


1. 主 [zhǔ]主 [zhǔ]权力或财物的所有者,家庭的首脑:~人。物~。失~(失掉财物的人)。当家作~。旧时臣子称君王,下级称上级,仆人称家主:君~。~上。对事物的意见或认为应当如何处理,决定:~张。~见。~意。~义。对事物有决定权力……







汉语拼音:zhǔ rén wēng







  1. As the company grows , and the technical staff represents a smaller part of it, the feeling of ownership tends to diminish .


  2. The Ponzi Scheme mastermind and his wife generate headlines after sitting down for separate TV interviews.


  3. Male masters of children film Barry Moody woke up one morning and found myself lying naked on the bed where I do not know.


  4. Have entrepreneurial experience, know how to go deal with the spirit of the masters of every thing.


  5. The sense of ownership is so important that many progressive companies have ESOP (Employee Share Option Plans) to reward employees.


  6. Employees also need a sense of belonging, so that they feel the company is their home, foster their sense of ownership.


  7. Most of the controversy nowadays, however, concerns how the book and its precocious hero are interpreted.


  8. In all three, something of great value is missing. There's the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son (see vv. 11-32).


  9. However, two small host city for the sky, is actually everyone pursuit of an ideal process.


  1. 主人翁意识

    Master Consciousness.

  2. 主人翁精神

    sense of being masters.

  3. 主人翁责任感

    high sense of responsibility as masters of the house

  4. 良好的主人翁精神及责任心。

    Good ownership and strong sense of responsibility.

  5. 你就是那个时段的主人翁。

    You are the subject matter experts, if you will, of that period of time.

  6. 复活的人有权利做自己的主人翁!

    A Risen person has right to be the master of himself!

  7. 劳动关系契约化与职工主人翁教育

    The labor relation contract and the master education of the staff and workers

  8. 真正的主人翁精神和责任感已经丧失。

    A true sense of ownership and obligation was missing.

  9. 发挥广大职工在企业中的主人翁作用

    Workers and other employees should be encouraged to display their initiative and creativity as masters of their enterprises

  10. 试论新形势下工人阶级的主人翁地位

    On Master Status of the Working Class in the New Situation

  11. 正确认识新形势下工人阶级的主人翁地位

    Recognition of the Master Status of Working Class under New Situation

  12. 他把自己设想成一部小说中的主人翁。

    He identifies with the hero of a novel.

  13. 高校民主管理中教职工主人翁地位的探究

    Study on the Master Status of the Staff and Workers in Democratic Management of Colleges and Universities

  14. 我想都不是,因为,生活的主人翁从来都是自己。

    I think not, because life is his master.

  15. 企业文化建设是提高职工主人翁意识的关键

    It is the key for enterprise culture constructing to raise employee master recognizant ion

  16. 提高职工的主人翁意识是企业脱困的重要保证

    Advancing master consciousness of employee is the important guarantee for enterprise to be out of poverty

  17. 第四,将女性推到一个绝对主人翁的地位。

    Fourth, will push to an absolute master women.

  18. 这种参与最有效地体现了当地的主人翁思想。

    This engagement represents one of the most efficient embodiments of the idea of local ownership.

  19. 作者把她的主人翁安排在第七章中死去。

    The author kills off her hero in Chapter 7.

  20. 如众所周知,我们学生都是国家未来的主人翁。

    As is well known, we students are the future masters of the nation.

  21. 作者把自己的思想感情寄托在剧中主人翁身上。

    The author projects his own thoughts and feelings into the personality of the hero of his play.

  22. 这一故事的主人翁和氏,是一个有才干、有忠心的人。

    This is a story of a master's, and talented, faithful person.

  23. 读了这本书,我们会对主人翁的斗争寄予同情。

    Reading this book, we can identify with the main characters struggle.

  24. 根据主人翁的回忆将其中已经不存在的住宅加以复原。

    The missing housings will be reconstructed according to the memories of the family members.

  25. 正在以主人翁的姿态,积极参与香港的各项社会事务。

    They have assumed the role of a master of Hong Kong and are taking an active part in all social undertakings.

  26. 第三,该战略应当建立在广泛的主人翁精神的基础上。

    Thirdly, the strategy should be based on a broad sense of ownership.

  27. 东京会议所推动的关键原则是主人翁精神和伙伴关系。

    The key principles TICAD has promoted are ownership and partnership.

  28. 强大的本国承诺和主人翁精神是任何措施都无法取代的。

    Nothing can substitute for strong national commitment and ownership.

  29. 有创业经历,懂得以主人翁的精神去对待每一件事。

    Have entrepreneurial experience, know how to go deal with the spirit of the masters of every thing.

  30. 正在以主人翁得姿态, 积极参与香港得各项社会事务。

    They have assumed the role of a master of Hong Kong and are taking an active part in all social undertakings.


  1. 问:主人翁拼音怎么拼?主人翁的读音是什么?主人翁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:主人翁的读音是zhǔrénwēng,主人翁翻译成英文是 master; leading character




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