






1. 齐 [qí]2. 齐 [jì]3. 齐 [zī]4. 齐 [zhāi]齐 [qí]东西的一头平或排成一条直线:~整。参差不~。达到,跟什么一般平:见贤思~。河水~腰深。同时;同样;一起:~名。~声。~心协力。一~前进。全;完全:~全。……


1. 齐 [qí]2. 齐 [jì]3. 齐 [zī]4. 齐 [zhāi]齐 [qí]东西的一头平或排成一条直线:~整。参差不~。达到,跟什么一般平:见贤思~。河水~腰深。同时;同样;一起:~名。~声。~心协力。一~前进。全;完全:~全。……



汉语拼音:zhěng zhěng qí qí








  1. He was as busy as a bee trying to put the house in order.


  2. Look, these neatly lined terra cotta warriors seem to be made with a single mould.


  3. The rest of him is neatly dressed in dark suits and shined shoes. He carries a briefcase to the college campus.


  4. The Negro was an old man with neat grizzled hair, in a linen jacket, who stood barring the door with his body.


  5. While all the other hopefuls turned up to audition in sloppy T-shirts and baseball hats, Haley appeared in a button-down shirt and jacket.


  6. The beginning, he saw the yard full of a great books neatly Chao Zhao sent his message when he suddenly had the first time I am touched.


  7. If your clothes need to be ironed but you don't plan to do it right then, hang them up in your closet anyway so they won't be more wrinkled.


  8. His room is neat but sparsely furnish, with an old couch, a beanbag chair, and a bookcase.


  9. It was difficult to tell that anyone had stayed here. Plates, cups, knives and forks had been carefully tidied away.


  1. 让屋子整整齐齐的。

    Leave the room in an orderly way.

  2. 将袜子缝补得整整齐齐

    Did a neat mend on the sock.

  3. 书都放得整整齐齐,井井有条。

    The books were all neatly in place, carefully arranged.

  4. 他把书整整齐齐放成一堆。

    He placed his books in a neat stack.

  5. 厚木板整整齐齐地靠墙堆着。

    The planks of wood were stacked neatly against the wall.

  6. 看见你的床整整齐齐的,我还以为

    I saw that your bed was made, and I thought maybe.

  7. 他打扮得整整齐齐, 然後动身去剧院。

    He slicked up before going to the theatre.

  8. 他打扮得整整齐齐, 然后动身去剧院。

    He slicked up before going to the theatre.

  9. 此外, 就是摞得整整齐齐得五摞作文本。

    Besides, five composition notebook pile up tidily down there.

  10. 他的头发总是用水梳得整整齐齐的。

    His hair was always combed neatly with water.

  11. 他的书籍整整齐齐地排列在书架上。

    His books were ranked tidily on the bookshelf.

  12. 椅子整整齐齐地堆放在大厅的后部。

    The chairs were neatly stacked at the back of the hall.

  13. 此外,就是摞得整整齐齐的五摞作文本。

    Besides, five composition notebook pile up tidily down there.

  14. 结得整整齐齐得领带,是人生严肃得第一步。

    A well tied tie is a first serious step in life.

  15. 她装扮得整整齐齐,却无处可去炫耀。

    She dressed herself up and found nowhere to show up.

  16. 他将报纸折成一个整整齐齐的长方形。

    He folded his newspaper into a neat rectangle.

  17. 我一会儿就可以把你打扮得整整齐齐的。

    Ill make you decent in a trice.

  18. 床单的边缘整整齐齐地掖在褥垫下面。

    The sheets were tucked in neatly, ie under the mattress.

  19. 工人们把一切都收拾得整整齐齐之后才走。

    The workers cleaned up before they left.

  20. 波特红脸膛, 留着修剪得整整齐齐得胡子。

    Porter had a red face and a carefully cultivated moustache.

  21. 结得整整齐齐的领带, 是人生严肃的第一步。

    A well tied tie is a first serious step in life.

  22. 这些分子看上去象整整齐齐堆积起来得桔子。

    The molecules look like neatly stacked oranges.

  23. 这些分子看上去象整整齐齐堆积起来的桔子。

    The molecules look like neatly stacked oranges.

  24. 所有的东西都整整齐齐,干干净净,闪闪发亮。

    Everything was neat and tidy and gleamingly clean.

  25. 道路的两侧整整齐齐地长着两排小叶杨。

    There are two rows of Simon poplars growing neatly on either side of the street.

  26. 这份打得整整齐齐得报告, 条理清楚, 措词谨慎。

    The neatly typed document was clear and carefully phrased.

  27. 药瓶药罐整整齐齐的放在他们该放的位置上。

    Those bottles of Chinese medicine are in their own position where they supposed to be.

  28. 他的上衣口袋里有一块叠得整整齐齐的手帕。

    He had a neatly folded handkerchief in his jacket pocket.

  29. 仪仗队已经整整齐齐的排在了广场上, 等待受检。

    The honor guards are in ordered lines in the square, waiting for review.

  30. 仪仗队已经整整齐齐的排在了广场上,等待受检。

    The honor guards are in ordered lines in the square, waiting for review.


  1. 问:整整齐齐地拼音怎么拼?整整齐齐地的读音是什么?整整齐齐地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:整整齐齐地的读音是,整整齐齐地翻译成英文是 cleanly




【拼音】zhěng zhěng qí qí




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