科大学拼音怎么拼?和歌山县立医科大学的读音是什么?和歌山县立医科大学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:和歌山县立医科大学的读音是,和歌山县立医科大学翻译成英文是 Wakayama Medical University

  9. 问:和歌山信爱女子短期大学拼音怎么拼?和歌山信爱女子短期大学的读音是什么?和歌山信爱女子短期大学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:和歌山信爱女子短期大学的读音是,和歌山信爱女子短期大学翻译成英文是 Wakayama Shin Ai Women's Junior College

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