


1. 看 [kàn]2. 看 [kān]看 [kàn]使视线接触人或物:~见。~书。~齐。观察,判断:~病。观~。~好(根据市场情况,估计某种商品好销)。~透(透彻深刻地了解或认识。亦称“看破”、“看穿”)。~风使舵。访问,拜望:~望。~朋……





汉语拼音:kàn xiǎo






  1. 歧视,看不起。




  1. After you have introduced the children to the rest of the class mix them up and see if the class still remembers who they were.


  2. The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head the whole time.


  3. She looked at the egg in her small hand, and for reasons known only to her, she began to carefully inspect the shell.


  4. Small companies tend to do better than bigger ones in the long term, but they tend to be less diversified and therefore more risky.


  5. Small companion to his mother said: You see Xiaojuan looks really beautiful, just little spots on his face.


  6. After a day, I returned home from school, to lay down their bags to go to a small crab. was a surprised to see: small fish are gone!


  7. And he travelled up to Canton with Chinese colleagues to visit young novices in a nunnery of ill repute.


  8. Qin Lan hasn't come already and see a little monkey, then drive autumn son beginning to answer pass along.


  9. I love gazing upon kids chasing the spinning fireworks as it reminds me of my teenage glees.


  1. 我从来不看小报。

    I never read the tabloids.

  2. 怎么换成看小电视?

    Watching a little TV for a change?

  3. 她很害怕窥看小孔。

    Really. she's scared of peep holes.

  4. 我们先去看小动物。

    We are going to see the rabbits first.

  5. 看小字体有点吃力。

    I have difficulty in discerning small print.

  6. 比电视上看小多了。

    It's all so much smaller than it looks on tv.

  7. 看一看小溪边的那本书。

    Have a at this book a brook.

  8. 看一看小溪边得那本书。

    Have a at this book a brook.

  9. 他们在看小孩子们玩儿童棒球。

    They watched the stickball game the kids were having.

  10. 不过我确实喜欢看小人物的故事。

    I do love the underdog story though.

  11. 这个数目不小, 不要把它看小了。

    That's no small number and should not be underrated.

  12. 我看小王干这工作正合适。

    I should think Xiao Wang is the very person for the job.

  13. 我看小蛋糕什么的就略过吧。

    Well, I think we're going to skip the brownies.

  14. 我看小蛋糕什么的就略过吧。

    Well, I think we're going to skip the brownies.

  15. 现在他转过身,看小胡子男人。

    He turns now, looks at the MOUSTACHED MAN.

  16. 他有位妻子您看小美人小傻瓜

    He had this wife, you see, pretty little thing, silly little nit.

  17. 从山西农业现状看小杂粮产业的发展

    Development of Minor Cereal Industry in Comparison of Shanxi Agriculture

  18. 从解决农民问题的角度看小城镇建设

    On the Construction of Small Cities and Towns from the Angle of Solving the Problems of Farmers

  19. 西单常见的新奇小店, 别看小, 能量很大。

    A common novelty shop in Xidan, looks small though, is quite energetic.

  20. 艾瑞斯低下头来看了看小黑老鼠, 说,

    Iris looked down at the little black mouse and said

  21. 如果你想要的机动力量, 现在你看小财。

    If you wanted mobility and power, you were looking at a small fortune.

  22. 几个人正在看小电视上的狗打架节目。

    A few men were watching a dogfight on a small TV.

  23. 恺乐和奶奶,恺恩和爸爸,一道骑马看马,还看小狗。

    Kevin and his little playmates had a good time outside the Carousel.

  24. 看小孩子们玩耍, 能让最晴朗的日子更加明媚!

    Seeing children play can make even the bluest day brighter.

  25. 我去看小王, 因为她第二天一早就要走了。

    I went to see xiao wang, as she was leaving early the next morning.

  26. 不敢看小福子, 他低着头一气说完这些。

    He dared not look at her as, head lowered, he rattled this off.

  27. 别看小王的个头不高, 打架的时候他可从不示弱。

    Although Xiao Wang is not tall, he gives asas he gets when facing a fight.

  28. 秦岚还没来得及看小猴子, 便被秋子初给接了过去。

    Qin Lan hasnt come already and see a little monkey, then drive autumn son beginning to answer pass along.

  29. 不要小看你自己。

    Don t belittle yourself, ie Don t be too modest about your abilities or achievements.

  30. 我们不可小看这个机会。

    We shouldnt sniff at this opportunity.

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