


安宁:~乐(lè )。~平。~宁。空,空虚:萝卜~了。宽阔:~庄。~衢(四通八达的大路)。无病:~健。~复。~泰。健~。丰盛:小~。~年。姓。……





汉语拼音:kāng jiàn








  1. 犹健康。

    宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·杂志一》:“然自此宿病尽除,顿觉康健,无復昔之羸瘵。”《儒林外史》第九回:“相别十几年,你老人家越发康健了。”



  1. I saw you fade gradually, gradually old, and I can do everything it can only be silently praying for your healthy longevity.


  2. Id ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast ot the health of all our friends present ITe.


  3. The Power: A half cup of cooked quinoa has 5 grams of protein, more than any other grain, plus iron, riboflavin and magnesium.


  4. that a man may use as simple a diet as the animals, and yet retain health and strength.


  5. This single-minded drive explains why China has full-time academies dedicated to what most countries consider a rec-room pastime.


  6. Your Buddhism has made you mean Ray and makes you even afraid to take your clothes off for a simple healthy orgy.


  7. Happy New Year! Good luck! Happy healthy! New year, calm, smooth, and the U. S. United States, round and round!


  8. Hunger, the mouth Mo slander, face and hands before eating, chewing food thoroughly into the habit, so that the body be Healthy.


  9. Health Tip: When needed, use daily per the recommended dosages for up to 10 consecutive days.


  1. 康健愉快,相生相成。

    Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each to IT.

  2. 任务过度对康健有害。

    Overstay did harm to health.

  3. 其次, 它会危害人类康健。

    For another, it may do harm to people's health.

  4. 盛世食药膳, 国宁人康健。

    Fresh foods prosperity, the people healthy Ning.

  5. 健全的精力寓于康健的身板。

    B sound mind in a sound body.

  6. 咱们大家都希望能身心康健。

    We all hope we are in the pink physically and mentally.

  7. 康健的身体是异生习俗的结束。

    Good health is corollary of having good habits.

  8. 康健的肉体贵于金子铸成的皇冠。

    A good healthy body is worth abundance a crown in gold.

  9. 我们想保举我们新的家庭康健监测器。

    Wed like to recommend our new home health monitor.

  10. 康健的身板贵于黄金铸成的皇冠。

    A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold.

  11. 她试图恢复她失去的身体的康健和轻柔。

    She tried to recover her lost fitness and suppleness.

  12. 咱们想力荐咱们新的家里成员康健监测器。

    Wed like to recommend our new habitat health monitor.

  13. 如此, 你的身体必会康健, 你的骨骼也会舒适。

    For it shall be health to thy navel, and moistening to thy bones.

  14. 康健以及融洽是人生两大值得庆幸的事。

    Health and understanding are the two great blessing of life.

  15. 祝好运,康健,佳肴伴你度过唯一的愉快新年。

    With hbordersolar physicals floating a olocatege New Year!

  16. 难道你么有想过抽烟太多有害你得康健吗

    Don't you consider smoking abundance is harmful to your health

  17. 作息正常、身体康健,这些也都是道的部份。

    Normal work and rest and health are of Tao.

  18. 难道你么有想过抽烟太多有害你的康健吗?

    Don't you consider smoking abundance is harmful to your health

  19. 祝你在新的一年里身材康健, 多福多寿。

    With best wishes for a happy New Year!

  20. 吃巧克力和油炸食物造成肉皮儿不康健。

    Eating Chocolate and Fried Foods Causes Bad Skin.

  21. 要是你是肥胖或超重, 那么你的康健正受到威胁。

    If you are obese or overweight your health is at risk.

  22. 身体康健时,空气就是让人难以置信得补剂甜酿。

    In good health, the air is a cordial of incredible virtue.

  23. 身体康健时,空气就是让人难以置信的补剂甜酿。

    In good health, the air is a cordial of incredible virtue.

  24. 你还因该吃些水果和其它的康健食品。

    You get to too eat fruit or otIT healthy nutriments.

  25. 愿你一天比一天更好, 早日痊愈, 康健常保。

    Hoping you're feeling preferable eVery abundance day and will soon be well to stay.

  26. 微笑让你变得更康健,更能抵当压力和让你更有魅力。

    Smile to improve your health, your stress level, and your attractiveness.

  27. 前脑需要锻炼才能保持康健,就像你的身板同样。

    Your brain needs exercise to stay fit, just like your body.

  28. 医治者揭示唯一吸取人的事实康健是联邦的巨大财富。

    The healer reveals an appealing fact those health is outstanding wealth to the commonwealth.

  29. 医治者揭示一个吸取人的事实康健是联邦的巨大财富。

    The healer reveals an appealing fact these health is away storing wealth to the commonwealth.

  30. 耶稣听见,就说,康健的人用不着医生,有病的人才用得着。

    But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.


  1. 问:康健拼音怎么拼?康健的读音是什么?康健翻译成英文是什么?

    答:康健的读音是kāngjiàn,康健翻译成英文是 healthy; in good health; fit



“康健”是个多义词,它可以指康健(首都医科大学教授), 康健(大连工业大学教授), 康健(临洮县检察院公诉科副科长), 康健(四川省会理县人民政府副县长), 康健(中国医科大学附属第一医院主任医师), 康健(北京大学附属中学原校长), 康健(中海恒实业发展有限公司总裁), 康健(北京市华泰律师事务所律师), 康健(顾问式培训师), 康健(戏曲演员、国家一级演员), 康健(哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院教授), 康健(包头出入境检验检疫局党组成员、纪检组长), 康健(中国金融投资专家、国际华商投资家), 康健(川北医学院院长)。

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