











汉语拼音:cí xǐ tài hòu






  1. Mr. ZHU: (Through Translator) His great-grandfather told him he'd see a eunuch coming out of the Empress Dowager's room carrying a bowl.


  2. The summer residence of the Empress Dowager? That would be nice. We've heard so much about it. How about it, Smith?


  3. The Sui Dynasty began when Wendi's daughter became the Empress Dowager of Northern Zhou, with her stepson as the new emperor.


  4. According to historical records, the Empress Dowager Cixi of the palace wearing clothes is to use technology to be decorative applique.


  5. Displeased, Cixi saw these changes as a serious threat to her power and condemned the reforms as too radical.


  6. Another is the descendant of a nutritionist who worked for the Empress Dowager Cixi, China's last great imperial ruler.


  7. Are the living quarters of the Dowager Queen cixi, Emperor Guangxu, his empress and concubines.


  8. Yogurt, the Emperor Dowager asked me to give it to the emperor.


  9. Full text of a formal request to disable the upper figure is the Empress Dowager Cixi.


  1. 慈禧太后画像

    Portrait of Empress Dowager Cixi

  2. 慈禧太后的夏季行宫

    summer residence of the Empress Dowager

  3. 慈禧太后在哪儿垂帘听政?

    Where did Empress Dowager Cixi give audience behind a screen?

  4. 慈禧太后的夏季行宫吗

    The summmer residence of the Empress Dowager.

  5. 慈禧太后即是此事的主脑。

    The Empress Dowager was the mastermind.

  6. 慈禧太后不肯退出权力圈。

    The empress Dawagers refused to bow out of power circle.

  7. 他曾经在宫中伺候慈禧太后。

    He used to be a servant of the Empress Dowager Cixi.

  8. 义和团运动时期慈禧太后心态剖析

    The Psychological State of the Empress Dowager Cixi in the Period of Boxer Movement

  9. 清朝慈禧太后垂帘听政几十年。

    The Empress Dowager of the Qing Dynasty attended to state affairs for several decades.

  10. 慈禧太后垂帘听政二十年,期间民不聊生。

    As the Empress Dowager Cixi held court behind a screen for 20 years, the people were living in misery.

  11. 光绪死于74岁慈禧太后辞世前22小时。

    LIM Guangxu died just 22 hours before the 74yearold Empress Dowager Cixi.

  12. 据说,乾隆皇帝,慈禧太后都爱游西堤。

    It is said that Emperor Qianlong, the Empress Dowager Cixi are Sai Love You.

  13. 慈禧太后吃了这精美的点心之后, 很满意。

    After eating the fine snack, Empress Dowager Cixi was fairly satisfied.

  14. 正式要求停用满文的上层人物是慈禧太后。

    Full text of a formal request to disable the upper figure is the Empress Dowager Cixi.

  15. 慈禧太后也曾赏赐一些王公大臣在此看戏。

    The Empress Dowager also granted special permission for some of the princes, dukes and cabinet ministers to watch Beijing opera here.

  16. 乐寿堂是慈禧太后住在颐和园时的寝宫。

    The Hall of Happiness and Longevity was the residence of Empress Dowager Cixi during her stay in the Summer Palace.

  17. 回国后经常在宫廷中表演,深受慈禧太后的宠爱,

    Back to China, she began to perform in the court and was favored by Dowager Cixi.

  18. 长廊连接者慈禧太后处理政务和起居观光的地方。

    The corridor links the area where Empress Dowager Cixi handled state affairs with the residential and sightseeing areas.

  19. 颐和园内得昆明湖是为慈禧太后得生日而建。

    The Kunming Lake in the Summer Palace was built for the Empress Dowager's birthday.

  20. 颐和园内的昆明湖是为慈禧太后的生日而建。

    The Kunming Lake in the Summer Palace was built for the Empress Dowager's birthday.

  21. 后来顽固派的代表慈禧太后重握政权, 维新运动遂告失败。

    Later, the Empress Dowager Tzu Hsi, representing the diehards, again took power and the reform movement failed.

  22. 寿被赋予慈禧太后当她颁发绣挂毯,八仙皇后庆祝生日。

    Shou was bestowed by Empress Dowager Cixi when she presented the Empress with the embroidered tapestry, Eight Immortals Celebrating Birthday.

  23. 并于两年后取用今名,作为慈禧太后的颐养之所。

    Renamed two years later as Yihe Yuan or the Garden of Health and Harmony, it was supposed to serve as a summer resort for the Empress Dowager Cixi.

  24. 传说八国联军进北京时,慈禧太后扮成村妇,连夜出逃。

    Legend Power Allied Forces into Beijing, the Empress Dowager Cixi dressed village women, fled overnight.

  25. 因慈禧太后喜欢享用, 这种糕又恰似盛开的泡泡花, 故此得名。

    Like to enjoy because of the Empress Dowager Cixi, the cake and bubble like flowers in full bloom, it got its name.

  26. 据史料记载,慈禧太后穿的宫服就是用补花工艺加以点缀的。

    According to historical records, the Empress Dowager Cixi of the palace wearing clothes is to use technology to be decorative applique.

  27. 德和园也叫大戏楼。大戏楼是专为慈禧太后表演京戏的地方。

    The Garden of Virtuous Harmony is also called the Great Theatre Building. The Great Theatre Building was the place where Beijing Opera was performed for Empress Dowager Cixi.

  28. 清朝的慈禧太后就是一个超级戏迷,她常请戏班子进宫演出。

    She often opera troupes perform for her in the Court.

  29. 太后慈禧龙夫人

    Empress Dowager Cixi The Dragon Lady

  30. 皇太后慈禧就有此动机。

    The Empress Dowager had the motive.


  1. 问:慈禧太后拼音怎么拼?慈禧太后的读音是什么?慈禧太后翻译成英文是什么?

    答:慈禧太后的读音是Cíxǐ Tàihòu,慈禧太后翻译成英文是 Empress Dowager Cixi of China, concubine to the X...

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