




1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……


1. 巷 [xiàng]2. 巷 [hàng]巷 [xiàng]胡同,里弄:小~。陋~。穷~。~陌(街道)。~战(在城市街巷里进行的战斗)。穷街陋~。巷 [hàng]〔~道〕采矿或探矿时挖的坑道。义同(一)。……


1. 尾 [wěi]2. 尾 [yǐ]尾 [wěi]鸟兽虫鱼等身体末端突出的部分:~巴。~鳍。鸟~。末端:排~。船~。~声。~骨。~灯。~数。~音。结~。扫~。虎头蛇~。在后面跟:~随。~追。量词,指鱼:三~鱼。星名,二十八宿之一。尾 [y……



汉语拼音:jiē tóu xiàng wěi







  • 【解释】:指大街小巷。
  • 【出自】:宋·释普济《五灯会元》卷三十一:“问:‘如何是学人转身处?’师日:‘街头巷尾。’”
  • 【示例】:上海的~的老虔婆,一知道近邻的阿二嫂家有野男人出入,津津乐道。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作宾语、定语;指大街小巷


  1. the street, "hooligan" had smuggled in the dark glasses, close to the Yang-wen trademark.


  2. As winter comes, the air is always filled with the aroma of roasted chestnuts at streets and lanes in North China.


  3. The view has filtered out on to the street as well.


  4. Talk is of a virtuous circle in which growth feeds expertise, which feeds investment.


  5. On a regular basis, Gasparrini sees young Chinese women driving a high-performance sports model around the streets of Shanghai.


  6. After she accused the farmers of "extortion" , thousands of pot-banging anti-government demonstrators took to the streets of Buenos Aires.


  7. See, the streets are full of festive atmosphere, windows, door, covered with a lovely "Santa Claus" , "sled" and other colorful designs.


  8. The little things make the greatest memories, and in Beijing, those special moments are waiting around every corner.


  9. I'm in class 24 hours a week, but my real classroom is Beijing.


  1. 街头巷尾议论纷纷。

    You hear the affair discussed on the street corners everywhere and by everybody.

  2. 你成了街头巷尾的话题。

    You're the talk of the town.

  3. 街头巷尾人们三五成群,议论纷纷。

    People were seen standing about in knots on street corners, talking and arguing.

  4. 正在修建,街头巷尾随处可见。

    Are constructed on every street corner.

  5. 这已是街头巷尾谈论的事了。

    It is the talk of the town.

  6. 街头巷尾, 到处都是欢乐的人群。

    There are happy crowds in all the streets and lanes.

  7. 街头巷尾的民情可能压倒统治阶层。

    The street might overwhelm the establishment.

  8. 还是人定于街头巷尾行表演

    Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show

  9. 我已成了街头巷尾的话题, 对不?

    You do know I'm all talk, right?

  10. 那个离了婚的女子成了街头巷尾的话题。

    The divorced woman is the talk of the street.

  11. 街头巷尾都在传他被烧成了灰烬。

    Burnt to cinders, we were told by the neighbourhood gossips.

  12. 那个离了婚得女子成了街头巷尾得话题。

    The divorced woman is the talk of the street.

  13. 有许多许多旷课生在街头巷尾游荡不去上学。

    There are too many truants hanging around on street corners instead of going to school.

  14. 最近,政治漫画成立街头巷尾、人人议论的新闻。

    Political cartoons are much in the news these days.

  15. 一张新海报, 突然出现在伦敦的街头巷尾。

    A new poster had suddenly appeared all over London.

  16. 在街头巷尾安装摄录机会让我觉得更安全。

    I would feel better if there were video cameras on most street corners, to prevent crime.

  17. 他有胆量把在街头巷尾的人都安排了工作。

    He had the audacity to take people off the street corners.

  18. 眼下家家户户,街头巷尾,人们都在谈论着改革运动。

    At the moment in every household, road and lane, people are discussing the reformation.

  19. 邢李火原是在香港得街头巷尾受得教育。

    Ying got his education on the streets of Hong Kong.

  20. 邢李火原是在香港的街头巷尾受的教育。

    Ying got his education on the streets of Hong Kong.

  21. 同时, 村内街头巷尾也流传着大量有关狐仙的传说。

    At the same time, there are a lot of fox spirit legends in the air.

  22. 他正处于将成年的时期,老是在街头巷尾闲荡。

    He's at that awkward age; always hanging around on street corners.

  23. 但街头巷尾的现实给他上了一堂截然不同的课。

    But reality on the street was teaching him a very different lesson.

  24. 今日在蒙特利尔的街头巷尾,人们的意见仍摇摆不定。

    Today on the streets of Montreal, opinion seems still to waver.

  25. 我希望这样能把信息传递到因特网外面的街头巷尾。

    I hope that will help to get the message beyond its Internet ghetto, into pubs and workplaces.

  26. 最近, 晚上吃优格得风气, 正悄悄得在街头巷尾延烧开来。

    Lately, the trend of eating yogurt at night is quietly spreading in all directions.

  27. 最近,晚上吃优格的风气,正悄悄的在街头巷尾延烧开来。

    Lately, the trend of eating yogurt at night is quietly spreading in all directions.


  1. 问:街头巷尾拼音怎么拼?街头巷尾的读音是什么?街头巷尾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:街头巷尾的读音是jiētóuxiàngwěi,街头巷尾翻译成英文是 all over town



汉语成语,读音jiē tóu xiàng wěi ,意思是大街小巷。 街:街道;巷:胡同。。

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