







汉语拼音:xiáng shí








  1. 详尽确实。翔,通“ 详 ”。

    《汉书·西域传序》:“自 宣 元 后,单于称藩臣, 西域 服从,其土地山川、王侯户数、道里远近翔实矣。” 颜师古 注:“翔与详同,假借用耳。” 清 姚鼐 《汉庐江九江二郡沿革考》:“纵不能无失,犹差翔实。” 朱自清 《执政府大屠杀记》:“十九日《京报》所载几位当场逃出的人的报告,颇是翔实,可以参看。” 郭沫若 《雄鸡集·序<志愿军一日>》:“这样一个伟大的保卫和平反对侵略的运动不能不有一部翔实的文字纪录。”



  1. Article content should be informative, easy to read and flow naturally for the reader.


  2. Traditional grammars, no matter how rich and detailed, did not address central questions about linguistic expressions.


  3. Accurate and excellent accounts have been written of the evacuation of the British and French armies from Dunkirk .


  4. Informative book, language fluency, easy to learn, to learn computer programming can be used as a reference book for Visual Fortran.


  5. Produce a window sticker, plan shows, track your restoration, and read informative articles.


  6. I agree I agree with this perspective. The data set out are credible, but it seems that an effective means of implementation is lacking.


  7. Initially, Chris reported very little about the false event, but over a two week period, he constructed a detailed memory of it.


  8. Though it is a volume dealing with the study of vocabulary, it provides a great deal of authentic corpus for phonetic and grammatical study.


  9. A. Advertising is usually informative in nature.


  1. 她的叙述翔实可信。

    The account she gave was full, accurate and reliable.

  2. 有关吸烟的影响记录翔实。

    The effects of smoking have been well documented.

  3. 此文章是非常翔实和眼睛开放。

    This article was very informative and eye opening.

  4. 这些简短而翔实的报告是他的最爱。

    The short, meaty reports are those he likes best.

  5. 这是一本文献佐证翔实可靠的传记。

    This book is a carefully documented biography.

  6. 本册书的优点正在于内容编写翔实。

    The advantage of this book lies in its full, and accurate details.

  7. 本册书得优点正在于内容编写翔实。

    The advantage of this book lies in its full, and accurate details.

  8. 本册书的优点正在于内容编写翔实。

    The advantage of this book lies in its full, and accurate details.

  9. 委员会并欢迎建设性和信息翔实的对话。

    It further welcomes the constructive and informative dialogue.

  10. 我认为,这份内容翔实的文件值得一看。

    In my opinion, it is worth looking at this informative document.

  11. 本文所使用数据均是实地调研所取,翔实可靠。

    The data of this thesis is from practical research, and it is detailed and trusty.

  12. 信老师的论点十分令人信服, 而且例证十分翔实。

    Teacher X's arguments and examples in most cases are incredibly strong and well documented.

  13. 文章内容应翔实,便于阅读和流量为读者自然。

    Article content should be informative, easy to read and flow naturally for the reader.

  14. 马克思的生平有极翔实可靠的文献作证。

    The life of Marx is remarkably well documented.

  15. 我要感谢赞尼尔先生内容翔实和全面的通报。

    I would like to thank Mr. Zannier for his informative and comprehensive briefing.

  16. 书中的地名材料丰富而翔实, 且言必有据。

    The geographical names in this book are abundant, accurate and reasonable.

  17. 本书的优点是对这个论点的基本事实有翔实的论述。

    The strength of the book is that it puts flesh on the bare bones of this argument.

  18. 本书翔实地记述了她日常生活中的小细节。

    The book authentically and intimately describes the small details of her daily life.

  19. 但我们仍要对他们的有益和翔实的发言表示感谢。

    Still, we would like to express our gratitude for their useful and very informative statements.

  20. 高速拍摄是最翔实的方法来评估语音生理学数据。

    Highspeed filming is one of the most informative methods for assessing voice physiology data.

  21. 我也感谢三个委员会的主席翔实,及时地通报情况。

    I also thank the three chairmen of the committees for their informative and timely briefings.

  22. 我对奥思太太写出内容如此翔实的文章表示赞许。

    I commend Ms. Orth on writing such an informative article.

  23. 第三章结合相关的翔实数据,进行了大量的实证分析。

    The third chapter union related and accurate data, has carried on the massive real diagnoses analysis.

  24. 我们感谢莫里斯先生所作的非常翔实和有益的通报。

    We are grateful to Mr. Morris for his very informative and useful briefing.

  25. 相对其他地方而言,明朝记载凤阳的资料也较为翔实。

    Compared to other places, the records of Fengyang Prefecture were more detailed and accurate in the Ming Dynasty.

  26. 我国代表团认为这是一份有理有据、内容翔实的报告。

    My delegation believes that it is a solid and informative report.


  1. 问:翔实拼音怎么拼?翔实的读音是什么?翔实翻译成英文是什么?

    答:翔实的读音是xiángshí,翔实翻译成英文是 full and accurate




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