


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……




1. 炸 [zhà]2. 炸 [zhá]炸 [zhà]突然破裂:爆~。~药。~弹。~响。用炸药或炸弹爆破:轰~。发怒:他一听就~了。炸 [zhá]把食物放在煮沸的油中弄熟:~酱。~糕。~鱼。油~。……









汉语拼音:dà bào zhà yǔ zhòu xué






  1. A religious enthusiasm for the apparent convergence of science and theology in the Big Bang cosmology is understandable.


  1. 这是支持大爆炸宇宙学的第一个有力证据。

    This was the first real evidence of the big bang.

  2. 正是这 霹雳大爆炸 宇宙之起始。

    This was the Big Bang, the beginning of the universe.

  3. 或者说 大爆炸 并非宇宙的开端

    Or maybe the Big Bang is not the beginning of the universe.

  4. 因为宇宙学家们在试图了解 大爆炸时发现了这个机制。

    Because such a mechanism has been found by cosmologists trying to understand the Big Bang.

  5. 宇宙大爆炸

    Big Bang

  6. 但我们的大爆炸是宇宙中唯一的大爆炸吗?

    but was our Big Bang the only Big Bang?

  7. 宇宙大爆炸的回声

    Echoes of the Big Bang

  8. 等离子体发挥双方在宇宙大爆炸后宇宙发展得作用。

    Both plasmas have played roles in the development of the Universe since the Big Bang.

  9. 等离子体发挥双方在宇宙大爆炸后宇宙发展的作用。

    Both plasmas have played roles in the development of the Universe since the Big Bang.

  10. 那是宇宙大爆炸的余辉。

    and it's the afterglow of the Big Bang.

  11. 析元极图模型与宇宙大爆炸模型

    An Analysis of Yuanji Chart and Big Bang Model

  12. 宇宙大爆炸之后, 各位置就存在了。

    From ? the Big Bang, they exist on the position.

  13. 我开发和测试宇宙大爆炸的模型 使用观测数据

    I develop and test models of the Big Bang, using observational data.

  14. 本文利用宇宙大爆炸模型来说明宇宙不会热寂。

    In this paper, with the Cosmological model of big, it is explained that the Universe can not be heat still.

  15. 张佳添先生,著名音乐人,为宇宙大爆炸音乐有限公司创办人。

    Clayton Chueng is a famous musician and the founder of Big Bang Music Company Ltd.

  16. 让我们先回到 宇宙大爆炸后的 一亿分之一秒

    and to do so, we have to go back to one tenth of a billionth of a second after the Big Bang.

  17. 他们说,这宇宙微波背景幅射代表着宇宙大爆炸的余辉。

    This cosmic microwave background radiation, they said, represents the ancient afterglow of the big bang.

  18. 大爆炸制造大量中微子, 充斥整个宇宙。

    At that time, a huge number of neutrinos was made and filled the whole universe.

  19. 我思考过宇宙无限的意义,以及大爆炸理论。

    I wondered about the infinity and the Big Bang theory.

  20. 宇宙起源于超高温,超高密度的原始火球的大爆炸。

    The universe stems from the superhigh temperature, the superelevation density primitive fireball large explosion.

  21. 大爆炸这个词指的是宇宙开始扩张的那个时间点。

    The term Big Bang actually refers to the moment when the universe started expanding.

  22. 稳恒态宇宙学说已经被抛弃, 取而代之的是大爆炸学说。

    The steady state theory has been abandoned in favor of the big bang theory.

  23. 稳恒态宇宙学说已经被抛弃, 取而代之得是大爆炸学说。

    The steady state theory has been abandoned in favor of the big bang theory.

  24. 稳恒态宇宙学说已经被抛弃,取而代之的是大爆炸学说。

    The steady state theory has been abandoned in favor of the big bang theory.

  25. 大爆炸宇宙论与无神论大爆炸理论缘何无助于有神论者

    Blast Theory and AtheismWhy Doesnt Blast Theory Help Theism.

  26. 从大爆炸发生之时起, 每个宇宙都将步入自己的轨道。

    From the moment of its own Big Bang, each universe would be on its own.

  27. 大爆炸时,宇宙里没有碳元素和氧元素。

    Now, there was no carbon and oxygen in the universe at the Big Bang.

  28. 大爆炸理论指出宇宙具有有限的边界,有外部和内部之分。

    The Big Bang Theory implied that the Universe had a finite extent, an outside as well as an inside.

  29. 由此特别讨论了大尺度的分形宇宙学。

    The fractal cosmology at large scale is discussed especially.

  30. 他没听说过大爆炸 也没听过宇宙膨胀

    He didn't know about the Big Bang. He didn't know about the expansion of the universe.

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